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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Chapter 79

Miranda had a dream, a beautiful dream.
She dreams that she and Martin are married, and the two go out to sea on a cruise ship for their honeymoon.
They had a lot of fun.
Unexpectedly, the cruise ship hit an iceberg and trapped himself in the cabin.
Fortunately, Martin did not give up on his own escape.
He struggled to find and rescue himself.
But when they climbed onto the deck, the others had already left in lifeboats.
Martin found a large plank out of nowhere and jumped into the sea with him, but the plank could not carry the weight of two people and began to sink.
Martin hugged himself and said firmly: “Miranda, you will definitely get out of danger.” You have to live, have many children, watch them grow up, and you will have a peaceful life and rest in a warm bed. It’s not here tonight, it’s not dying like this…”
Then you have to jump into the sea and leave the hope of life to yourself.
But he is not “Ruth”, and he will never allow his “Jack” to leave him, live together, and die together.
So he pounced and hugged Martin’s arm tightly, tightly, tightly …
Holding tightly, hugging tightly, Miranda felt that Martin’s arm was so strong, and her chest hurt…
No…… It really hurts!
Miranda opened her eyes and looked at the sleeping face in front of her with some confusion, “Martin, you’re not dead!” ”
As soon as the words came out, Miranda woke up, was it a dream just now?
So now this is…
She began to recall what happened last night, and she was playing with Martin… Martin told himself his new story… I fell asleep holding Martin’s arm, huh? Asleep?!
Miranda suddenly lifted the quilt secretly.
Fortunately, Martin was still wearing clothes.
When I looked up again, I saw Martin with his eyes open, looking at himself with a smile.
Miranda buried her head in the covers, pretending to be an ostrich, “You, you get out.” ”
“I have to go out, otherwise I will be found in your room, and I don’t think that the two of us did something yesterday, then I will die unjustly!”
Saying that, Martin actually lifted the quilt and got out of bed, quickly left Miranda’s bedroom, and did not forget to take away the lonely “little golden man” when he left.
Leave Miranda alone in the bedroom to get angry!
“I’m angry, is there something very shameful to happen with me?!”
After returning to his bedroom, Martin moved his body – he was held for a while, and with his physique, his arms also felt a little sore!
Then quickly undressed and went to bed, ready to catch up on sleep.
Before I could lie down for a while, I heard my mother’s urging.
“Martin, it’s time to get up for breakfast, Uncle Frank and Aunt Chris are leaving today, you have to say goodbye to them, and Miranda.”
“Alright, alright!” Martin sat up and quickly ran the magic in his body, and the exhaustion was suddenly swept away.
After washing, Martin went downstairs and saw Miranda drinking milk and eating sandwiches in the restaurant, and child models did not need to control their diet like adult models.
Seeing Martin come down, Miranda blushed, her little head was lowered, and she was ready to load an ostrich.
But how could Martin let her go, walked over to him and sat down across from him, and said with a wicked smile: “Dear Miss Miranda, did you sleep well last night, Youjump, Ijump?” ”
Miranda’s eyes widened, “Damn, how did he know?” ”
“Me, I dreamed yesterday?”
“Hmph!” Miranda quickly collected her mood and glared at Martin, “I slept well yesterday, and there is a big throw pillow, but it’s comfortable, I just don’t know how Martin you slept yesterday?” ”
“Thanks, Aranda.”
Martin took the breakfast handed over by Mrs. Aranda, thanked him, and then said to Miranda: “I also slept well, did not dream, did not dream and talk, except for a little sore arm, everything else is fine.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )
Frank Fox on the side glanced at the two suspiciously, and always felt that the atmosphere between the two seemed to be a little subtle.
On the way back, Frank, who was driving, suddenly asked: “Miranda, did something happen between you and Martin?” ”
“Huh?” Frank’s words made Chris nervous, and he looked at his sister and said, “Really, Miranda? ”
“Huh? How so? What didn’t happen? ”
Facing her sister and Frank, Miranda is much calmer than when she faced Martin, and there is no flaw on her “dazed” little face.
After seeing off the Franks and Miranda, Martin picked up the newspaper on the table.
“Oh, today’s newspaper is very lively, it’s all about the Oscars.”
“I’ll take a look!”
“Sure enough, the Oscar heroine was spit on, the most watery heroine in history.”
“But it’s no wonder that she was questioned by the media, Gwyneth’s performance in “Shakespeare’s Love History” can only be said to be good, compared to the also nominated Cate Blanchett (the elf queen in “The Lord of the Rings”), her acting skills in “Elizabeth” can be said to amaze everyone, and the performance of the two belongs to the gap visible to the naked eye.”
Martin also found that the best original screenplay and best original soundtrack were also questioned, and the two awards won by “Shakespeare” were also compared by the media with their “Paranormal Sixth Sense”.
For example, the Los Angeles Times: “I don’t know if the Oscar judges are blind or deaf 120, why can the mediocre script of “Shakespeare’s Love History” beat the extremely elaborate structure of “Spiritual Sixth Sense”? There is also the soundtrack, the soundtrack of “Sixth Sense” is completely master-level, the shocking appeal and sense of substitution, so far shocked me, what is “Shakespeare’s Love History”? Gentle? Boring? ”
And the New York Times: “”Shakespeare’s Love History” defeated the magic with mediocrity, Martin’s screenwriting level and soundtrack level in “The Sixth Sense” are absolutely master-level, he lost to capital, and Oscar’s credibility was lost in this session.” ”
Martin laughed, it sounded pretty cool!
There is also “Shakespeare’s Love History” beating “Saving Private Ryan” to win the best picture, which was also criticized by the media.
For example, the Washington Daily News: “Strictly speaking, “Shakespeare’s Love History” also has its merits, not a pure bad film, and historical films and biopics are still more popular in the eyes of today’s Oscar judges.” But the problem is that not too bad quality does not qualify for best picture. Or in layman’s terms, this movie and “Saving Private Ryan”, “Beautiful Life”, “Truman’s World” and so on can be described as one day and one place, belonging to the gap in levels, not a grade at all…”
Anyway, “Shakespeare’s Love History” was scolded miserably.
(Brothers, please take care, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards, thank you.) )。

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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a Ph


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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