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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon! Chapter 62

Just when the world is crazy for this one-time reward.
The picture of the canopy continues.
[The fall of Nikko made everyone present and all the dragons incredibly sluggish. 】
[No one believes that a human being, or even a teenager who is still an underage, can really defeat a dragon! ] 】
[Such a record, in this era, is almost unimaginable! ] 】
[Can you imagine that one day you will be killed by an ant?] 】
[Nickel thought the same way at the time, as did Haiwei and another dragon.] 】
[Even Belserion and Irene thought so. 】
[But, they were wrong, everyone was wrong. 】
[The person named Naz in front of him is not a person who can be inferred by common sense. 】
[Nikol’s fall also hit the other two dragons hard from another level. ] 】
[Even at this moment, they began to fear the boy. 】
[I’m afraid he will come to the aid of Belserion and kill himself and the dragon.] 】
[Just like Nikkor!] 】
[At this moment, the other two dragons were already afraid. 】
[On the contrary, it was Belserion and Irene.] 】
[Natsu’s performance deeply stimulated this person and encouraged them. 】
[So, under this trade-off, the two-headed dragon, which was not Belserion’s opponent, could not escape the fate of the fall and was shot down by Belserion. ] 】
[The three-headed dragon completely fell, and this border village was rescued in a short time. 】
[However, that doesn’t mean they’re completely safe.] 】
[You know, these three-headed dragons are just a small team in the large army that has been divided to sweep away the remnants of the peripheral forces. 】
[There are also a large number of evil dragons roaming nearby.] 】
[The fierce battle just now will definitely attract new dragons. 】
[Therefore, everyone must hurry up and leave here, otherwise, they will rely on a severely injured titled dragon, a dragon slaying demon guide who has exhausted his magic power, and Erin who cannot destroy the dragon. ] 】
[You can’t survive under a new dragon.] 】
[Therefore, Belserion immediately set about the transfer of personnel. 】
[And Erin is also extremely interested in this teenager who can slaughter dragons. ] 】
“She has too many things to say about this teenager.] 】
[But now there is no time, so I can only send an invitation to Natsu.] 】
[Invite him to the palace as a guest.] 】
[In this regard, Natsu did not have any reason to refuse, just asked. 】
[“Do you manage the meal? “】
[“Don’t worry, when you arrive at the palace, you can eat as much as you want, and do whatever you want!”] “】
[Erin, who was eager to tie Natsu, a powerful combat force, immediately couldn’t care so much, and casually agreed. ] 】
[So, Naz followed Irene and Belserion to the royal palace of the Doragonov Kingdom after transferring the villagers! ] 】
[Everything gorgeous is so new to Natsu at this moment. 】
He had never seen such a gorgeous building. 】
[I’ve never seen so many humans. 】
[I’ve never seen all kinds of lights.] 】
[So much so that, on the way here, Natsu completely turned into a surprise monster. ] 】
[From time to time, he pointed at so-and-so and made a continuous exclamation. ] 】
[And Irene, who is sitting behind Natsu, is like a big sister, looking at Natsu who is like a dirt bun entering the city at this moment, and her smile can’t stop filling her face. ] 】
[In her opinion, Natsu is like a child who has been locked in the door since she was a child, and has a naïve concept of everything in the outside world. 】
[Or rather… It should be the most pure curiosity, not mixed with curiosity for any purpose, so that Irene, as a queen, has seen a lot of complex human nature very comfortable to get along with. 】
[Even, the exhaustion of the previous experience of the Great War has disappeared. ] 】
[She looked at Natsu with a smile in her eyes, answered some questions for him from time to time, and enthusiastically introduced to Natsu what kind of meaning various buildings have, what kind of historical allusions there are, etc….].
Erin: “It always feels… Something is wrong with me in this sky! ”
Ergast: “Is something wrong?” Hahaha, I still think that the fate of Irene in the underworld and yours seems to be starting to be different! ”
Ogast’s old eyes looked at the scene of Erin and Natsu getting along on the sky.
He narrowed his eyes slightly.
Ambiguous murmur
“The gears of destiny… It’s starting to turn! ”
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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative chara


Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative character Natsu Dragneel. The contrast between the black and white worlds is sharp. In the white world, Natsu looks for his father all day long and his muscles are full of brains. In the end, Tianlang Island was destroyed by the Black Dragon Group. Black World Natsu has been training diligently since he was a child. Master the dragon-slaying magic in January Master the secret of dragon slaying in March The day the Fire Dragon King disappeared. Naz was crying, if Makarov hadn’t appeared, he would have died in the forest. However, Black Natsu stepped out of the forest confidently and reached the peak of his debut! Gray “Natsu is my goal, one day I will surpass him!” Erza: “Natsu actually works harder than me?” Lucy: “Why is Natsu not only strong but also very emotionally intelligent?” Zeref “Natsu, only you can end me” On Tianrou Island, the black dragon who was stepped on by Black Natsu murmured in fear “In this era, are there really people who can slay dragons?”


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