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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 5

Konoha Ninja School.
At the beginning of a new day, a large number of students poured in at the door, and soon after the class bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom and began to lecture!
Iruka stood in front of the stage, probably glancing at the people in the classroom, and gradually frowned.
Didn’t Naruto come?
“Did any of you see Naruto Uzumaki today?”
Iruka asked the students in the audience.
The people in the class glanced at each other, and suddenly fell silent.
Obviously, no one saw Naruto, and even Naruto didn’t come today, it was only discovered by the teacher’s reminder.
“Teacher, leave that freak alone, let’s start class!”
I don’t know who said it, which immediately caused a chorus of concurrence.
“Yes, teacher, what is that guy doing, I guess he skipped class, he won’t come today!”
“Yes, and even if that guy comes, it will only annoy people, and it’s good not to come!”
“That’s right, that’s right!”
Iruka sighed helplessly when he heard this, “Then let’s start the class first!” ”
On the seat, Ding Ji secretly stuffed the snack into his mouth while saying with a little dissatisfaction, “These guys are too much, Naruto can’t say maybe it’s because something happened, how can you casually blame others!” ”
Shikamarutou, who was sitting next to Dingji, lay on the table and said a little lazily, “These people are like this, after all, the mouth grows on them, you can’t control it, just let them say go, I believe Naruto won’t care!” ”
“But it’s really excessive!”
“You said yes, Ino!”
Ino, who had pale yellow hair, was looking at Sakura angrily at this time.
This guy actually grabbed his clothes from behind as he walked in the door, causing Sakura to enter the classroom before her, and then cheekily sticking directly next to Sasuke.
This made Ino very angry and determined that he would enter the classroom before her next time.
And suddenly heard Ding Ji’s question, Ino didn’t react for a while, and wondered, “What did you say?” ”
Ding Ci patiently repeated what he had just said, who knew that Ino suddenly said indignantly, “It’s really too much!” ”
“Anyone who says these things should go to the outside punishment station, let them go outside to sunbathe, and tan until their skin turns black!”
“And you have to stand for a week, you can’t rest, so that they can deeply understand their mistakes!”
Seeing Ino like this, Ding Ci was puzzled.
Usually, because Shikamaru Teji has a good relationship with Naruto, Ino and Naruto also have contact, but they are not so excited!
As if seeing Dingji’s doubts, Shikamaru spoke, “I guess it’s because the people who just said those words also include Haruno Sakura!” ”
When Ding Ji heard this, he looked at Ino again, and found that Ino was indeed looking at Sakura viciously, and immediately understood, it turned out to be like this!
I couldn’t help but shake my head, women are really a terrible creature!
On the other side of the classroom, Hinata was poking his finger and wondering why Naruto was late, it couldn’t be that something had happened, and he was suddenly a little worried.
I don’t know if I can help.
Just as I was thinking, the door of the classroom was suddenly opened!
Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but be attracted to it, and Iruka also stopped the movement in his hand and looked out the door.
I saw a golden figure calmly walk in, and then calmly stopped and stood in front of everyone.
It was Naruto Uzumaki himself.
But Naruto was obviously standing in front of this group of people, but one by one, they looked at him as if they didn’t know him, and then gradually revealed an unbelievable look.
Iruka fixed his eyes on the person who walked in, and saw that the person who came was wearing a golden silk imperial god robe that looked gorgeous and had an extraordinary texture.
A golden hair fell naturally, the beard on his face disappeared, and his sky-blue eyes were as clear as the sky, looking handsome.
At the same time, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, exuding a confident and resolute temperament!
“Are you Naruto?”
Iruka asked with some uncertainty!
“Why, can’t you recognize it after not seeing it for a day, Iruka-sensei!”
Hearing that familiar voice, Iruka finally confirmed that it was indeed Naruto.
His heart was a little shocked.
Obviously I only saw it yesterday, why is it so big today?
This change is not only in clothing and hairstyle, otherwise it is not unrecognizable, but from the inside out, both temperament and appearance have changed.
But can a person really change so much in a short period of time?
And everyone in the classroom exclaimed one by one after determining Naruto’s identity.
“Isn’t it, he turned out to be Naruto Uzumaki?”
“Impossible, it must be fake, how could he become so handsome!”
“Hmph, what’s the use of handsome, he’s so weak that I can beat him with one hand!”
“That’s right, what about good looks, does he think he’s Sasuke Uchiha?”
“It is!”
Everyone who said these words was a boy, and their eyes were full of jealousy one by one.
The girls’ side was relatively simple, and they discussed Naruto’s changes one by one.
“How did he do it, he became so handsome in a short time!”
“yes, if it weren’t for listening to his voice, I couldn’t believe it!”
“Suddenly a little moved!”
“It’s a pity that I’m about to graduate, otherwise I can still contact Naruto-kun!”
“But I still like Sasuke, who makes Sasuke handsome and powerful!”
“That’s right, that’s right, me too!”
Although everyone had different opinions, all of them without exception were extremely shocked by Naruto’s changes.
“So can I go to my seat, Iruka-sensei!”
“Sit what to sit!”
Although he was shocked by Naruto’s change, since he knew that it was Naruto Iruka, he was not polite, and directly asked, “Do you know that you are late, give me a reason, otherwise you will give me a lesson standing up!” ”
Unfrightened by Iruka’s tone, Naruto responded with a slight smile, “I saw three generations of adults on the way here, so I came a little late!” ”
Iruka’s expression was stunned, three generations of adults?
Then his face eased a little, it turned out to be like this, was he found a conversation by three generations of adults!
“In that case, you go back to your seat and remember not to be late next time, you know?”
Then he waved his hand for Naruto to find a place to sit down.
Naruto roughly scanned the classroom and saw Hinata, but there were already people around her, so Naruto sat down in front of Shikamaru.
As soon as he arrived at his seat, he felt several eyes looking at him.
Among them, Ino was the most eager gaze, looking at him almost undisguisedly.
Naruto didn’t mind smiling lightly at her, directly making the usually grinning Ino blush and then quickly turned his head to the other side.
I couldn’t help but ask in my heart, “Ino ah Ino, what you like is Sasuke, how can you be crazy with Naruto!” ”
Then another voice seemed to sound in his head, “But the changed Naruto is really handsome, it’s the type I like!” ”
Of course, Naruto didn’t know about the entanglement in Ino’s heart, and at this time Dingji suddenly spoke, “Naruto, have you done something again, why do the three generations of adults want to talk to you!” ”
“It’s because of yesterday’s incident, I heard about it, Naruto!”
Shikamaru continued with a playful look, “You dare to pee on the statue of the third generation, but it really has you!”
Ding Ci and Ino, who was eavesdropping on the side, were suddenly taken aback, they didn’t know about this before.
It turns out that Naruto is so brave!
Naruto shook his head slightly and laughed, “The three generations didn’t talk to me at all!” ”
Several people were a little surprised.
“Then aren’t you lying!”
Naruto spread his hands, “Where did I lie, I just said that I met Sandai on the way here, but I didn’t say that Sandai talked to me, obviously you guys think too much!” ”
Ino couldn’t help but sneer.
Shikamaru couldn’t help but sigh, “Naruto, you are so powerful, you dare to fool the teacher!” ”
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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】


Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】 [Shouting in the classroom that I like Hinata’s fat times] 【In front of Jiraiya, he confesses to Tsunade, and expresses that he is thirsty and wants to drink milk】 【Tell Obito that Lin is still alive and very happy】 [Make out with Kaguya in front of Heijue and let Heijue call him father] But in order to become stronger, it doesn’t matter if it is dishonest. At worst, I don’t want this face anymore! So a guy with the most engaging mentality in the ninja world was born like this!


not work with dark mode