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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Chapter 80

Office of President Miramax.
“Although “Shakespeare’s Love History” is a historical film, just like its name, it is actually a love story, and it also belongs to the kind of old-fashioned love that is quite routine and calm. Compared with several films nominated in the same period, “Shakespeare” is really not outstanding. ”
However, such a mediocre film not only won the Oscar for Best Picture, but Gwyneth also won the position of actress. I have to say that Harvey’s public relations ability is commendable, and the lower limit of the academy judges has been refreshed again! ”
Bob Weinstein dropped the newspaper in his hand and said with some concern:
“This newspaper is already a more tactful commentary, Harvey, did we go too far this time?”
Harvey Weinstein sat behind his desk, smoking a cigar and swallowing the fog, and after hearing his brother’s words, said disdainfully:
“Ever? What’s ever? Which Oscars ended those award-winning films not scolded? Those old guys in the academy have long been accustomed to it, as long as there are clear interests in front of them, they don’t care about these! ”
“When “The Shawshank Redemption” lost to “Forrest Gump” at the Oscars, wasn’t there a bunch of media complaining about it afterwards, did the guys in the academy care?”
Bob was tempted to say that the quality of Forrest Gump was not comparable to Shakespeare’s, and there were many media outlets speaking for Forrest Gump at the time, rather than criticizing Forrest Gump, as is the case now.
However, when he saw his brother’s smug look, he knew that he could not be persuaded, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.
“By the way, when is Gwyneth coming over today?” Harvey asked suddenly.
“Oh, she just called and said that there is something today, but it is coming.”
Bob’s words made Harvey’s face change, “This damn Bichi, after getting what he wants, won’t he take me seriously?!” ”
Harvey angrily pressed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray, but after some thought, he found that he really seemed to have nothing to do with Gwyneth’s blue pool.
The woman’s father, Bru Paltrow, is Jewish, veteran Hollywood producer and director; mother Bryce Danner is a film actress; The godfather is Steven Spielberg, a Hollywood super director…
With such a background, Harvey didn’t want to tear his face with this woman.
I could only wave my hand in relief, and said in my heart: “Forget it, anyway, I have played enough for more than two weeks before the Oscars, and this Bichi doesn’t want to participate in my movie in the future.” ”
Then he remembered something and asked Bob: “How is Quentin’s kid’s script?” Didn’t he say he had a zombie action movie idea in his head? ”
Bob said: “I talked to him yesterday, this kid is crazy watching Xiangjiang and Dongying movies at home to find inspiration, saying that he wants to make an action movie that is completely different from the popular action movies in Hollywood today.” ”
“Let him come, don’t be bored at home all day, let’s go hi skin together today, there is no woman’s feet to lick, where does this kid get inspiration!”
Bob smiled, “Ok, I’ll call him.” ”
Half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a donkey’s face appeared in Harvey’s office, very casually went to the sofa, and greeted:
“Hey, Harvey, Bob, what are you looking for me for?”
Harvey threw a cigar over, “Go to the club in the evening.” ”
“OK, I’m okay.” Quentin said excitedly.
“How’s the script going?”
“Without writing a word, I have a new idea, zombie pass, the protagonist is replaced by a woman, a woman who just got married and was almost killed…” Quentin spat and said.
Harvey and Bob listened carefully because they knew how talented the man in front of them was when it came to movies.
“Nice idea, I have time to introduce you and Martin, that little guy also has a lot of fantastic ideas in his head.” After listening to Quentin, Harvey said.
Quentin looked curious, “Martin Meyers? I heard that in addition to “Island Horror”, he worked on a new script, which was said to have been favored by Robert De Niro and recommended to 20th Century Fox? ”
As soon as he said this, Harvey showed an unhappy look, unhappy that Martin’s movie was not handed over to Miramax, obviously everyone has been working very happily.
Is it because Oscar himself did not help Martin PR?
But Harvey didn’t dare to attack Martin, just as he didn’t dare to attack Gwyneth, he couldn’t afford to provoke.
Martin’s idea is actually very simple, he doesn’t want to be too deeply tied to Harvey, a guy who is doomed to be unlucky in the future, and he can’t hang himself from the tree of Miramax.
Moreover, Twentieth Century Fox was full of sincerity, and this time he even agreed to Jeff’s request for a share.
For the movie “Hide and Seek”, Martin will get a total of 1 million in screenwriter + staff fees, as well as an eight-percent box office share.
At this time, Bob suddenly said: “Harvey, how long has it been since “The Sixth Sense” that you haven’t contacted Martin?” ”
Harvey was stunned, and then slapped his head: “Damn, I’m busy with the PR of “Shakespeare’s Love History”, and I haven’t taken the initiative to contact that kid for almost a month.” ”
“No, I’ll call him now.”
Harvey thought of doing it and immediately picked up the phone on the table.
Quentin became more and more curious about the little genius, he had never seen anyone who could make Harvey pay so much attention, even himself! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
“~Hey, Martin, how’s it going?”
“I’m sorry about Oscar, I already spoke to Gwyneth at the time, and besides, she didn’t want me to be distracted.”
Harvey threw the “pot” to Gwyneth with a word, anyway, this woman is afraid that it will be difficult to enjoy it in the future.
“Hahaha, I know I know, don’t worry, if you need anything in the future, just call me.”
“Okay, okay, you’re busy, bye!”
Hanging up, Harvey picked up the car keys on the table and threw them to Quentin, “Let’s go, let’s go.” ”
The other side.
At a charity dinner hosted by Twenty World Fox.
Martin hung up.
Beside him, Dainna, who was dressed in a white evening dress and had a good complexion, asked curiously: “Listen to your tone, is the Harvey who worked with you on the other side of the phone?” ”
Martin nodded (Wang Zhao) and said with a smile: “Sister Dainna, let’s not talk about him, let’s talk about what you want to shoot today, I’ll give you hunger.” ”
Daina suddenly giggled, looking happy.
In the original timeline, Daina should have died in a car accident two years ago, but because of Martin’s intervention – Daina in this timeline is still alive and well, and has a very close relationship with Martin.
With the help of this sister, Martin also made many contacts in England, and his influence even extended to the continent of Europa.
The two were chatting.
Suddenly, a middle-aged man with small round glasses, a black turtleneck jumper, blue Reeves jeans, and sneakers on his feet walked over.
The man first greeted Daina politely, and then said to Martin: “Martin Meyers, can we talk?” ”
Guess who he is? It should be depicted obviously, right?
(Brothers, please take care, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards, thank you.) )。

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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a Ph


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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