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His understanding was incredible. He created immortal magic at the age of eight, which shocked the f Chapter 35

On the boat, Yizang’s mood could not be calm for a long time.

Therefore, he had no way to continue collecting medicinal herbs and minerals, so he had to hurry back, he wanted to talk to the other captains and calm his mood.

This terrifying power, especially this ability to store abilities in a note, is terrifying.

A great sword hao of the imperial deputy level died in his hands like this, if there is no such talisman, the two of them will single out, and the final result will be a big battle for one day, and neither of the two can help the other, they can only leave.

But now, the result is a second kill!

When he returned to the logistics base, other captains would also come, and it was clear that he was not the only one who used the vibration wave talisman given by Levi.

When facing the golden lion that he encountered at sea, Lakyo, the captain of the seventh team, severely injured the golden lion with one blow, and the golden lion fled.

The use of the talisman twice, the effect caused is too terrifying, so the captains have returned, not used also returned, temporarily do not use at will, this thing on the sea impact may be very large, did not carefully understand before, now need to discuss well.

Levi was trying to refine the flying sword, when he was pulled over, surrounded in the middle at the captain’s small gathering, and asked about the power of the vibrating wave talisman.

After listening to Izang and Lakyo’s story, Li Weihaha smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, this talisman is for you to save your life, and the effect is actually not as strong as you think.”

Levi organized the language and said

“Being able to kill that cp0 in seconds is because he is still far from the level of the general, and in the face of people under this kind of general, this talisman is very effective, because if you have the strength of the general level, you can resist, and once you do not have the ability to resist, it is likely to be a one-hit kill.”

“Even if it is an ordinary general, if you want to resist this move, you must take it very seriously, after all, it is the shock wave launched by my original eighty percent strength.”

Marko couldn’t help but ask, “Originally? ”

Li Wei nodded with a smile and said, “There has been a small breakthrough in strength recently. ”

Everyone couldn’t help but be shocked, it’s all like this, and they still break through at every turn, how do you let others play?

After calming his shaky mood, Saatchi couldn’t help but say

“Li Wei, you mean, this talisman is very useful against the weaker ones, and it is very useful against the general, and the effect is limited, and you can only fight for opportunities, and then you can use the flying talisman to escape, right?”

Li Wei nodded and said, “This life-saving suit originally prepared for you is to save your life!” ”

Everyone couldn’t help but be speechless for a while, save their lives, kill others, indeed their own lives were saved, there was nothing wrong!

At this time, Lakyo couldn’t help but say:

“But that’s not right! The golden lion is the legendary sea thief, and Dad and Roger are all on a par with each other, that is a real royal-level combat power, right? How can you also be seriously injured? ”

Oh, yes! Everyone reacted violently, but the golden lion was able to hit Marin Fando alone, and finally ran out of the Push City to fight the pirates, such a strong person will also be seriously injured!

Everyone looked at Levi with skeptical eyes, and Levi chuckled and said

“Golden lion? Who told you that this old lion still has the strength of the general level? Since you met the golden lion, you should have seen the rudder on his head, right? ”

“A person who is in this kind of brain is broken, plus his legs are broken, his strength has long been greatly inferior, and he can’t even use domineering, and even his courage has dissipated because of his years of intrigue and trickery in the sky, and he has long been not the golden lion of the year!”

“Now he is a swordsmanship level who is still alive and has combat experience.”

“If it weren’t for his thick foundation, that blow would not have been a serious injury, but a direct second kill.”

Everyone couldn’t help but nod slowly, and Lakeyo also said:

“Indeed, when he met the Golden Lion, he seemed to really have no previous courage, and what was he talking about, his plan was about to be launched, and when the time came, let the world government see his strength or something, and let me join his subordinates, which is simply ridiculous.”

Bista sighed

“Unexpectedly, the former king of the sea, the first person who was able to escape from Advance City, actually fell to this point?”

“Yes, there is no way to even use domineering, from the apex of the world, he has become a weak person who can only play conspiracies.”

Levi was also a little surprised, he didn’t expect to meet the golden lion, but it was normal, but Lakeyo went to the first half of the great voyage, where there is a windless belt separated from the East China Sea, and the golden lion can fly in the sky, the windless belt has no hindrance to him at all, and it is very easy to enter the paradise.

After discussing with Levi, everyone determined that this charm can be used, but when it is not enough to save your life, don’t use it, of course, don’t be afraid of being discovered, even if it is discovered, it will only be considered some kind of high-tech bomb or something, anyway, you can’t rely on this to defeat the general, as long as it is not used on a large scale, it can’t cause too much waves.

However, what everyone did not expect, Lakyo’s talisman still worked.

Just two days later, the news bird sent a newspaper, which wrote that within the East China Sea, a large number of islands fell from the sky, some smashed on the sea, but some smashed on the capital of a small country, and a tyrannical king was directly smashed to death.

Others may not know, but the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates know very well that the golden lion did not survive in the end, and may have barely flown back, but still lost too much vitality and died.

The king who once stirred the sea, once attacked Marin Fandor alone, the sea pirate who almost destroyed the naval headquarters, the first pirate to escape from the prison of the Advance City, and Roger, Whitebeard, the remnant of the previous era, left the sea silently.

His so-called plan to attack the East China Sea was also stillborn.

Compared with Roger, the death of the golden lion can be described as not a little heroic.

Even, almost no one knows.

The sea seems to have long passed the golden lion, the remnant of the old era, so quietly swept into the garbage heap of history, leaving only a page in the newspaper, the East China Sea was smashed by the island in the sky, suspected to be the golden lion.

Whitebeard held the newspaper in his hand and let out a sigh.

In this era, is there still a ship that can carry him?

Whitebeard doesn’t know.

But at least, his family is still there, and, seeing Levi’s growth, Whitebeard knows that the future of his family does not have to worry.

As for the times or something, does it still matter?

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You finish reading His understanding was incredible. He created immortal magic at the age of eight, which shocked the f Chapter 35

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His understanding was incredible. He created immortal magic at the age of eight, which shocked the f

His understanding was incredible. He created immortal magic at the age of eight, which shocked the f

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Traveling to the world of pirates, Levi found that he had become an abandoned baby at sea. He was accepted by Whitebeard who was passing by and became Whitebeard’s son. Since then, the Whitebeard Pirates have gained a monster with incredibl


Traveling to the world of pirates, Levi found that he had become an abandoned baby at sea. He was accepted by Whitebeard who was passing by and became Whitebeard’s son. Since then, the Whitebeard Pirates have gained a monster with incredible understanding. Blackbeard has endured for many years for the sake of the double fruits. Levi directly comprehends the power of the fruits and achieves magical powers! Study the world and create a method of immortality! [Through your perception of the domineering power of seeing and hearing, combined with your understanding of the phoenix’s ability, you have an epiphany, you understand the magical power, and the phoenix is ​​reborn. 】 [Through your research on the nature of Armed Color Haki and your own insights, you have an epiphany. You have understood the advanced level of Armed Color Haki, Armed Color Susana! 】 [Through your understanding of the vitality of heaven and earth, your understanding of natural and celestial phenomena, and combined with many magical powers, you have an epiphany. You have understood the method of immortality and the secret of returning to the origin! 】 [You have studied the advanced version of three-color hegemony, combined with your mastery of the vitality of heaven and earth, and you have an epiphany. You have understood the field of hegemony! 】 [You triggered the advancement of the world. Through observation and understanding of the advancement process of the world, you had an epiphany. You understood the Pangu Opening Heaven Technique! 】


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