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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 7

The last group were these people who neither sat on the boy’s side nor surrounded Sasuke, which naturally included Naruto and others.
Looking at Sakura, who was constantly offering his courtesy around Sasuke, Ino still sitting next to Naruto showed disdain.
“Hmph, broad-bowed idiot!”
“Ino, why don’t you go!”
Dingji’s lunch was fried meat, and at the moment he was chewing while looking at Ino and asked suspiciously.
“Don’t you like Sasuke!”
“If you were usually like other girls, you would have surrounded you, wouldn’t you!”
“What’s wrong today?”
Ino was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a somewhat embarrassed and unnatural expression: “Who said I liked Sasuke, I used to just worry that Sasuke-kun was hungry because Sasuke-kun was a classmate!” ”
Saying that, he subconsciously glanced at Naruto, watching Naruto, who was also eating, his heartbeat began to accelerate inexplicably.
Shikamaru secretly watched between Ino and Naruto from the side, and his face gradually became strange.
On the other side of the classroom, Hinata sat there and looked at the meal in front of him in a puzzled manner, “Should I take it for Naruto-kun to taste!” ”
Finally, after hesitating for a moment, Hinata stood up and came to Naruto with the food in his hand.
Shikamaru Ding Ji Noi Ino and several people immediately looked over curiously.
Hinata’s face was slightly red and a little shy, but he still plucked up the courage and whispered, “Naruto-kun, this is the pastry I made, I want Naruto-kun to taste it!” ”
Naruto looked at Hinata with some surprise in his heart, but he didn’t expect that Hinata, who was usually shy and introverted, would take the initiative to come and talk to him.
It seems that my previous guidance was not in vain!
Naruto didn’t do anything through the year.
For example, he once tried to communicate with the Nine-Tails and wanted to reconcile with it, if there is the support of the Nine-Tails, his safety will be greatly guaranteed, and his strength will be greatly improved, after all, isn’t the Nine-Tails Naruto’s biggest golden finger.
It’s a pity that no matter what method he uses, he can’t enter the space that seals the Nine Tails, and if he can’t see the Nine Tails, let alone reconcile with the Nine Tails.
In his free time, Naruto cultivates a relationship with Hinata.
After all, his wife is to be cultivated from a young age, and he doesn’t want to be abducted by others as soon as he crosses Hinata!
Therefore, if I usually encounter it occasionally, I take the initiative to talk to Hinata, go up to help when Hinata is bullied, and sometimes send Hinata home.
Therefore, Hinata is much braver now than the original!
“It’s still steaming!”
Naruto looked at the pastry in Hinata’s hand a little surprised, it should have been cold after taking it to school all morning, but how did this seem to have just been baked!
Hinata nodded slightly and said shyly, “The clan just sent it to me, so it’s still hot, because I think it’s more delicious!” ”
Naruto was silent!
“It’s worthy of being the eldest miss of the Hyuga family, this treatment, everyone else eats boxed lunches, is the eldest lady eating takeaway!”
Shikamaru and the others also silently glanced at the food in their hands, and suddenly felt a little unfragrant!
“Then I’m not welcome!”
“Thank you for the pastry!”
Naruto smiled and was just about to take the food, the next moment, his body paused, and there was a sound of the system in his ears.
[Please eat Hinata’s love sweets in one bite, and shout in the classroom that I love Hinata’s fat, and you can start checking in when the conditions are met!] 】
I’m Nima!
Naruto’s smile immediately froze!
I immediately wanted to scold my mother in my heart.
Do you want to mess with my image like this!
This is a class, what will the people around me think of me?
You won’t throw me out as a pervert!
I thought that urinating on the Fire Shadow Rock last time was outrageous enough, but it seems that I still underestimated the lower limit of this system.
Why would someone as serious as me get such an unorthodox system!
Naruto complained in his heart, but in order to become stronger, he had to do it!
Naruto’s face unconsciously became a little solemn.
Hinata seemed to see the change in Naruto’s expression, and asked with some concern, “Naruto, what’s wrong with you, don’t you like the pastries I make?” ”
Saying that, Hinata lowered his head and felt a little lost in his heart!
Naruto quickly returned and smiled, “How come, I like it very much, thank you for the food!” ”
Then he gritted his teeth and said hard, “So in order to express my gratitude, I have something I want to say to you!” ”
Hinata’s face suddenly turned red when he heard this, and he looked down in a voice as small as a mosquito and asked, “What do you want to say, Naruto?” ”
Ino, who didn’t care on the side, but was actually eavesdropping, was also shocked at the moment!
Naruto had something to say to Hinata, what was he going to say?
It wouldn’t be to confess, would it?
Could it be that one pastry took Naruto’s heart away, and I already knew that it was so easy for me to make pastries for Naruto to eat!
No, isn’t it Sasuke that I liked before, how can I be so attached to Naruto!
I guessed wrong!
Naruto just wanted to thank Hinata, it certainly wouldn’t be what I thought.
Ino kept comforting himself in his heart, but seeing Naruto’s somewhat tangled and unspoken appearance wasn’t exactly the expression he saw on TV when the male protagonist wanted to confess to the girl!
My heart suddenly felt a little gray, could it be that my relationship ended before it began!
Ding Ci’s eyes were full of food, and at this time, he was constantly stuffing fried meat into his mouth.
Shikamaru took a small bite of chopsticks and ate it, hearing Naruto’s words, he subconsciously moved his gaze to Naruto.
I saw Naruto take Hinata’s pastry and put it in his mouth and ate it, and the taste was really good.
Looking at Hinata standing in front of him, Naruto seemed to see what she would look like when she was a good wife and mother in the future!
But thinking of what he was going to do next, Naruto sighed.
I’m sorry Hinata, I’ll repay you in the future.
He then stood up and looked at Hinata with apologetic eyes.
But in Hinata and Ino’s eyes, it was Naruto who was looking at Hinata affectionately.
Hinata’s face turned even more rosy, and Ino gritted his teeth with a look of unwillingness.
Naruto inhaled slowly and shouted loudly in the eyes of the crowd.
“I like Hinata’s fat ji the most!!”
“I like Hinata’s fat ji!”
The loud sound echoed in the classroom, and even there was a brief echo due to the small space!
Everyone in the classroom was stunned!
Ino’s eyes widened sharply!
Ding Ji, who was eating meat, was choked so much that he directly sprayed out!
And Shikamaru opened his mouth wide, and the chopsticks in his hand unknowingly fell to the ground without noticing!
Finally, Hinata blinked, and then quickly turned red from neck to face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a hot breath came out of his head.
Finally, I rolled my eyes directly and fainted shyly!
There was an uproar in the classroom!
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You finish reading Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious Chapter 7

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Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Crossing Uzumaki Naruto, my check-in is not serious

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】


Travel to the world of Naruto and become Naruto Uzumaki, and have a golden finger sign-in system. It’s just that he found that this sign-in system is a bit unscrupulous! 【The man who urinated on Hokage Rock and shouted to be Hokage】 [Shouting in the classroom that I like Hinata’s fat times] 【In front of Jiraiya, he confesses to Tsunade, and expresses that he is thirsty and wants to drink milk】 【Tell Obito that Lin is still alive and very happy】 [Make out with Kaguya in front of Heijue and let Heijue call him father] But in order to become stronger, it doesn’t matter if it is dishonest. At worst, I don’t want this face anymore! So a guy with the most engaging mentality in the ninja world was born like this!


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