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Naruto Kill Konoha White Fang at the beginning Chapter 148

Rain in the country.
In a deserted land, two teams are facing each other.
“Who the hell are you?”
More than a dozen ninjas with the protection of the rain ninja village glared angrily at the group on the opposite side.
“It doesn’t matter who we are. ”
“The important thing is that you, as ninjas of the Land of Rain, actually took action against the people of the Land of Rain. ”
There was anger in Yahiko’s eyes.
Since Liuyun left, the three have returned to their previous lives.
But unlike before, the three have a goal.
So he kept getting acquainted with various ninjas in his wandering life and gathered them as companions.
Over time, twenty or thirty people gathered around.
Today they are still the same as always.
However, when passing by a village, he found that the ninjas of Yuyin Village were plundering, which made him angry.
“They are no longer considered the ninjas of Yuyin Village, these people are all escapees!”
A ninja next to him said in a deep voice.
He was also a fugitive before, but was infected by Yahiko’s ideas, so he volunteered to become Yahiko’s companion.
“Talk to them about something, quickly solve it.” ”
Kakuto calmly spoke.
After being coerced by Liuyun, he has been following the three of Nagato.
Although boring, it is a new experience for people like him who have lived long enough.
So more than a year has passed, and still has not left.
“Kakuto-san, don’t kill you. ”
Nagato hurriedly said.
They just wanted these rain ninjas to stop, and never wanted to kill a single person.
Kakuto took a deep look at Nagato.
Before hearing that Nagato was particular about love and peace, he thought Nagato was naïve.
This innocence will continue to wear down with the war.
But two years later, Nagato still holds the same philosophy.
Let him know that the three of them really think this way.
And they put ideas into action.
From the initial disdain, it also turned into a faint admiration.
Because in the chaotic ninja world, there are not many people who can maintain this kind of thinking all the time.
“Just subdue them. ”
Yahiko spoke.
Then he pulled out the kunai and rushed towards the Yu Shinobu on the opposite side.
The sound of gold and iron sounded.
As sparks flew, the two sides suddenly fought chaotically.
A rain ninja leaped, and the long sword in his hand slashed down.
A sharp sound of breaking the air exploded, marking a white mark.
However, Nagato stood motionless.
Looking at the long sword that was getting closer and closer, he raised his head sharply, and the purple reincarnation eyes bloomed with a strange light.
The right hand was raised, and invisible power surged out.
This rain ninja froze in mid-air.
Then I felt a terrifying impact coming straight to me.
Before he could react, his body was knocked out horizontally, and severe pain spread throughout his body.
“This… What’s going on?”
The other rains were taken aback.
But he didn’t react, and he saw Nagato raise his hand again.
I only felt a powerful attraction absorbing myself, and my body suddenly flew towards Nagato.
In just an instant, two or three rain endured injuries and fell to the ground.
“This is the power of the eye of reincarnation. ”
“Maybe this teenager really has the power to change the world. ”
A look of amazement flashed in Kakuto’s eyes.
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The power of the eye of reincarnation is too terrifying.
Even he, an old immortal who had lived for so long, was impressed by this power.
I knew that if I fought with Nagato, I would definitely die.
The battle continues.
However, the strength of the two sides is really a bit different.
After all, Yahiko is Nagato, Konan, and Kakuto.
In these people, unless Hanzo, who is known as a demigod, makes a move, he wants to win.
In just a few moments, the Rain Ninja was all knocked to the ground.
“Kill us!”
The injured leader of the rain ninja closed his eyes.
In this chaotic rain country, they have long been accustomed to killing and being killed.
When he wins, he kills others.
When he loses, it is also the turn of others to kill him.
“As I said, we just want to stop your actions, not to kill you. ”
Yahiko spoke in a deep voice.
In his opinion, killing alone will not solve the problem at all.
Only when people understand each other can the Land of Rain be at peace.
“Don’t want to kill us?”
Yu Shinobu, who had fallen to the ground, struggled to stand up and looked at Yahiko with a face full of disbelief.
It was also the first time he had met someone like Yahiko.
“The Land of Rain is in chaos, and those of us have been looking for a solution, and although we don’t know when we will succeed, I believe that day will come. ”
Yahiko shook his head and said.
“I hope you can change your life in the future. ”
Nagato spoke.
Then under the stunned gaze of the rain ninja, he strode away.
“They…….. Really didn’t kill us?”
The leader of the rain ninja opened his mouth.
Finally, he struggled to stand up and looked in the direction Yahiko left, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes.
He doesn’t want to be an escape, but if he wants to survive in the Land of Rain, he must do something that goes against his conscience.
“If it were them, it should be able to change the Land of Rain, right?”
A thought appeared, and then he chased after Yahiko with the centaur.
And Yahiko and the others also noticed that the leader of the rain ninja was following, so they stopped.
“As I said, these people are better killed. ”
Kakuto spoke calmly.
“No… No. ”
“Don’t get me wrong, we’re not here to get in trouble. ”
The rain ninja quickly waved his hand, organized his language, and spoke: “Actually, we don’t want to continue to live this kind of life, so let’s become your subordinates.” ”
Yahiko shook his head directly.
“Didn’t you just say that you want to change the Land of Rain?”
The leader of the rain ninja was a little angry.
“Not subordinates, but companions!”
“If you want to join us, then become our companions!”
Yahiko smiled brightly.
The leader of the rain ninja was stunned, and then nodded a little excitedly.
“In that case, let’s keep up!”
Yahiko said, and then stepped on the surface of the water and rushed forward.
“Yahiko. ”
“Give our organization a name. ”
“Our numbers are still growing, so we have to have a name. ”
Nagato couldn’t help but say.
In his mind, he recalled what Liuyun said to him.
Build a strong organization, then unify the ninja world and bring peace to this world.
Yahiko muttered, and then saw the dawn light shining through the sky, and the corners of his mouth outlined an arc: “That’s called… Xiao!”

You finish reading Naruto Kill Konoha White Fang at the beginning Chapter 148

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Naruto Kill Konoha White Fang at the beginning

Naruto Kill Konoha White Fang at the beginning

Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel through the world of Naruto. The first task after obtaining the golden finger is to kill Konoha White Fang. “Stay brave to death, starve to death of timidity.” Qianye Liuyun accepted the task without hesitation. So far, the ninja world has an ambitious person who wants to unify the world. Many years later, Liu Yun, who became the Fifth Mizukage, looked down upon the ninja world and announced in front of everyone’s shocked eyes. “In the name of the Fifth Mizukage Chiba Ryuun, I declare war on the entire ninja world!” PS: This article is not the Holy Mother, nor does it kneel down and lick Konoha.


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