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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Chapter 91

Scarlett Johansson stayed at The Warwick Hotel, also in Queens, New York, and Martin stayed not far from the Hilton Hotel.
When Scarlett returned to her hotel room, her mother, Melanis, was sitting on the couch watching TV, but it was clear that her mind was not on TV, but waiting for her.
“How’s your date today?”
Seeing Scarlett return safely, Melanie breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously.
“Very good!” smiled and leaned down on the couch, kicking off her shoes to reveal her little white feet.
“Did you talk to Martin about Rhapsody of America?”
“Said, but I didn’t ask him for help. ”
“Why, didn’t my mother tell you before I went, with Martin’s current connections, he can help you eighty percent!”
“Mom, I don’t want to make this ~ date sour. ”
“Uh, you silly boy, okay, okay, whatever you want. But that “Ghost World” you have to find a way to win, the window period is too long to have a great impact on the young actor-. ”
“I know, Mom!”
At this moment, Scarlett’s mobile phone made a buzzing vibration.
Scarlett picked it up and looked at it, and suddenly smiled, “Mom, it’s Martin’s information.” ”
“Oh, how long has it been since you sent a message, it seems that Martin cares about you, open it and see what is written?”
“Hee-hee, got it!”
Scarlett smiled and clicked on the message, stunned, and then burst into an excited scream.
Martin sent a line: “Scarlett, that role is yours, and someone will notify you to sign the contract tomorrow.” ”
“Ahhhhhh ”
Looking at her daughter’s excited appearance, Melanie was also surprised.
In the car, Martin put down the mobile phone with a smile, and he could imagine what kind of excited expression Scarlett should have at this time.
He was also happy to be able to help the girl.
Of course, it was also necessary to inform the girl that she was helping herself, lest Scarlett misunderstand something.
The United States does not have the saying that good deeds do not leave a name, in the eyes of Americans, of course, if you do good deeds, you must let the other party know, otherwise you are not fools!
(PS: In the author’s view, doing good deeds without leaving a name can be personal self-restraint, not the moral code advocated by society, for good people and good deeds we should vigorously publicize, there is no material reward, at least give a reputation reward, so as to encourage more people to do good deeds.) )
Martin then pondered the relationship between Cruise, Paramount and Shirley Lansing.
Tom Cruise’s Cruise Pictures and Paramount’s contract, to be honest, Martin is also coveted.
Not to mention whether there are some potential deals between Lansing and Cruise, the biggest prerequisite for signing such an agreement is that you have to have a series of movies that are guaranteed to be a box office hit.
Without enough chips, those movie studios won’t pay attention to you!
Or take Tom as an example, although the cooperation was terminated by Paramount, but he has the “Mission Impossible” series, he does not worry about leaving home, and United Arts and Merrill Lynch have long opened their arms to him.
Tom also opened another door for other Hollywood stars to know that they could be on an equal footing with studios and participate in what the industry commonly called “back-end profits.”
Of course, Martin also wants to go to the table to share the cake, so he must have one or several series of movies that can sell well in order to have the confidence to negotiate with those big factories.
Even if Martin has the “enchantment spell” of the succubus, he is not the one who has lived on the God and Demon Continent for thousands of years.
With his current magic, it is too difficult to reverse a person’s personality, three views, and behavioral habits out of thin air.
So the best way is to “guide” and go with the flow!
Then naturally the higher the chips on your side, the easier it is to guide.
And Paramount is the first choice in Martin’s heart, because this company has been opened by Tom, no matter what means Tom used and what he exchanged, with the first time, this company will be psychologically easier to hand over the second time…
Martin silently pondered the person Shirley Lansing in the car.
This woman is not a simple character, don’t think that she gave Tom Cruise so much benefit, just think that this is a big fool, or a lustful woman who can’t walk the road when she sees a handsome guy.
During Sherry Lansing’s tenure as Paramount’s president from 1994 to 2004, the strongwoman brought Paramount into another boom.
During her reign, she led the production of “Braveheart”, “Forrest Gump”, “Titanic” (co-funded with 20th Century Fox), “Mission Impossible”, “Changing Faces”, “Truman’s World” and “Saving Private Ryan” and other blockbuster films.
This woman has an extremely strong personality, and during Paramount, even Redondo had a hard time interfering with her.
This woman once said: “In Hollywood, women need to work ten times harder than men to succeed, so I have to be hard like a rock to break those doubts.” ”
The position of Paramount president is not so easy to sit on, and I don’t know how many people are staring at the position under Shirley Lansing’s ass, so Shirley Lansing must be tough, tougher than those male executives, in order to suppress those suspicions, jealousy, and conspiracies!
So the question is, how exactly did Tom Cruise get this woman?
Is it really a “sleeping” suit?
It can’t be that simple.
As a woman at the top of the Hollywood pyramid, Shirley Lansing has slept with countless male stars, but only one Tom Cruise has received such treatment.
Obviously, even if you “sleep”, “sleep” is only one of the quid pro quo.
So what else?
Martin thought about it, only “Mission Impossible”.
You know, Paramount is the least adept at developing series of movies in the big Hollywood companies.
Before “Mission Impossible”, there was only one series of movies “Star Trek”.
After “Mission Impossible”, it seems that there is only “Tomb Raider”, a relatively high-grossing series.
Maybe you can prepare two series of movies as chips…
After all, Martin didn’t want to sleep with an old woman.
Although Shirley Lansing used to be a great beauty.
Perhaps when Tom Cruise became a bed partner with her, Shirley Lansing, who was in her forties at the time, was still alive and could still get out of her mouth.
But the white women are all fast.
Now, Shirley Lansing, born in 1944, has entered the age of fifty, and the folds on her face that cannot be blocked by heavy makeup can kill mosquitoes, and with Martin’s aesthetic, it is absolutely impossible to feed wolves with her body.
Oh, I wonder if Tom Cruise still has that relationship with Shirley Lansing?
Martin quickly shook his head, thinking about it felt spicy eyes.
Forget it, I’d better prepare more chips!
A series of movies, “Twilight” is counted as one set, and there is another set… “Death is coming”?
No, this movie has already started shooting, and it’s been a copy.
(Brothers, please take care, evaluation, flowers, collections, and rewards, thank you.) Eve).

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Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a Ph


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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