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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 11

Just as everyone was immersed in the strength Naruto had just displayed, Iruka hurried over!
“Stop me, don’t allow it in the school…”
Before he finished speaking, Iruka was stunned!
“What’s going on?”
Looking at the people in the field who fell to the ground, Iruka looked shocked.
He was told by someone who told him that Naruto Uzumaki was beaten by a group of people at the training ground, so he rushed over.
But in this situation, you tell me that Naruto was beaten by someone?
Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s intact and not even dirty clothes, chatting with the girl and talking and laughing, where does he look like he has been beaten!
With a gloomy face, Iruka casually found a classmate around him and asked, “What’s going on in this situation now, tell me clearly!” ”
Looking at Iruka’s serious expression, the classmate who was asked was terrified and told Iruka what had just happened.
But the more Iruka listened, the more confused he became!
What Uzumaki Naruto will teleport!
What kicked down a piece of people!
What to have a blue light protector to bounce off attacks!
Are you sure you’re not making a movie?
If you change the target to a Naka Shinobi or Upper Shinobi who is proficient in physical arts, Iruka might still believe it, but you told me that Naruto did all this?
It’s not that he doesn’t believe it, it’s that he can’t imagine that picture at all.
Confident that Naruto Iruka knew him well.
So it is clear about his strength.
Iruka didn’t believe it would have been Naruto anyway!
Looking at Iruka’s expression of you kid don’t want to fool me, the student who was asked was already on the verge of crying.
“I didn’t lie to you, teacher!”
“If you don’t believe it, ask someone!”
Seeing his appearance, Iruka couldn’t help but be shaken, could it really be Naruto’s doing?
In order to determine the authenticity of the news, Iruka asked several people in a row.
Although the specific descriptions are different, the answers to the big questions are not bad.
It was indeed Naruto who did it!
At this moment, even if Iruka couldn’t believe it, he could only admit it
Iruka’s heart was extremely shocked, when did Naruto become so strong?
There are probably nearly twenty of these people lying on the ground in front of them.
How long did it take from getting the news to getting here?
Defeating these people in such a short time and not only being unscathed but even not even dirty in his clothes, this kind of strength is rare even in Shinobi!
Only those who are called geniuses to ninjas can do it.
So Naruto is also a genius?
Iruka mused.
Now that something so big has happened, it seems that it must be reported to Naruto-sama!
Although it was said that these people took the initiative to provoke and were finally beaten like this by Naruto, after all, with so many people involved plus the family behind them, this matter was no longer something he could handle!
Iruka then came to the injured person and examined the injuries one by one, and then breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, the injuries were not particularly serious, and there were no missing arms and broken legs.
Basically, a month of recuperation in the hospital is about the same!
It seems that Naruto still knows the weight of the hand, otherwise it will be trouble!
While Iruka was dealing with the wounded, Hinata came to Naruto.
“Are you all right, Naruto!”
When talking to Naruto, Hinata seemed to remember the previous incident again, and the blush on his face had not gone down, so that people could see it, and even wanted to take a bite.
But because he was worried about Naruto’s safety, he still endured his shyness and asked.
“Just when I woke up and saw that group of people following you out, and then I heard that there was going to be a fight, I thought you were in danger, so I went and called Iruka-sensei!”
“Naruto, you won’t blame me!”
Hinata lowered her head and looked like she had done something wrong!
She had just learned what was going on.
It turned out that Naruto took the initiative to promise to fight with them, so finding the teacher himself actually hindered Naruto’s actions.
Looking at Hinata’s cute appearance, Naruto couldn’t help but touch his head.
“How can I blame you!”
“You’re doing a great job”
“I’m going to say sorry to you instead!”
“Because if you say something like that in front of everyone, don’t go to your heart!”
Naruto didn’t say that it was okay, as soon as he said it, Hinata’s face became even redder, and the next moment his eyes closed and fainted!
Naruto was startled and then quickly caught Hinata, who was about to fall, and helplessly stroked his forehead with his palm.
What a crime!
After saying hello to Shikamaru and the others, Hinata was sent all the way back to the classroom.
And as time went on, the news of the battle just now gradually spread to the entire school.
Suddenly, all the schools and teachers in the whole school were shocked!
If you change the object to someone else, it may not be so much influence, but if the object is Naruto, it will be different!
After all, Naruto is a well-known figure throughout the village!
It is incredible that a perennial crane tail has won so many people alone.
Even when Naruto returned to the door of the classroom, he heard the people in the classroom relishing telling those who did not go to watch the battle about various details about Naruto’s battle.
It’s divine and mysterious.
Naruto even had some doubts that the person was himself?
But at the same time they were discussing another issue.
That is, who is stronger Naruto Uzumaki or Sasuke Uchiha?
This question is almost insurmountable.
Because Sasuke himself is a famous genius in the school, he can dominate the first place in the whole class in every exam.
And Naruto, although he is also very famous, but just the opposite of Sasuke, has dominated the bottom one of the entire class for many years, and no one has been able to take his place so far.
Although they are all very famous, because of the disparity in strength, almost no one compared Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha before this!
But now it’s different!
Seeing Naruto’s battle scene with one enemy and many enemies, everyone knew that he was powerful.
Coupled with Naruto’s reborn appearance now, it is natural that someone compares the two! .
“I’m more optimistic about Naruto Uzumaki, you didn’t see that battle just now, it’s really handsome!”
“Yes, I didn’t even see the figure clearly, and someone fell!”
“Yes, I really didn’t expect Naruto Uzumaki to be so strong!”
“I think Sasuke’s odds of winning are greater, after all, he has been the first place in every actual combat assessment for so many years!”
“That’s right, I think if you replace Naruto Uzumaki with Sasuke Uchiha, you will definitely win!”
“Do you need to say that, it must be Sasuke Uchiha!”
“Although Naruto Uzumaki is also very strong, but he only has some physical skills, it is simply a joke to use physical skills to win Uchiha Sasuke?”
“Yes, Uchiha Sasuke has a blood succession limit as powerful as the Sharingan, how can Naruto Uzumaki be his opponent!”
“How did you know that Naruto Uzumaki can only do physical skills!”
“Of course I saw it, Naruto Uzumaki, which of his annual three-body exams passed?”
“I guess, he must have known that his ninjutsu talent is not good, so he went to practice physical arts, and finally had the strength he has now!”
“It’s just that ah, ninjas ultimately rely on ninjutsu, so Sasuke Uchiha is definitely stronger than Naruto Uzumaki!”
This inference was reasonable, even those little fans who had just been fascinated by Naruto opened their mouths and had nothing to say.
ps: Today is more late, there are two chapters in the evening, the guarantee is four changes every day, if the results are good, it will be added!
Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!
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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】


Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】 [Shouting in the classroom that I like Hinata’s fat times] 【In front of Jiraiya, he confesses to Tsunade, and expresses that he is thirsty and wants to drink milk】 【Tell Obito that Lin is still alive and very happy】 [Make out with Kaguya in front of Heijue and let Heijue call him father] But in order to become stronger, it doesn’t matter if it is dishonest. At worst, I don’t want this face anymore! So a guy with the most engaging mentality in the ninja world was born like this!


not work with dark mode