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Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently! Chapter 44

Chapter 44 The intelligence docking of the five old stars and the steel bone sky, forced to helplessly, contacted Lokes!!。
As the hegemon of this sea.
Lockes’ strength is beyond doubt.
It can defeat the entire Dolphin Slayer Order fleet in a short time. As far as the eye can see, the entire Hive Island.
In the eyes of Karp and Tsuru.
There is only the monster of Rocks.
I can’t think of anyone other than Lokes. Although there are many monsters in the Rocks Pirates, only Rocks can do it.
“It’s not…”
“Not the Rocks guy. I”
Isn’t it Rocks? Who else could that be??
In an instant, the crane suddenly showed a dazed look. The mind is also running fast.
At this moment, each cadre of the Rocks Pirate Group passed through the crane’s mind one by one like a marquee. Soon.
A man with a strong body and golden hair came to the crane’s mind.
“Could it be Edward??? Whitebeard that guy?? ”
Tsuru continued to ask tentatively.
Unexpectedly, the next empty words. At this moment, it also surprised Tsuru.
“Nor is it!”
“It’s Chris!!!”
“It’s just… That little devil who flew the Warring States before!! ”
“It was he who alone defeated the Navy Demon Slayer Order fleet!”
Listen to the answer of the marshal steel bone.
“Chris? That imp?? ”
Crane, Karp and the two also said in unison again unexpectedly at this moment. His expression was also very stunned.
I can’t believe it.
My heart also set off a lot of waves. Can’t calm down for a long time.
“It’s actually that guy?!!”
“I really saw it before!!”
Karp said quietly.
The clenched fists also creaked at this moment.
Breathing also becomes gradually rapid.
I never thought that Chris actually had such great power. However, this can also explain why it is possible to shoot the Warring States.
I’m afraid the strength is also very strong. Maybe not even much worse than the Sengoku. It was long overdue to realize then.
But there are no ifs.
Things have already happened, and there is no room for regret right now.
“In this way, this guy Chris is really a hidden little monster!!”
After a long while, the crane said in a deep voice.
At this moment, my mind also slowly began to recall everything that happened at the naval branch base at that time. Meantime.
It was also the beginning to tell Marshal Steel Bone Air about some things he learned at the base. And when Steel Bone Kong heard this, he was also furious.
His expression was unusually angry.
“Dimitri that bastard!!”
“I actually concealed it and didn’t report it.”
“And set up such a big enemy for the Navy for no reason!!”
“What about the others??”
“Why didn’t you bring him back with you?”
Steel Bone Kong looked at Tsuru and asked.
“He… He’s been killed by that Chris guy!! ”
Tsuru hesitated for a moment, and also told the death of Dimitry, the general of the branch base, and at this moment it was also told to the steel bone.
After learning that the branch general Dimitri had died, Steelbone’s mood eased slightly. Not so excited.
“That guy, it’s really cheap for him to die!!!”
Concealment and non-reporting.
At the branch base, blame yourself and do wrong. Moreover.
It also set up such a monster for the Navy for no reason. One thought of this.
The blood pressure of the steel bone empty is also the rise of biubiu. There are enough monsters in the Rocks Pirates. Now.
Chris is also officially announced to join the Rocks Pirates. This is for the Navy.
The pressure is also increasing again. Not to mention.
The ability shown by Chris is no longer an ordinary pirate. There may be a bit of a gap with Lokes’ strength.
But the current behavior and record are not lost to Edward Newgate, Shiki, Charlotte Lingling, and these people, just when the steel bone is ready to say something.
The telephone worm on the table rang coldly at this moment. Bru Bru…
Bulu Bru Bru ··
Since each phone bug can mimic the appearance of the caller. Thus.
When looking at the appearance of the phone bug in front of you.
The whole person’s spirit was also uplifted, and he was not sleepy all of a sudden, and his sleepiness seemed to be scared away.
I was also taken aback.
“The world government… Five old stars?? ”
“Why call at this time???
The steel bone hollow also couldn’t understand for a while.
It’s already midnight, not early. Everyone who should have slept has already slept.
Is there anything important to call at this point in time. After a moment of silence.
Steel bone empty is also connected to the phone worm. Soon.
The other end of the phone worm.
It was also the sonorous and powerful voice of the five old stars.
“Steel Bone Empty???”
“Why did it take so long to answer the phone??”
The questioning tone also made Gang Bone’s empty face frown.
It was also a time when he lost his temper. Reluctantly squeezed out a smile in response.
“Lord Jaygorusia Satan, is there anything else to call so late????”
Through the voice in the phone worm, Steel Bone Empty thought turned, and he also knew which of the five old stars was talking to him. The other party is the top boss.
Another five old stars. He also has the identity of the world government Draco.
Even the steel bone as a naval marshal can only be respectful at this moment.
“Listen up!!!”
Jay Golucia Satan snorted coldly.
“The gang of the Rocks Pirates, find an opportunity to go to the New World to purge a wave!!”
“You can’t let them do whatever they want so brazenly!!”
“As a marshal, you sometimes have to let them know. On this sea… Who has the final say??? ”
Jay Golucia Satan Saint sonorous, and the eloquent words also made Steel Bone Void a little overwhelmed. I also can’t understand what the five old stars are thinking.
What stimulated suddenly?
I don’t sleep in the middle of the night and make a phone call, saying that I want to compete with the Rocks Pirates for the right to speak in the sea. Looking for an opportunity to start a war with the Rocks Pirates??
But… How dare you!!
The Rocks Pirates are unique overlords in the New World itself. The Navy and the Rocks Pirates have also clashed several times.
But in the end, neither side got any benefit from the other. Therefore, it is also a stalemate for a long time.
And secondly, right now.
The situation within the Navy is also very difficult at present. It has already lost a powerful combat power.
The then Admiral of the Navy Headquarters Sengoku is currently behind bars.
In the lair of the Rocks Pirates, life and death are between the thoughts of Rocks. The Navy is obviously already very passive.
Before the situation was clear, the steel bone void naturally did not dare to take too big a step. Don’t dare to make too much movement.
Of course. Compared to these.
The Rocks Pirates now have another monster named Chris. The strength is also very terrifying.
With a snap of your fingers, you can easily crush a naval fleet. Such strength has to be taken seriously!!
The trade-offs of the two.
The Navy does not have any advantages to speak of.
If you insist on launching an active attack at such a juncture. I’m afraid the Navy will suffer an unprecedented blow!! And this is not what Steel Bone Empty wants.
“What’s the problem??”
Watching the time continue to pass, but the steel bone empty did not have any reply. Without any attitude.
Suddenly it also made Jay Golucia Satan a little displeased.
Steel Bone hesitated for a moment.
His gaze also looked at Lieutenant General Tsuru on the side.
Tsuru also nodded and slowly closed his eyes.
“That’s right!!”
“Sengoku… When Sengoku returned from a mission, he ran into a guy named Chris”
“To assist Dimitri…
“So it ended up flying.”
After brushing my thoughts.
Steel bone Kong also told the words of the two people before and Karp and the story of the matter to the five old stars on the other end of the phone again.
And listen to the report narration of the steel bone.
The five old stars located between the powers of Mary Joa in the Holy Land are also calm. Uncharacteristically!!
The reaction was also very violent.
“??? Seriously?? ”
“Messing around!!!!
“Sengoku was slapped flying?? Are you kidding?? The admiral of the headquarters of the Navy was actually slapped flying?? ”
“A guy who has never heard of it has such abilities? Even if you make it up, you have to make it up decent!! ”
“Anyway, why did you report such a thing to us now?? Why didn’t you say it before?? ”
“What did you take us for??”
“Steel bone, you are the marshal of the headquarters of the navy!! Some things are not casual to talk about!! Hope you understand. ”
In the face of a series of questions and doubts from the five old stars.
Steel bone empty also had to slowly and helplessly smile bitterly to explain one by one. Even let the crane and Karp testify at the scene.
In the end, he got rid of the doubt.
Steel bone empty originally wanted to report as soon as possible.
But due to the arrival of Karp and Tsuru, it was eventually gone. But I didn’t expect it.
The five old stars happened to call directly at this moment. The steel bone void is also a word of suffering in the heart.
It is only possible to put the reported matter on hold. After a long time.
Jaygolucia Satan suddenly spoke again.
“You said earlier that Sengoku pressed the Golden Phone Bug command??”
What about the back?
In the face of inquiries from the five old stars.
Steel Bone Empty also said directly without any reservations again.
“The Demon Slayer Order Fleet was… By Chris… That guy directly collapsed with one move, and the fleet also directly lost its combat capability when it received a sudden shock wave. ”
“All paralyzed in an instant, as for the specific number of deaths and injuries is still being counted, but the situation is not optimistic!!”
Holy Land Mary Joya.
Between powers.
Hear the answer to the empty head in the phone worm. The atmosphere changed suddenly.
Quiet scary.
Jay Golucia Satan, Maas, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury. The five people also had different expressions.
But his face was full of shock. Between each other you look at me and I look at you.
For a moment, I didn’t know what to say. My heart is also unable to calm down for a long time.
Easily destroy a naval demon slaying order fleet with one blow?? Is this something that humans can do?
It’s a monster!
It’s just that I didn’t expect to join the Rocks Pirates. This is the case.
As a result, things have become more complicated.
Jay Golucia Satan slowly calmed down his shocked heart,
“We got it.”
“That… Let’s wait for our notice for now!! ”
“Don’t act rashly!!”
Gacha didn’t wait for Steel Bone to respond.
Jaygolucia Satan hung up the phone bug directly. Leaving behind a confused Steel Bone Kong and Karp and others.
“You guys… Heard it too. ”
“Let’s wait for the notice.”
“So, right now… Let’s wait and see what the world government will arrange then.”
Steel Bone said lightly.
“They better have a plan.”
“Otherwise, even if it’s just my old man, he will definitely not make those guys on Hive Island happy!!”
Young Karp said angrily.
Together with the Sengoku, he joined the Navy at the same time and came to this day together. Kill pirates together and be born into death.
Right now, this is happening in the Warring States.
Karp naturally could never sit still.
Besides, if you weren’t crazy when you were young, would you still be young?? What’s more, it’s still a powerful young navy like Karp!
So when you’re younger, it’s just going to be even crazier. So.
For Karp’s words, Steel Bone Kong also did not dare not take it seriously. At the moment, Karp may rush to the sea thief island beehive with his bare hands. After all.
Karp on weekdays is a madman who uses mountains to practice boxing!! Not to mention this kind of thing.
If it is stimulated, then everything may be done.
“Karp, we can understand your feelings!!”
“However, at the moment, Lokes did not kill the Sengoku at the first time!!”
“Mostly… There must be some kind of purpose! ”
“Now, let’s wait for the news!!”
Steel Bone sighed helplessly and comforted again.
Right now… There is no better way than waiting for the world government’s notification.
It is naturally impossible to move a large number of navies to Beehive Island privately. Steel Bone Void is very clear in his heart.
He, the field marshal of the navy, and the entire naval corps exist to defend the interests of the world government. It’s not his empty words!!
The other side.
The office building of Mary Joa, the mecca of the World Government. Between powers.
At this time, the five old stars had just received a report from the agents below.
With the CP intelligence capabilities of the world government.
It is also a matter of quickly falling Worcester’s body from the sky and smashing into the Holy Land Mary Joa, and the investigation is out, combined with the previous report of the steel bone.
All the things…
In this moment… It’s also reconnected!!!! All the actions eventually pointed to Chris.
It also made the five old stars suddenly shocked! Faced with such a situation, the five old stars also immediately ordered, ordering the secret spy agency directly under the World Government to investigate all the intelligence and specific abilities about Chris.
“Chris that guy, must be erased as soon as possible!! He must not be given any more time to grow. ”
“Otherwise, I’m afraid it will be the second Lox, or even the existence of Lox!!”
Saint Mercury, one of the five old stars, said with a serious face.
The current situation is gradually beyond the control of the world government and navy. It is already intensifying in an uncontrollable direction.
There has never been such a domineering ability on the sea, and it can actually shoot people directly into the air silently. And the flight distance is still so far.
Moreover, one blow directly crushed the entire Navy Demon Slayer Order fleet, although to some extent with the impact of the tsunami. But anyway.
In the face of the newcomer Chris who suddenly appeared on the Great Voyage, the danger has approached the sea overlord Lockes. This is the unanimous consensus reached by the five old stars.
“So… It’s necessary to contact Lokes. ”
Jay Golucia Satan said quietly.
It was also again taken out of the phone bug with the logo of the Rocks Pirates that had fallen from the previous undercover agent Worcester. Placed on the table.
[Guys, the plot progress will be accelerated later!] Force].

You finish reading Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently! Chapter 44

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Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently!

Cut off the fruit of Hurouqiu, and the Valley of the Gods beat Garp violently!

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel through the world of pirates. Chris successfully intercepted the meatball fruit. Master the power to bounce anything “actively” or “passively”. Whether it is a person or an attack, it can be directly bou


Travel through the world of pirates. Chris successfully intercepted the meatball fruit. Master the power to bounce anything “actively” or “passively”. Whether it is a person or an attack, it can be directly bounced off by Chris. Even heat, soul, shock waves, injuries, and all kinds of pain were easily bounced off by Chris. Golden Lion Shiji: “It’s outrageous, Chris was able to slash and bounce Lao Tzu’s sword energy!” White Beard: “I’m not the same. The ability of the Zhenzhen fruit was also directly ignored by Chris. What kind of monster is this guy?” The Rocks: “Chris’ talent is second to none!” Roger: “Chris is the only obstacle on my way to becoming king!” Warring States: “A devil fruit that integrates attack, defense, and healing, Chris is really terrifying!” Accompanied by the outbreak of the Valley of Gods war. Facing Iron Fist Garp, Black Arm Zefa! Chris Meatball overturned Garp with a palm! Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Cutting the Hurouqiu Fruit, God’s Valley Beats Karp!” “; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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