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Comprehensive martial arts He is in Beiliang, and he kills Xu Fengnian with a knife at the beginnin Chapter 11

The other side.

The white-clothed soldier Immortal Chen Zhibao rode a tall horse and was patrolling the army outside the city.

The integrated battalion is being stationed here.

The soldiers are not fighting and are training routinely.

Chen Zhibao, on the other hand, frowned.

If it was usual, he probably wanted to read a book in the city, or practice marksmanship with his plum wine spear.

But right now, he is not in the slightest mood.

A few days ago, he received a military order from Xu Xiao to command the Manjia battalion to sit at the border pass to prevent a surprise attack by the Bei Mang army.

But with Chen Zhibao’s ability, how could he not understand that this military order was just a joke.

The army that came from Bei Mang had been destroyed by the iron-blooded army led by Xue Jing half a month ago.

And the Iron-Blooded Army was also crippled.

Half a month ago, Bei Mang’s 50,000-strong army attacked the 20,000-blooded army in Zhuling City, and Xu Xiao did not let anyone come to support.

Now the 10,000-strong army of Bei Mang attacked the 800 iron-blooded army of Zhuling City, and they still wanted to support them.

It is also called defensive Beimang.

Defend a fart!

Bei Mang’s army was in Zhuling City, only three hundred miles away from Liuya City, where he was!

With the mobility of the A Battalion, it was only two and a half hours.

Xu Xiao, if you do this, aren’t you afraid of the chills of all the soldiers!

Chen Zhibao knew that all this Northern Liang King did was just to wear down Xue Jing’s edge!

Therefore, the Northern Liang generals of several armies were assigned other tasks.

It is to strictly prohibit them from supporting Zhuling City.

And the reason for all this, in the final analysis, is only because Xue Jing did not recognize Xu Xiao as a righteous father.

Chen Zhibao felt that this Northern Liang was really ridiculous.

When his father died to save Xu Xiao, Xu Xiao took him over and recognized him as a righteous son.

Because he has more respect for his righteous mother Wu Su, he has been willing to saddle Xu Xiao for so many years.

Just because Wu Su treated him like his own son.

But now, Wu Su is dead, and Xu Xiao actually gave up avenging Wu Su in order to leave the so-called overall situation of the Yang Dynasty.

This not only annoyed Xu Xiao for many years, but even Chen Zhibao’s heart was quite critical.

Coupled with the matter of Xue Jing, the general of the Iron and Blood Army of Zhuling City, Chen Zhibao’s heart was even more indescribably emotion.

He sat on horseback and looked to the west, he really wanted to save Xue Jing.

Whether to disobey the military order, Chen Zhibao’s heart struggled.

Four years ago, if Xue Jing’s timely support had not been provided, his own Manjia Battalion would have lost more than half at that time.

Three years ago, in the battle of Hulukou, he was chased and killed by Caimang Jinxiulang, and it was also Xue Jing’s response, shooting the falcon that Caimang Jinxiulang put in the air to keep him from being hit hard.

Subsequently, Xue Jing led the iron-blooded army to fight with him in Beimang, and Yan returned to the pass in a battle, and even killed two generals of Beimang, consuming a first-class master.

Every time he celebrated his success after the war, he and Xue Jing drank all night and did not get drunk or return.

It can be said that with so many people in Beiliang, he can see Xue Jing.

As a result, because Xue Jing’s waist couldn’t bend down, he wanted him to die?

Chen Zhibao frowned.

This time, even if Xue Jing didn’t die, it would be impossible to hold Zhuo Ling City.

At that time, I am afraid that I will be dealt with by military law and put in prison.

In the future, after Xu Fengnian took over the helm of Northern Liang, Shi En restarted Xue Jing.

Even if he dies, for Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian, a pair of ruthless and unrighteous father and son, I am afraid it is irrelevant.

Xu Xiao can even put the death of his wife Wu Su on one side, not to mention Xue Jing, an outsider who is unwilling to bend down to recognize his righteous father.

Chen Zhibao saw this family too clearly.

He knew that Xu Fengnian was pretending to be stubborn, and he also knew that the dead warrior armor beside Xu Fengnian was the Xu Weixiong he liked, and he also knew that listening to Chao Ting’s instant shot was against himself.

The four famous generals in the world, Ye Baiku, Wang Xu, Xu Xiao, and Gu Jiantang, although Chen Zhibao’s name is not among them, his ability is not inferior to these four in the slightest.

When he was 17 years old, Chen Zhibao had already proved himself when he fought a battle at the West Wall, killed Ye Baikui, and stepped on the other party’s corpse.

It’s just that when Emperor Lianyang wanted to give him the title of king of the Split Earth, he still refused.

Subsequently, he followed Xu Xiao, the king of Northern Liang, to Northern Liang and became the protector of Northern Liang.

In the blink of an eye, it’s so many years.

There are many famous generals in the Northern Liang Army, and there are countless tigers and wolves, but only Chen Zhibao can walk side by side with Xu Xiao.

Xu Xiao is known as “human slaughter”, and Chen Zhibao is also known as “villain slaughter”.

It’s just that what Xu Xiao has done for so many years has made Chen Zhibao also aware of the problem.

In the Northern Liang Army, at present, Xue Jing and himself are unwilling to grovel in front of Xu Fengnian and saddle the horse.

Xue Jing was dealt with, is it his turn next?

Over the years, Xu Fengnian has also been very unkind to him because of his attitude.

Where will he go from here?

No way!

Chen Zhibao suddenly clenched the silver gun plum wine in his hand.

Gotta go and save him!

Now he Chen Zhibao has a strong reputation in the army, and even if he disobeys the military order, he believes that he can still survive it.

But if Xue Jing died, it would also be cold for him.

What’s more, Xue Jing had saved him several times, although he acted according to orders, but saving is saving.

He can still tell this clearly.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhibao directly turned his horse and prepared to mobilize the army.

At this moment, someone quickly rode over, officially filling the intelligence messenger of the armored battalion.

When the man arrived, he immediately dismounted and reported:

“General, I received news from the Xuanshen City side that Chu Lushan, who is stationed in Xuanshen City, has moved, and is preparing to go to Zhuling City!”


Chen Zhibao was suddenly shocked, and his heart suddenly felt a sense of loss, but after all, it turned into a long sigh.

According to Xu Xiao’s character, letting Chu Lushan pass now is definitely not support.

Moreover, Chu Lushan has always had an invincible relationship with Xu Fengnian, the son of Northern Liang, and he is naturally very difficult to deal with Xue Jing.

Therefore, even if he really wants to rescue Xu Fengnian, he should be allowed to go.

So there is only one result, that is, Zhuling City is gone.

Chen Zhibao suddenly seemed to have lost his spirit, jumped off his horse, and slowly walked into the distance.

All the way to the highest part of the church stand.

He looked in the direction of Zhuo Lingcheng, a hint of startled flashed on his face, and he muttered in his mouth:

“Brother Xue, go all the way!”

Saying that, he took a jug full of wine from his waist and poured it down as a sacrifice.

Xu Xiao, do you still refuse to let me go after all?

Even if Xue Jing died in battle, if Chu Lushan went forward, Brother Xue’s body would be difficult to escape…

Chen Zhibao’s face was full of pain.

Because of the white clothes case, the Lianyang royal family killed Wu Su, who treated him like his own son.

He wanted the horse to step away from the sun and avenge Wu Su, but Xu Xiao, the person who had lost his wife, would rather die than rebel.

Now he even killed his confidant Xue Jing, whom he admired very much.

Chen Zhibao’s eyes were slightly heavy, for Wu Su, for Xue Jing, and even more for himself.

The seeds of disappointment with Xu Xiao finally continued to germinate in his heart.

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Comprehensive martial arts He is in Beiliang, and he kills Xu Fengnian with a knife at the beginnin

Comprehensive martial arts He is in Beiliang, and he kills Xu Fengnian with a knife at the beginnin

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Xue Jing was accidentally reborn in the world of comprehensive martial arts, be


Story of: Comprehensive martial arts: He is in Beiliang, and he kills Xu Fengnian with a knife at the beginning

Xue Jing was accidentally reborn in the world of comprehensive martial arts, became an orphan in Beiliang, and joined the Beiliang army to kill the enemy and fight for his life!   Awakening Golden Finger God rewards hard work. As long as you continue to exercise, you can continue to get stronger without any bottlenecks!   In ten years, he killed enemies on the Liangmang battlefield and made numerous meritorious deeds.   However, when he returned to Beiliang with the remnant soldiers who had survived the battle, he was deliberately humiliated in the street by Xu Fengnian, who deliberately committed suicide.   It was this good-for-nothing prince who fought to the death of Beiliang's 300,000 cavalrymen, and finally patted his butt and said he retired to the world for the sake of the world's carelessness!   Worse than those two losers Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling!   I have worked hard for the Xu family for ten years, and I no longer owe the Xu family anything!   Xue Jing drew his sword in the street and angrily killed Xu Fengnian!   That day, Xue Jing led his remnant troops to fight out of Beiliang and conquer the world!


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