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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon! Chapter 138

【”Fantastic! I feel like my whole body is full of power now! “】
[Inside the forest, Yuri clenched his fists, his face full of excitement. 】
[The exercise in the past few days has made him really feel that his strength has been greatly enhanced. 】
[And, most importantly, I learned magic!] 】
[This is definitely something to be excited about for him who has been ordinary for most of his life. 】
[“That’s right, now, we can finally fight! “】
Warrod’s expression was equally excited. 】
Even Precito, who had always had a dead fish face, raised a rare smile. 】
[Magic is indeed the most magical thing in the world! ] 】
“Anyway, what about Mebis? “】
[Looking around, Precito asked with some curiosity. 】
Yuri also looked elsewhere. 】
[Brows furrowed slightly.] 】
“Speaking of which, she has been mysterious these days, and she doesn’t know what she is doing. “】
[There were hurried footsteps not far away.] 】
[Attracted everyone’s attention. 】
“Isn’t this coming? “】
Warrod smiled. 】
[The next moment, a girl wearing a black Lolita costume with long blonde hair that was helped into a double ponytail ran from the jungle. ] 】
【”Look, look fast!!”! “】
Mebis shouted excitedly to everyone. 】
[“Look, fairy girl, Mebis is here! “】
[Mebis, who came to everyone, raised his head proudly and smiled. 】
[“Fairy girl? Are you still having fun? “】
[Looking at Mebis at this moment, Yuri pulled the corners of his mouth. 】
“Of course! This is what the master praised. “】
Mebis said proudly. 】
Yuri scratched his head a little embarrassed. 】
“Speaking of which, I haven’t even called him a master yet, it’s really… The age gap is a little big, and it feels awkward. “】
“That being said, that boy is also worthy of our master, isn’t he?”] “】
[Warrod, who crossed his waist with one hand, said loudly.] 】
Precito, who was wrapped around his hands, nodded approvingly. 】
“In this era, masters are teachers, others are better than us, and even teach us magic, which is already a great favor. “】
Hades: “Isn’t it, it’s really called master?” ”
“The me of that world… Did you really call that kind of imp a master? ”
Warrod: “Boom, Precito, you can’t deny the black naz of that world.” ”
“In that world he is indeed our benefactor, so there is nothing wrong with calling him master, on the contrary, it is fun.”
Mebis: “That is, is Precito’s heart so small?” ”
Hades: “No, I’m just awkward!” There is no denial of the black naz of that world. ”
“It’s just that I really can’t connect that Heinaz with Natsu in our world, in short, it’s very strange.”
“I feel bad at the thought of calling that little devil a master, but Naz guy was hanged by me.”
Hades outside the canopy was awkward.
However, everyone in the underworld seems to have become accustomed to it.
[“Well! That’s what it said. “】
Yuri laughed again. 】
[It seems that he thought of something, and he looked at everyone in front of him excitedly. 】
“You say, we have to entertain the master no matter what, right?”] It’s also a celebration of our success in learning magic and gratitude to our masters! “】
[“The master seems to like this aspect of eating, how about we have a big meal?!” “】
【”This attention is good! I can go spearfish, and my tree magic can conjure forks! “】
Warrod clapped his hands and proposed. 】
[“Your thunder and lightning that has me come fast, as soon as the electricity goes down, the fish in the water have to float.” “】
[Yuri waved his hand, indicating that he couldn’t do it, and he might as well go by himself.] 】
Precito shook his head: “In that case, I’ll go catch some beasts or something.] “】
[Warrod: “That’s good, I’ll be in charge of firewood and stuff, and I can get some vegetables by the way!”] “】
[The discussion of the group is hot. 】
[However, Yuri keenly found that Mebis, who was still excited just now, rarely participated in the discussion of everyone. 】
[“Huh? What’s wrong? “】
Yuri asked curiously. 】
Mebis’s expression became a little hesitant: “I’m sorry, you guys are probably going to be disappointed.” “】
[Several people present looked at each other, a little puzzled. 】
In this regard, Mebis sighed helplessly. 】
“Master, long ago, after imparting me the last magic, he has already left here. “】
[“Left?!! “】
“Hey, hey, isn’t it? Didn’t even say hello? “】
[“Don’t say goodbye…”]
[Mebis nodded slightly:]
“The master said that the reason why he left behind is to teach us magic, and now, we have all learned magic, and with the power of self-preservation, his task is completed. “】
“So I plan to leave. “】
[The expressions of several people present who were still excited just now gradually calmed down. 】
[Became somewhat silent. 】
[In the middle of a ring, Yuri asked in a loud voice: “So, master, did he say where he was going?] “】
Mebis lowered his head and shook his head slightly. 】
“According to him, he has what he has to do, and we have what we have to do, so we don’t have to know where he went. “】
“If there is still fate, we can still meet.”) “】
Precito frowned slightly: “It’s really a mysterious person.” “】
[“So, is the reception a ruin?”] “】
Yuri also became a little frustrated. 】
“Actually, I’m not done yet! “】
[At this moment, Mebis suddenly raised his head, and a flash of wisdom flashed in his eyes. 】
[Everyone present looked at Mebis in unison. 】
[“Is there anything else?”] “】
[“I maybe, I know where the master went!”] Mebis said triumphantly. 】
“You know? But didn’t the master say? Yuri looked at Mebis suspiciously. 】
“I didn’t say it, but I can figure it out. “】
“His destination should be the Galactic Empire!” “】
[“Galactic Empire? “】
Precito couldn’t help but lower his hands and straighten up from the tree trunk he was leaning on. 】
[“If I’m not mistaken, that place is still in a state of war, right? That kind of dangerous place…”] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
[Mebis: “I don’t know what kind of obsession he has with the Galactic Empire, but what I can know is that when he goes to the Galactic Empire, he must be inseparable from the battle. “】
[“Can be compared with anticipation… It will be an extremely dangerous journey. Warrod also spoke in a deep voice. 】
“That… Can’t let the master go alone, at least we have to help, right? Yuri, the most impulsive, was the first to stand up. 】
“If you want to help, take me one.” Warrod echoed. 】
“I also just want to see what kind of empire it is, which can attract countless coveted continents! “】
[Precito raised his head, and the fighting intent in his eyes even began to boil. 】
[However, Mebis kept shaking his head: “No! “】
“Have you forgotten what we’re going to do ourselves? “】
[“The dark guild that is still entrenched in Magnonia, the cyan skeleton! “】
[Mebis’s turquoise eyes looked at everyone in front of him. 】
[“Cyan skeleton…”]
[At the mention of this name, everyone present fell silent. 】
[Yes, in Magnonia, there is still a cyan skeleton waiting for them. 】
[The last fiasco is still vividly remembered today. 】
[And, in oppressed towns, the wails of innocent people are still surrounding.] 】
“We need to liberate this town! “】
Mebis raised his head, his gaze unprecedentedly firm. 】
“As the master said, this is something we must do, and since it is a must, we must do it well, only in this way can we live up to the magic that the master has taught us.] “】
[Mebis’s voice is not loud, but it is still deafening.] 】
“But… Don’t we care about the master who goes to that dangerous place alone? “】
Yuri clenched his fists. 】
“Who said it doesn’t matter?”] “】
[Mebis looked directly at Yuri! ] 】
“We can wait until we have completely liberated Magnonia, and take this opportunity to exercise our magic, and then go to the Galactic Empire to help the master. “】
[“At that time, we who are more powerful will definitely be able to become the help of the master!”] “】
On the other side, Henaz walks alone in the forest. 】
[For this time to rashly meddle in the affairs of this era. 】
[Even Black (No) Natsu doesn’t know exactly what the impact will be. 】
[But, just as he had thought. 】
[Perhaps… It was all fate. 】
[Perhaps in the underworld, he should have come to this era.] 】
[Do something, and then leave quietly.] 】
Henaz stopped walking to the edge of the forest. 】
[Turning around, his eyes looked into the distance, the town called Magnonia.] 】
[“The birth of Fairy Tail, it shouldn’t be long after, right? “】
[“It’s a pity that you can’t get involved, otherwise… What would have happened if my photographs had survived until the time of my existence? “】
[It may seem interesting to think about it, but it’s not realistic.] 】
[It is already outrageous that you can rashly intervene in the affairs of this era, it is better not to leave any photos and records as much as possible. ] 】
“Besides, Hainaz believes Mebis can do it.] 】
[Crusade against the cyan skeleton, and eventually create the Fairy Tail in Magnonia.] 】
That’s what Heinaz said Mebis had to do.] 】
[And his own words… Committee】
[Heinaz pulled his gaze back and took a new step in an unknown direction. 】
[Destination, Galactic Empire! ] 】
[At the same time, it is also the hometown where Elusa was born, and… The kingdom where the Dragon Queen exists! 】。
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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative chara


Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative character Natsu Dragneel. The contrast between the black and white worlds is sharp. In the white world, Natsu looks for his father all day long and his muscles are full of brains. In the end, Tianlang Island was destroyed by the Black Dragon Group. Black World Natsu has been training diligently since he was a child. Master the dragon-slaying magic in January Master the secret of dragon slaying in March The day the Fire Dragon King disappeared. Naz was crying, if Makarov hadn’t appeared, he would have died in the forest. However, Black Natsu stepped out of the forest confidently and reached the peak of his debut! Gray “Natsu is my goal, one day I will surpass him!” Erza: “Natsu actually works harder than me?” Lucy: “Why is Natsu not only strong but also very emotionally intelligent?” Zeref “Natsu, only you can end me” On Tianrou Island, the black dragon who was stepped on by Black Natsu murmured in fear “In this era, are there really people who can slay dragons?”


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