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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 52

Early the next morning, the seventh class gathered again!
“Good morning, Sasuke!”
Sakura smiled and said hello to Sasuke, who had arrived early!
Sasuke nodded.
Looking at Sakura who took the initiative to greet him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes!
I always feel that today’s Sakura seems to be different from usual!
But what exactly is different, he can’t say!
So I just stopped thinking about it!
At this time, Kakashi also suddenly appeared on the big tree on the side!
“Good morning, everyone!”
Sakura was slightly surprised!
“I didn’t expect Kakashi-sensei to be late today!”
“It’s really strange!”
Kakashi scratched his head.
“Oh, it seems that I really made a bad impression on my students!”
“But there’s a reason why I’m here so early!”
“I know!”
Sakura complained slightly.
Kakashi touched his chin with some embarrassment and then changed the subject, “Hasn’t this guy Naruto come yet?” ”
“It can’t be oversleeping!”
“It won’t!”
Hearing Kakashi complaining about Naruto, Sakura subconsciously refuted!
Kakashi looked at Sakura meaningfully, and slowly withdrew his gaze until he blushed at Sakura!
“I’ll just say it afterward, Sakura, why are you so excited?”
Sakura blushed and didn’t reply.
Seeing this, Kakashi shook his head, “Young people now, feelings are really complicated! ”
“Cut, boring!”
Sasuke said as he stood coolly on the sidelines and didn’t care.
“Yo, everyone!”
“It’s so early!”
At this moment, a figure gradually walked in the distance, and his golden hair looked particularly dazzling under the sunlight.
Sakura’s eyes lit up and ran over!
Then grabbed Naruto’s arm!
“Why are you here!”
“We’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”
Looking at Sakura’s coquettish appearance, Naruto was a little stunned!
What is this situation?
Then he looked at Sasuke, who was standing unmoved.
Naruto shouted inwardly, “This is your future wife!” ”
“You don’t care!”
Kakashi suddenly teased from the side, “We’re just here, maybe only Sakura has been waiting for you for a long time!” ”
Sakura’s face turned slightly red!
Naruto looked at Kakashi helplessly!
“Kakashi-sensei, don’t joke at this time, okay!”
Kakashi also knew that it was not good to watch student jokes all the time, so he immediately said seriously, “Since everyone is here now, then I will also order today’s task!” ”
Hearing that it was time to get down to business, Sakura finally let go of her hand!
Naruto was a little puzzled, why did Sakura be so enthusiastic about herself today?
Was it just because he had taught her to go up the tree before?
Unable to figure it out, Naruto stopped thinking about it, and Kakashi continued, “Today we are going to do a D-level mission!” ”
“It’s just a D-level mission!”
Sakura said a little reluctantly.
She had already understood in advance that D-level tasks were basically to do some daily little things, such as catching cats, weeding and teasing dogs!
Not only is there no improvement in strength, but the bounty is also very small!
“Don’t underestimate the D-level mission, the D-level task is a must for any subordinate!”
Although Sakura was the only one complaining, Kakashi knew that the other two must have had this in mind, so he corrected.
“Although I do some small things, I can also cultivate the tacit understanding between you!”
“So even if it’s a D-level mission, you can’t relax, you know!”
“Got it!”
Sakura stuck out her tongue, and Sasuke asked, “What is the task we are going to do?” ”
“This one!”
“I’ll take a look!”
Kakashi’s gaze swept to the quest book in his hand, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.
“I want to help Uncle Ishihara catch mice at the entrance of the village!”
“Mouse !!”
Sakura’s face suddenly turned white!
Seeing this, Kakashi smiled, “Why, Sakura, you are still afraid of mice!” ”
Sakura nodded subconsciously, but then shook her head again.
Kakashi smiled in understanding!
“Although I am a ninja, I am a girl after all, and it is normal for me to be afraid of creatures such as rats and insects.”
“But learn to overcome it!”
“This time it happens to be a meeting, let’s think of it as a workout!”
Although Sakura was still reluctant, she reluctantly agreed!
The group then walked towards the mission site, when Sasuke came silently to Naruto’s side.
Watching Sasuke approach Naruto curious, “Is there something wrong?” ”
Sasuke shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “You are a shadow doppelganger?” ”
Naruto smiled, “No, it’s me!” ”
“Is that so!”
Sasuke was relieved to hear this.
At this time, even he didn’t know why this happened, probably because Naruto’s strength was already beyond him, if he learned that this was a shadow avatar and the body was still cultivating, then he probably didn’t have the heart to do this task anymore!
Thinking of this, Sasuke suddenly wanted to learn this ninjutsu too!
Kakashi should have it!
When this task is done, ask him!
Soon several people came to the location of the mission, but here Naruto accidentally saw several unexpected people!
Naruto was a little surprised.
And not only Hinata, but also Inuzuka Ya, Shino the oil girl, and Konoha Misister with black hair and eyes like rubies, sunset red!
This was the first time Naruto had seen Sunset Red, and both his look and appearance were impeccable.
But how could Naruto be so superficial, he cared more about the illusion of Sunset Red!
But there is no rush!
So I withdrew my gaze after just one glance!
And Hinata also found Naruto and the others after hearing Naruto’s voice, and immediately showed a surprised expression!
“And Sasuke, Sakura!”
“Why are you here!”
At this time, Naruto and several people had already stepped forward!
“I should have asked you this!”
“We’re here to do the mission!”
“What about you!”
Sakura stepped forward and asked.
“Then let me answer you!”
Sakura looked at the person who spoke and was stunned!
“So beautiful!”
Sunset Red smiled slightly!
“Thanks for the compliment!”
Then introduced himself.
“I’m the guide of the eighth class, Sunset Red!”
Sakura was stunned for a moment and then quickly said, “Hello! ”
“My name is Sakura Haruno!”
Sunset Hong smiled slightly, “I know you! ”
After all, Kakashi-senpai and I are very familiar!
Saying that, she rolled her gaze and smiled, “You are Sasuke Uchiha!” ”
A genius at the ninja school.
Finally looked at Naruto again!
However, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.
“You are Naruto Uzumaki!”
Naruto smiled slightly and nodded.
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You finish reading Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 52

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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】


Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】 [Shouting in the classroom that I like Hinata’s fat times] 【In front of Jiraiya, he confesses to Tsunade, and expresses that he is thirsty and wants to drink milk】 【Tell Obito that Lin is still alive and very happy】 [Make out with Kaguya in front of Heijue and let Heijue call him father] But in order to become stronger, it doesn’t matter if it is dishonest. At worst, I don’t want this face anymore! So a guy with the most engaging mentality in the ninja world was born like this!


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