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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon! Chapter 63

【”Delicious! Delicious! This one is delicious, and that one is delicious!! Wow, is there so much food in the human world? “】
[Inside the royal palace in the center of the Kingdom of Doragonov. 】
Natsu sat alone at the dining table, in front of him a rare meal he had never seen before. 】
[All kinds of excellent ingredients, after being cooked by famous chefs in the Kingdom of Doragonov, have excellent taste, making Natsu, who has never seen the world, eat dozens of pounds! ] 】
[No, by now, Natsu’s side was full of empty dinner plates that were taller than others. 】
[But, even so, a steady stream of food is still coming from the back kitchen. 】
[No way, Natsu is really hungry now.] 】
[After making an agreement with Erin before to keep him full, Natsu has been looking forward to it until now. ] 】
[And facts have also proved that the meal that has been waiting for so long has not disappointed. 】
[At the dining table, the maid who was sent to dress Natsu pulled the corners of her mouth and looked at Natsu at the moment. ] 】
[Fish bones, grease, meat dregs, etc. fly around.] 】
[To be honest, they have almost never seen someone so edible. 】
“It’s hard for me to imagine how such a small body can hold so much food? “】
[A maid in a rabbit-eared maiden costume smashed her eyes and whispered to her companion next to her in disbelief. 】
[In fact, if you look closely, it is not small, it can only be regarded as a minor, and the height looks about one meter and five meters, and it can be understood during the development period. “】
Another maid responded. 】
[Indeed, although the current Natsu is only about ten years old, his height has grown to about one meter and five meters due to perennial exercise, and he doesn’t look like a ten-year-old child. ] 】
[More, like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old, underage teenager. 】
[He is also a powerful teenager, so it is understandable that he eats a lot in the long body stage. ] 】
However, all this is only known deeply by Lucy outside the sky.
What a long body, Natsu could have eaten so much, okay?
To this day, Lucy can still think back to the first time she met Natsu and Harpy.
At that time, these two guys were like starving ghosts reincarnated.
Eating like crazy, a meal, and spending almost the same savings as you did at that time.
It could have hurt Lucy’s heart for days.
Naz: “Hehe, how powerful you eat!” ”
Lucy: “That’s too much!” You better shut up and look at you and get angry! ”
[“That’s right! “】
[Suddenly, Natsu, who was eating, stopped the movement in his hand and asked the maid on the side. 】
“What about your queen?” Why can’t you see it from the time you enter the city? “】
[The maids naturally knew that what Natsu was asking was Queen Irene. 】
[So a maid came up and bowed slightly. 】
[He said: “Due to the important affairs of the country, when Queen Irene and the guardian beast, Lord Belserion, returned, they summoned the high-level of the kingdom to discuss how to fight the evil dragon clan. “】
[Saying that, the maid looked at the huge swinging clock behind her and said. 】
“Counting the time, this meeting should have been going on for more than three hours. “】
[“More than three hours? “】
[Natsu bit a whole ham, nodded gently, seemed to think of something again, and immediately asked. 】
“By the way, you should be familiar with this kingdom, right? “】
[After all, when you first arrive, although everyone here has been friendly to themselves so far, it is not Naz’s style to let your guard down. 】
[He is still on high alert against these strangers and intends to understand the kingdom thoroughly. 】
[If nothing else, Natsu will need to stay here for a while.] 】
[To consolidate the new insights gained from the previous battle with the dragon.] 】
[Therefore, for safety, Natsu must thoroughly understand the kingdom, including the current crisis it is facing, and so on….
[And all this, ask the locals, maybe get the most authentic evaluation.] 】
[Of course, Natsu will not be stupid enough to believe all what the other party says, right and wrong, Natsu’s ability to judge right and wrong. ] 】
“I’m new to the city, and I don’t know too much, so I’ll let me tell me about it.”] “】
“No, no, since Lord Natsu wants to know, I will naturally know everything. The maid quickly waved her hand. 】
[Then paused, sorted out the language, and then slowly spoke. 】
“If you talk about our kingdom, the most worthy of mention is our queen. “】
“Erin?”] Natsu nodded slightly. 】
“Yes, Queen Irene. A hint of pride flashed on the maid’s face! 】
“That’s a… Beauty, wisdom, talent, kindness… Perfect Queen! “】
Ergast: “Oh, Erin, it seems that you had a high prestige in the hearts of your people at that time!” ”
Aggil: “Indeed, the pride in the maid’s eyes cannot be hidden, they always love you.” ”
Brandish: “After all, Lord Irene, I don’t think it’s surprising that you can do this.” ”
Erin: “Maybe… But alas, they betrayed me later. ”
“With that man at the head, the whole kingdom regarded me as ominous…”
Erin’s tone was low.
It also made everyone in the world channel vaguely feel at this moment that there might be an indescribable hidden plot at that time.
But while countless people want to know what exactly happened.
However, Erin did not mention it, as if she did not want to recall.
Therefore, everyone can only forcibly suppress their curiosity.
Turned to look at the sky, perhaps, there will be an answer above.
[At this moment, while the maid and Natsu are gushing about the history of the kingdom. 】
[The screen has changed again.] 】
[It became a huge open-air platform.] 】
[A large number of soldiers gathered on the perimeter of the platform, firmly blocking the visits of outsiders to the platform. 】
[And inside the platform, there is a meeting between the high-level of the kingdom. 】
[It can be seen that on this platform, there are two species, humans and dragons. 】
[It also confirms that Doragonov is a country where people and dragons coexist.] 】
[However, at this moment, the atmosphere above the platform is very serious. 】
[An old man clutched his scepter and looked bitterly at Irene on the throne: “Queen, we don’t have time to think about it, and you know how dangerous the situation facing the kingdom is at present! ] “】
[The prime minister of the kingdom, an old man named Dylan, also nodded gently. 】
[“Queen, the evil dragon clan has broken through our first direction, and now it is close to the heavenly danger at the junction of the western part of the kingdom to withstand those dragons. “】
“Time left for us… Not much! “】
[Belserion: “Hmph, are you so afraid of death?! Can even say such a proposal?! “】
[Dylan immediately shook his head when he heard this: “Lord Belserion, this is really not that the old man is afraid of death! ] “】
[“If you can sacrifice the life of the old man alone in exchange for the peace of the entire kingdom, the old man will definitely not have any hesitation! “】
[Dylan spoke righteously, his body straight, as if he really had the fearless spirit of giving up others. 】
[But… Belserion, who knew this guy very well, snorted coldly with disdain. 】
“Fake guy, I would never agree to this proposal anyway. “】
[“You want to use the queen as a bargaining chip to unite with your lords? This kind of seller’s thing, I can’t do it! “】
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Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Comparing the two fairies, this Natsu is really slaying a dragon!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative chara


Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. The sleeping fairy returns, but things have changed in seven years. The former number one guild has fallen into despair. Just then the contrast live broadcast came. Comparative character Natsu Dragneel. The contrast between the black and white worlds is sharp. In the white world, Natsu looks for his father all day long and his muscles are full of brains. In the end, Tianlang Island was destroyed by the Black Dragon Group. Black World Natsu has been training diligently since he was a child. Master the dragon-slaying magic in January Master the secret of dragon slaying in March The day the Fire Dragon King disappeared. Naz was crying, if Makarov hadn’t appeared, he would have died in the forest. However, Black Natsu stepped out of the forest confidently and reached the peak of his debut! Gray “Natsu is my goal, one day I will surpass him!” Erza: “Natsu actually works harder than me?” Lucy: “Why is Natsu not only strong but also very emotionally intelligent?” Zeref “Natsu, only you can end me” On Tianrou Island, the black dragon who was stepped on by Black Natsu murmured in fear “In this era, are there really people who can slay dragons?”


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