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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game! Chapter 212

“You can only embolden yourself and be complacent with such old things.”

Xia Nuo chuckled.

He has always been magnanimous and never paid attention to the words of the dying.

It’s just that the words that should be replied to cannot be left behind.

“A real pirate never mentions bragging about his glorious past, not to mention your self-righteous fighting experience, which is just playing the role of a loser in the battle.”

Xia Nuo seemed to turn into a poisonous tongue at this moment, “Take out your failed combat experience and brag, I really don’t know if you are already cheeky, or if you are a man of this level, Moria.” ”

“You bastard little devil, talk your XXXX!!”

Hearing the contempt and disdain in Xiano’s tone, Moria couldn’t bear it anymore.

Moria, who was already anxious by a series of things, was completely ignited at this moment.


From under his huge chair, he immediately pulled out two specially made large splitting scissors.

It was a tool he used the Shadow Fruit to activate the Shadow Cut ability, cut out the shadow, and it was also the weapon he used to fight the enemy.

“I want you little devil who doesn’t know the height of the sky and the earth, thoroughly know what is called the true horror of the old generation of pirates in the new world!!”

Moria stared at Xiano with a cannibalistic look, a chill filling his sharp voice.

Xia Nuo’s words just now all poked at Moria’s pain, tearing apart the scars in his heart that had not healed again!

“I’m going to cut out your shadow and stuff it into Oz’s…”

Moria’s words had just come out when he saw Xiano take out a flintlock in his hand and shoot him several times.

The flintlock gun, which had not appeared for a long time, finally played its role again at this moment.


After beeping a little, then start drying immediately.

Xia Nuo still remembers that the villain died of a lot of words, this bumpy truth.

Each bullet is wrapped around a powerful armed domineering, and Moria’s huge and bloated body is simply the most suitable live target.

“Dang! Dang! ”

The scissors spun rapidly, and Moria bounced all the bullets that flew in.

“Hey hee, is that all you can do?”

Moria’s big scissors opened and closed, opening his big mouth full of sharp teeth.

“If yes, then, your shadow… I’m going to decide! ”

His face and even his eyes were filled with a tyrannical meaning mixed with a cold aura.

And for his expression at the moment, Xia Nuo just sighed slightly and pointed to the scissors in his hand.

“You better look at your weapons, let’s say this again~”


Moria was startled when he heard this, subconsciously looked down, and suddenly his pupils shrank slightly.

“My scissors ?!!”

Under Moria’s somewhat dull gaze, the two special giant scissors in his hand had become potholed on the surface.

There are multiple round marks deep in the blade face, and I am afraid that it is only one step away from damage.

“I thought that your domineering spirit would degenerate to a certain extent, but I didn’t expect that it had basically degraded to almost nothing.”

After the bullet test just now, Xiano completely lost interest in Moria’s opponent.

Moriah had been to the New World eighteen years ago, and he had dealt with characters like Kaido.

Fighting such a strong man, saying that he does not know how to use domineering skills, then it is really a little unspeakable.

It’s just that because the death of his companions hit him hard, he did not further master domineering, but focused on the [Zombie Legion Project].

Moreover, after the defeat, he was demoralized, neglected to exercise, and hoped to borrow foreign things, so that when his own strength continued to regress, most of his combat strength relied on his shadow fruit.

His own domineering spirit has long become the level of a half-hanger under the double degradation of will and body.

Xia Nuo, who learned of Moria’s true strength, was too lazy to work with him.

With Moria’s current strength, I am afraid that it will be difficult to give Xia Nuo’s physical strength even a few tenths of an improvement.

Xia Nuo slowly raised his arm, aimed at Moria, who was still a little cold, and spread his fingers.

“Momo hundredfold sixty million volts Thunder Dragon!!”

Brilliant thunder light reappears!

The periphery of the castle~

“Howl, it looks like the battle is coming to an end.”

Lafitte lightly pressed the courtesy above his head, looking at the arc of lightning light flashing in the ancient castle, and the corners of his mouth opened a huge arc.

Xiong silently looked at everything that happened in front of him, and saw that the domineering spirit sensed that the aura of Moria in the castle was rapidly dissipating, and his heart began to fight.

Report to the World Government that one of the seats in Nanabumai is vacant again, just enough to meet the needs of Marshall J. D. Tich’s belly manuscript.

Not much time~

The thunder light in the castle gradually dissipated, and everything was calm again.


Footsteps sounded, and Xia Nuo’s figure slowly walked out of the ancient castle again.

“Everything has been worked out.”

Shano nodded gently at Lafitte and smiled at the bear again.

Just now, Moria couldn’t even resist his blow and burped directly.

After successfully solving Moria, Xiano not only gained a 0.3% increase in physical strength from him, but also gained the ability of the Shadow Fruit.

It’s only 0.3%, which is really a weak chicken~

“I see.”

Seeing that the domineering reaction, Moria’s vitality had been completely cut off, and the bear responded softly.

After that, under the gaze of Xiano and Lafitte, he took out a phone worm directly from his cuff and dialed it.

“What’s the matter, bear.”

The appearance of the telephone worm has changed to an old man with a figure-of-eight beard.

Docking with the bear is the supreme power of the world government, the five old stars!

“Moria was killed.” Xiong Yan said succinctly, “It was the newly promoted Seven Martial Seas, the flying hero Xia Nuo. ”


The phone bug’s gaze suddenly froze.

“What’s going on?”

The tone on the other end was a little dull and dissatisfied.

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You finish reading I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game! Chapter 212

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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to se


The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to sea, as well as the awakened super strengthening system that included various functions such as check-in and lottery… Xiano decisively chose to expose Karp. Mr. Karp, your grandson is going to sea to become a pirate!! Feilu Novel Network exclusive contract novel: “I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!” 》; This novel and characters are pure fiction, if there are similarities, it is pure coincidence, do not imitate.


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