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Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently! Chapter 43

Chapter 43 The sensation of the Holy Land Mary Joa, the evaluation of the crane staff!
With the shrill sound of sirens, it sounded over the Holy Land of Mary Joa. Just a split second of time.
In all corners, soldiers in white uniforms and various armors. Droves began to run out.
Even the strongest shield guarding the Draco— CPO agents were dispatched in unison at this moment. The figure of Qi brushing.
Stepping on the Navy Six and flying into the air one by one.
Want to stop the UFO that suddenly appeared over this holy place of Mary Joa. But.
But it was in vain to find out. It’s just a wasted effort.
All attacks. At this moment, there is no trace of excess that is directly bounced back.
“Damn. What’s going on here??? ”
“Why are the attacks all ejected?? This”
“Even the bullets were ejected??? It’s outrageous this is. ”
“It’s useless to point at a gun!! The attack was also ejected in an instant. ”
“No, I’m afraid I’ll run into the Holy Land of Mary Joa if it goes on like this.” Wait for the five old star adults to get angry. ”
“It’s too late, it’s already… Almost crashed. ”
The sky above Mary Joa, the sacred land of the Red Earth Continent.
The inner ghost Worcester, who was slapped by Chris, passed directly through the encirclement without any obstacles. Bang!!!
The rumble—- accompanied by a loud bang, smashed directly into a certain room in the Holy Land Mary Joa. See the scene in front of you.
All the agents, the guards were completely stunned.
If the defense of the Holy Land is bad, then the head may have to move. And right now.
There are already surprises.
… Coincidentally.
The smashed room is exactly what the Holy Land Mary Joa has right to do.
It is also the room where the five Alzheimer’s patients nominally meet from time to time. But in fact, it is a room where the five old stars and others often pose in various ways. Originally, posing was discussing some things about the Rocks Pirates. But I didn’t think of it.
There was something, and it was smashed directly.
The windows of the entire room were directly smashed.
All kinds of broken glass were also covered with the ground, and some even splashed directly on the body of the five old stars. As for Worcester.
After falling into the room.
Under the bombardment of Chris’s flesh racket flying shockwave. It is also directly recessed into the floor of the room.
Smoke and dust filled the air.
Instantly, the visibility of the entire room also dropped sharply. All kinds of rubble are flying.
The five old men were also confused by this sudden 437 scene. One by one, they looked surprised.
Because nothing like this has ever happened. It’s the first time I’ve encountered it.
“What’s the situation??”
“What happened??”
“This… Who’s this??? ”
“It’s a person, he looks a little miserable, it seems to be out of gas, but this person is a little familiar!!”
“Messing around!!!”
“What did you think of the Holy Land?? What about the escorts?? Where are the guards??? ”
Five old stars, you say a word to me.
In the face of such a sudden situation, the five old stars did not act rashly. Just stand quietly in place.
Look at the location of the smoke in front of you.
At the same time, the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing is also slowly unfolding at this moment. Want to find out.
The five old stars wearing white Daoist robes and suspected of holding the original Ghost Cher, also held the handle of the knife tightly with one hand. Be prepared for any unexpected situation that follows.
With the smoke and dust slowly dispersing.
The five old stars were also able to see the scene in front of them clearly at this moment.
On the ground, which was torn apart like a spider’s web, lay a corpse.
“This is… This… This guy isn’t…”
“If the old man remembers correctly, this guy’s name is Worcester!!! One of the CP agents!! ”
“I’m a little impressed, but didn’t you send this guy to the Rocks Pirates to perform an undercover mission??? How suddenly appeared in the Holy Land. ”
“That’s right, it seems that most of the current situation has been discovered.”
“The group of bastards of the Rocks Pirates is really cruel!!!”
Looking at Worcester, who was already almost unrecognizable in front of him. Broken hands and feet.
Even the tendons and tendons were pumped. One less ear. The nose is also cut.
One eye was also gouged out. It looks very scary. It’s even disgusting!!
Five Old Stars and the others didn’t pay much attention after taking a look.
Being in high positions, they had not seen such a bloody and terrifying face for a long time. No more.
Worcester is just a small pawn. Like an ant.
Very little!! If you die, you die.
“This gang of pirates!!”
“It’s so cruel, it’s really… It can’t be done without them. ”
“It should be killed!!!”
Jupiter, one of the five old stars, said sharply.
“If only it were that easy.”
“This gang can only disintegrate from within!!”
“The outside is simply unbreakable!!”
Ma Si Sheng, one of the five old stars, also responded.
For the Rocks Pirates, the Navy and the World Government can be said to have no suitable way to deal with it at the moment. Located in the New World, occupy the pirate island.
The whole island is full of long-standing pirates. Moreover.
There are also many sea pirates.
Edward Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, Charlotte Lingling, Kleibel, John, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, Ghost Bloodline Boy Kaido, and so on.
All of them are famous sea thieves. On top of this.
There is also a demon-like Lokes with natural monsters.
But it was such a group of people, but unexpectedly all gathered together.
Therefore, the pirate group with such terrifying combat power does not even dare to have the slightest contempt from the world government. Of course, it is not that measures have not been taken before.
But in the end, in the face of the strong strength of the Rocks Pirates, it was also disintegrated in an instant. Therefore, in the end, the world government also decided to infiltrate the pirates.
Intend to break from the inside!!
It was in this context that Worcester was sent undercover by the World Government to the Rocks Pirates. Just didn’t think of it.
All of a sudden, he died.
And the reason does not need to be thought about, it must have been discovered.
“Just now, the old man contacted the captain of the escort.”
What they mean is that this corpse flew directly from the far air of the Holy Land of Mary Joa!! Eventually crashed into our room here!!
Of course, they did not fail to stop!!!
It’s just that all attacks are ostracized and attacks are all invalidated!!
One of the five old stars, Venus Saint put down the phone worm in his hand and talked eloquently.
“?? Are you kidding?? ”
“Fly to the Holy Land and then smash it at us??”
“So, it’s a coincidence, isn’t it!!!
Ma Si Sheng, one of the five old stars, looked confused.
I always feel that the matter in front of me is intentional.
“According to this, the Holy Land also… This is the sky over the 10,000-meter-high Red Earth Continent!! ”
“How did you get this guy Worcester into our room?”
Mercury, one of the five old stars, also said the biggest question in his heart. The Red Earth Continent is very high.
Climbing is unusually difficult. 10,000 meters high.
Not to mention all kinds of cliffs.
Not to mention that at the moment, it is said that it flew from the air. But in the impression of everyone.
No one on the Great Voyage has ever possessed such terrifying power!! After all, the intelligence information about Chris at the moment, the five old stars still do not know. The then Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Steel Bone Kong was also not reported.
“Let’s not talk about that.”
“Wait for those guys to investigate first!!”
“It will be clear then.”
Venus Saint said in a deep voice.
The other five old stars also nodded. Very recognizable.
Of course, there’s no way around it right now.
“Wrapped this guy in a mat and dragged out to feed the fish… Forget it, let’s put it in the back mountain of the holy land. ”
At this moment, one of the five old stars, Jay Golucia Satan Sheng, turned his head again and after looking at it twice, he was also ready to directly ask someone to drag Worcester out.
It’s too much of a hindrance to put it in the room right now. Not to mention.
The smell of blood is also very uncomfortable.
Useless guys, it’s better to throw them out earlier.
Venus Saint interrupted.
“What’s wrong??”
Jaygolucia Satan Saint looked at Venus on the side with a puzzled expression.
“Look at!!!!”
Under the gaze of several other old stars, Venus kicked Worcester over. Since the fall is face-down.
What the five old stars can see is Worcester’s side face, as well as his back. And right now.
Thanks to a kick from Venus.
Everyone was also able to see what the Rokkes Pirates had done before their chests at this moment. In an instant, in a second, the faces of the five old stars changed suddenly.
The speed of changing faces is simply faster than the speed of turning a book!! In the conference room, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.
The five old stars were also furious. It is also angry to the extreme.
“This skeleton pirate flag!!!”
Isn’t it the pirate flag of the Rocks Pirates???
“Lockes, this is a good thing, I’m afraid we don’t know, right?”
“Good one to take its place!! Locks! Hum!! ”
“This group of bastards simply don’t put us in their eyes, and sooner or later they will destroy him.”
“And this capital letter D, Lockes, this bastard, is really bullying to the head.”
“This is a naked provocation!!!”
“This time, if you don’t take any measures, you have to give them a little bit of suffering, otherwise I’m afraid…” Then they were even more lawless. ”
“Well, it’s really necessary!!!
On this sea, it has always been called God’s natural enemy. And the five old stars are one of the pure blooded world noble Draco. Therefore.
See this scene in front of you. Directly old shame into anger.
The blood pressure in the body naturally soared directly. It reached a very terrifying point.
Accompanied by his guards, Worcester’s body was removed. But when moving.
But he suddenly discovered that a phone bug had dropped on Worcester’s body. Jaygolucia Satan Saint also took it directly.
“Rocks this guy… It’s really okay!! ”
“There was even a dedicated phone bug left for us to contact him conveniently!!”
“It’s really getting less and less taken seriously from us.”
On the phone bug in front of him, it is also printed with the unique logo of the Rocks Pirates. Jay Golucia Satan Saint also saw through the significance of Rox’s move at a glance. And Mercury, one of the five old stars, is also more and more angry the more he looks, the more angry he thinks.
“Throw this guy Worcester directly from the edge of the Red Earth Continent into the Great Voyage Sea!!”
“What a useless waste!!”
“I actually failed to go undercover.”
“Dead and used by the robbers of Rocks to humiliate us!!”
The guards between the powers couldn’t help but nod one by one at this moment. At this point, the matter is over.
The five old stars are also quietly waiting for a detailed investigation from the CP agents. As for using the phone bug, contact Rocks???
Don’t worry about it for now.
As the highest power in the world government, the five old stars also have their own pride.
…………… And the other side. At the same time.
When Worcester’s body fell at great speed, causing a great sensation in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.
Navy headquarters Marin Fandor.
Vice Admiral Karp of the Navy headquarters, Vice Admiral Tsuru, also came to the marshal’s office in a hurry at this moment. Steel Bone Kong looked at the two people with gray faces and dusty faces in front of him.
The steel bone is also speechless for a while. At this point, silence is better than sound.
The whole office is also very quiet. About five minutes later.
“That… I can understand your feelings at this moment. ”
“But, there is no way!!”
“Everything has to be Daju!!”
“So, until you know the details of Chris, we can’t let you go to Hive Island for the time being!!”
Steel Bone Kong sighed deeply, breaking the silence of the conference room.
“What else is there to know??”
“That gang of robbers, all damned, kill them all with their eyes closed, there will be no mistake!!”
Karp said indignantly.
Warring states!!
For Karp, it’s not just a comrade born into death. They are also brothers and old friends who get along day and night.
Joined the Navy during the same period.
In order to carry out the justice in their hearts. Right now, the Warring States suddenly encountered such a thing.
And he can only do it here in a hurry, he can’t do anything. It also made Karp very self-pitying.
“I hope you can… Be able to identify yourself before doing anything!! ”
“You are first and foremost a navy!!”
“It’s a soldier!!”
“Then obey my commands and arrangements!!!
Steelbone’s expression also became serious.
“Marshal Steel Bone Sky, if you have anything, just say it.”
“Karp this guy… It’s such a character!! ”
“Don’t worry about him, just let him be alone.”
Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was a little unpleasant, the cranes on the side were also playing round lanes on the side. The steel bone on the side also wanted to say something, and it was naturally very clear to Karp. Very strong personality!!
“It’s like this… Didn’t that guy from the Warring States press the golden phone worm before and launch the demon slaughter order?? ”
The steel bone is hollow.
“What’s wrong?? The result?? ”
“Even if you didn’t defeat the Rocks Pirates, then it must have dealt a devastating blow to the Pirate Island Hive!!”
Devil Slaughter Order!!
It was a special military operation authorized by the World Government of the Navy headquarters. It will be indiscriminately devastating to the place where the signal is sent.
And right now.
Although it is said that it is the first time that a demon slaughter order has been launched against the pirate island hive. But since it was a temporary special operation.
Therefore, unexpected results are also possible.
“The Demon Slayer Order fleet was… The blow was completely crushed!! ”
“As for the specific number of deaths and disabilities, it is still being counted!!”
Steel Bone Empty shook his head and sighed.
I never imagined that this would be such a result.
Video phone bugs are installed above the Navy Slayer Order fleet. So what happened at that time, Steel Bone Void is very clear. That’s why they called Karp and Crane back so quickly.
“The Demon Slayer Order fleet was defeated with one blow??”
“Who did it??”
Karp and Tsuru said in unison at this moment. In the opinion of the two.
The only one who can have such terrifying power is Lokes.

You finish reading Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently! Chapter 43

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Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently!

Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently!

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel through the world of pirates. Chris successfully intercepted the meatball fruit. Master the power to bounce anything “actively” or “passively”. Whether it is a person or an attack, it can be directly bou


Travel through the world of pirates. Chris successfully intercepted the meatball fruit. Master the power to bounce anything “actively” or “passively”. Whether it is a person or an attack, it can be directly bounced off by Chris. Even heat, soul, shock waves, injuries, and all kinds of pain were easily bounced off by Chris. Golden Lion Shiji: “It’s outrageous, Chris was able to slash and bounce Lao Tzu’s sword energy!” White Beard: “I’m not the same. The ability of the Zhenzhen fruit was also directly ignored by Chris. What kind of monster is this guy?” The Rocks: “Chris’ talent is second to none!” Roger: “Chris is the only obstacle on my way to becoming king!” Warring States: “A devil fruit that integrates attack, defense, and healing, Chris is really terrifying!” Accompanied by the outbreak of the Valley of Gods war. Facing Iron Fist Garp, Black Arm Zefa! Chris Meatball overturned Garp with a palm! Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Cutting the Hurouqiu Fruit, God’s Valley Beats Karp!” “; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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