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Compared with Luffy, where is the king of the navy Chapter 70

Whitebeard: No wonder Roger has a sense of familiarity, that dress… It should have something to do with that country, right?

Doflamingo: That country?

Cappenbeki: That guy is the one who makes Dark Luffy feel powerful?

Eustaskid: No, the kind of weak guy who looks like he will fall when the wind blows, doesn’t look like a great character at all

Basil Hawkins: People can’t be looking, if you judge the strength of your opponent based on looks alone, you will suffer a big loss, I really don’t know how a brainless guy like you became the first supernova

Eustaskid: What?! You bastard! Is it trying to fight?!

Basil Hawkins: Give up, it’s not the time to fight yet

Eustaskid: Huh?! You bastard who will only run away!

Chopba: Solon… Master?! This is the first time I know that Solon has a master (?Д?ノ) ノ

Solon: Well, isn’t that really common?

Brooke: Yo hehe, looking at that outfit, there is no doubt that Sauron’s master is a swordsman, but I didn’t expect that Captain Luffy’s hometown hides such a master.

Usopp: Huh? Master? Brooke, where did you find out ?!

Bista: Isn’t that easy? Don’t be deceived by that guy’s appearance, take a closer look at the saber on the guy’s waist on the video, the knife is not simple, although the appearance is simple, as long as it is a real swordsman, even by watching the video, you will recognize at a glance that it is a famous sword among famous swordsmen, it is a treasure that can attract the thirst of countless swordsmen,

And being able to have that level of knife as a carry-on has already shown the extraordinary nature of that guy, Hawkeye, you must have noticed it a long time ago, right?

Hawkeye: Hmm… However, what surprised me was that I had never heard of such a sword master on the sea.

Joe Ellie Bonnie: Sword, Jianhao? How is it possible, isn’t the East China Sea the weakest sea? How come there are always a few guys who have never heard of it from time to time

Usopp: Wow, Solon, your master is so powerful, at least a sword master

Solon: Well, I don’t know much about the strength of the master

Frenchy: Huh? I don’t know?

Solon: After all, the master has never made a move, isn’t it normal?

Nami: …

Usopp: …

Yamaji: …

【On the streets of Seymour Shiki Village】

[Koshiro heard the reason why Dark Luffy met his disciple Solon and warmly invited Dark Luffy to the Ichishin Dojo]

[Dark Luffy noticed the sky and considered that it would be the same to find Nami tomorrow, so he accepted the invitation]

[He was also curious about what Solon just said that the person who knew some shipbuilding would be the person in front of him]

【That’s it】

【The time of the night passed quietly】

【The next day, the sky is not yet dawn】

[Dark Luffy got up early and started cultivating in the backyard of the Isshin Dojo]

[Here, Dark Luffy, who had been doing a sit-up warm-up for half an hour, suddenly found that Solon, whom he knew yesterday, appeared in the yard and poured cold water on his head]

[“What a coincidence~.”] Dark Luffy greeted]

[Solon, who was about to wear a weight to cultivate, heard this, and when he saw Dark Luffy’s appearance, his face showed surprise: “You guy… Waking up so early? “】

“Of course it’s exercise.” “】

“Ha, this time? Solon’s eyes widened, subconsciously looking at the sky that was not yet fully bright, and couldn’t help but ask, “How long have you been here?” “】

[“About half an hour ahead of you, right?”] Dark Luffy replied truthfully while sit-ups.

[“Half… Half an hour?! Solon was startled: “You guy…”]

[“What’s the problem?”] “】

[“No, no, don’t say it, I’ll go to exercise first.”] Solon flicked cold water on his hair, put on the weight, and immediately ran towards the back mountain of the Isshin Dojo]

[Dark Luffy looked at this scene, not annoyed, but rubbed his forehead, and said with a smile: “This is the first time I have seen someone other than Ace who is so hard and interesting. ] “】

[After speaking, Dark Luffy looked at the courtyard]

[I saw a tall figure looking at Solon’s background, and said with a kind smile: “Sure enough, I can’t hide from you, but Solon’s appearance should have been stimulated by you yesterday, right? After all, he has not lost so thoroughly in the competition for a long time, and he is still facing opponents who are younger than himself. 】

[“Master of Koshiro. “】

“Well, Luffy, do we have time to talk about it now?”] Koshiro said with a smile.

“I’m afraid this will take a while, but in two hours or so, my workout will be over, and there will be time then.”] “】

“Well, okay, I’ll go and prepare breakfast for you.”] “】

“That’s really thankful. “】

“Nothing, I haven’t had an interesting guest here for a long time.”] “Koshiro pushed the frame”

【Two hours later】

【Inside the Ichishin Dojo that sweeps away the food】


[Dark Luffy ate enough and looked at Koshiro: “What does the pavilion owner want to talk about?” “】

[Koshiro pushed the frame, glanced at the children who had started training outside, and smiled: “Luffy. “】

[“Huh? “】

[“Are you interested in kendo?”] “】

Choba: Eh!!

Sanji: Wouldn’t you? Solon’s master wants to take Luffy as a disciple?!

Frenchy: But they just met, right?!

Kaido: Outrageous, how come every guy fancy Karp’s grandson (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!). )

Karp: Hahaha, then it is necessary to say, of course, the grandson of the old man is too good

Ivankov: The red-haired pirates?

Karp: Can that bastard kid with red hair be called to teach Luffy? It is clear that he came to dig the corner of the old man’s wall, that bastard boy!

Shanks: …

Burning Mountain: Hahaha, Mr. Karp with a very different attitude

Bucky: But with the personality of the Dark Straw Hat Kid, he shouldn’t be able to learn kendo, right?

【Inside the Ichishin Dojo】

[“Kendo… I’m really sorry, I don’t actually have much interest in that. “Dark Luffy grabbed his hair]

“Not interested? When Kooshiro heard this, he was not disappointed, but said with a smile: “It seems that you already have your own way, but the power you used before should be called domineering, right?” “】

[“Huh? Do you know the owner of the Koshiro pavilion? “】

[Koshiro replied with a smile: “Forget it, as a swordsman, I have heard many things from the outside world from my father, among which the domineering use is considered a kind. “】

[“Huh? Haven’t someone as powerful as you ever left here? “Dark Luffy has some accidents]

[Koshiro pushed the frame of the mirror and said, “Well, life here is more suitable for me than to witness the sea outside, and many of the children outside are orphans like Solon who have lost their parents since childhood, and if I leave, I can’t worry about them.” “】

“This way. Dark Luffy thought thoughtfully, then looked at Koshiro and asked, “By the way, Koshiro Pavilion Master, can I ask one thing?” “】

[“Thing? Koshiro paused for a moment and smiled, “Just ask.” “】

“Do you know how to build a ship with the ability to sail the sea?” Dark Luffy said]

【”Ship: Is it? Koshiro pondered for a moment and said, “I’m really sorry that I don’t know this knowledge.” “】

“This way. “】

[Koshiro pushed the frame and said, “However, although I don’t know what kind of ship you want, there should be something for you to refer to in the back of the dojo. “】

[‘Referring to something?'” “】

[Koshiro nodded and said, “Yes, it was when this village was not yet established, the ship that my father used to use, although it is no longer navigable, but if there is that reference, maybe you can build the ship you need.] “】

[“Great! “Dark Luffy Kazuki]

[Koshiro smiled and said, “It’s nothing, but before that, I may have one thing I need to ask you.] “】

“Things? “】

“Hmm. “】

Bucky: Ha, just kidding, is that kind of place where you can really find boats?

Light Luffy: Hey, it seems that I have good luck in another world

Roger Gord: After watching it for so long, sure enough, whether it is the layout or decoration of the dojo, that person should not belong to the East China Sea, Mitsuki Ota, what should you see, right?

Mitsuki Ota: … To be honest, I felt that man’s saber give me a sense of familiarity from the beginning

Whitebeard: Goo la la, familiarity?

Mitsuki Ota: What do you say, that knife… It gives me the feeling that the same saber demon I used to be is from the same hand

Usopp: A one-man hand?! How could there be such a clever thing, Sauron, could it be that your master is some hidden folk monster that can have something to do with the crew of One Piece?!

Solon: How do I know this kind of thing, stupid!

Roger Gord: If that’s the case, then I’m afraid there’s nothing wrong (Qian Qian Zhao).

Whitebeard: Goo la la, is it really the person who came out of the country of Ota?

Mitsuki Ota: Actually, I don’t believe it, because the person who can create that kind of knife… It is only the existence that can be comparable to our Guangyue clan, but I didn’t expect that the people of that family had strong people who were exiled.

Choba: It is comparable to the existence of the Guangyue clan, what is that?! Sounds amazing, eh!

Solon: Well, I really don’t know what it is

Mitsuki Ota: It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it, Solon, and if I’m not mistaken, your master’s real name is probably not Koshiro

Solon: Huh?

Mitsuki Ota: To be precise, it should be called Koshiro Frost Moon

Solon: Frost Moon….? Wait, do you know who Frost Moon Ryoma?

Mitsuki Ota: Of course, that’s the legendary dragon swordsman in Wano Country, and Frost Moon Ryoma is the ancestor of the Frost Moon clan

Solon; What the?! The ancestor of the Frost Moon clan…?!

Brooke: Ah this… So the zombie swordsman that Solon killed in the Devil’s Spinnaker…?

French: Frightened.jpg, did Solon kill his master’s ancestor?!

Ivankov: Poof…!

Solon: …


Black lines subconsciously appeared on Solon’s forehead.

You finish reading Compared with Luffy, where is the king of the navy Chapter 70

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Compared with Luffy, where is the king of the navy

Compared with Luffy, where is the king of the navy

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
On the eve of the top war, forces from all sides surged. suddenly. Contrast the arrival of the live video room. And the protagonist of the comparison is Luffy. Luffy from the original world. The goal all day long is to become the One Piece. When you meet an opponent, don't be foolish. Compared with the Luffy of the world. From an early age, he aspired to become the King of the Navy. Do things decisively, without ink marks. Training at the age of three, awakening domineering at the age...


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