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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game! Chapter 213

Xia Nuo walked forward with a smile, “This should be our first conversation, everyone from the Five Old Stars.” ”

“Flying Hero Xiano? The super newcomer who has been talking about it since his debut is no less than Fire Fist Ace back then. ”

The voice from the phone bug made Lafitte’s gaze slightly cold.

This sentence seems to be praising Xiano, but it specifically compares him to Fire Fist Ace.

The latter, on the other hand, is currently in a large undersea prison.

What the five old stars meant by these words was that even if Xia Nuo was in the limelight, their world government was fully capable of restraining him.

This is a small warning to Xiano.

“It’s just that unlike him, I accepted his position of Seven Martial Seas, and now I’m thinking about whether this is a wrong choice.”

Xia Nuo naturally heard it, so he replied a little politely.

“Pay attention to your current identity and words~” The phone bug’s tone suddenly became a little harsh.

“Don’t worry about you, I’m fine!”

Xia Nuo didn’t buy it at all, “It’s not like that.” ”

As soon as it was mentioned that Shenping, the phone worm was slightly silent.

“What do you know?”

“Do you need to know this? You can guess it~”

Xia Nuo said leisurely, “Although Shenping bears the identity of Seven Martial Seas, it is more for the consideration of Fishman Island, if Fishman Island is safe, then he doesn’t want the position of Seven Martial Seas.” ”

“And it is precisely under the banner of Whitebeard that Fishman Island has been peaceful for so many years, but now the navy wants to pass on the word to Seven Wuhai that it may be necessary to start a war with Whitebeard, and Shenping will naturally react fiercely.”

“If I guessed correctly, he should have been arrested by the navy and thrown into the advancing city by now for resisting the measures, right?”


There was a long silence on the phone bug’s side.

“You’re a smart person,” the phone bug said again after a long silence, “smart people don’t do stupid things.” ”

The five old stars meant to point out.

“Don’t worry, if you really want to launch a compulsory summoning against the Seven Martial Seas, I will definitely participate~”

A glimmer flashed in Xia Nuo’s eyes, “After all, I also want to see the demeanor of the strongest man in the world!” ”

“It’ll get you what you want.” Telephone bug.

Since Xiano has already expressed his attitude, it is much easier to deal with the Moria incident.

“Moria, this guy, intercepted the shadows of many people in the terrifying three-masted galleon, including the navy, and has violated the rules that the seven martial seas and the navy are not allowed to attack each other.”

Xia Nuo casually suggested.

Moria did attack the navy, and when Laura stuffed Luffy into the shadow on the original, they stuffed him with the shadow of a naval kendo master.

“Let the navy announce that Moria has committed a crime, and then find a random person to take credit for bringing down Moria and cancel his position in the Seven Martial Seas.”

“In this way, my side can fool the past, and I can also have an explanation for that blackbearded Tiki, and Moria’s own strength has become very weak, and it will not play any role in future wars, and it is just right for you to change a strong combat power.”

After saying these actions, Xia Nuo stopped talking and waited for the decision of the five old men on the other end of the phone.

For Xia Nuo’s proposal, the five old stars are actually more excited.

After all, between the navy and the white-bearded pirates, there is destined to be a tough battle to be fought.

Let Blackbeard, who kills his companions and sends Ace to the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates can’t wait to join the war as their traitors with thousands of cuts.

It can definitely attract most of the hatred and firepower concentration of the white-bearded pirate group, relieve a little pressure on the navy side, and let the pirates bite the dog inside themselves.

Therefore, in the face of the established fact that Moria is dead, the five old stars are still more inclined to Blackbeard to take over the vacant position of the Seven Martial Seas.


Listening to Xia Nuo’s tone and the method suggestions given, how can there be a strong sense of mockery in it.

It seems that because the navy and the world government often do what Xiano said for the sake of face and merit, and are a little nervous?

In any case, the fact that the world government often does this shows that there is nothing wrong with this method.

If the trick is not new, it will work.

So, after setting this tone, the world government began to arrange for Moria to vacate the seat of the Seven Martial Seas and give it to that Blackbeard Tiki.


After hanging up the phone, Xiong Chong Xia Nuo nodded slightly and turned around, wanting to activate the ability of the meat ball fruit to leave here.

It’s just before he was about to activate his ability~

“Aceta, you should have met Saab, right?”

Xia Nuo’s calm questioning voice came from behind him, making Xiong’s huge body undetectable.

“I see.”

Xiano smiled.

This action of the bear has already informed him of the result.

Since Ace had already approached Saab and recognized him in his pursuit of Blackbeard, the revolutionary army would definitely not remain indifferent to it.

After all, Sabo will not just sit idly by and ignore Ace’s execution~

“It’s going to war~”

Watching the bear activate its ability to leave, Xia Nuo looked at the countless shadows flying out of the sky, and heard the continuous cheers from the distant woods, Xia Nuo said to himself.

“Yes, then Captain, if the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy headquarters really breaks out, who do you favor?”

Lafitte held the cane in both hands, and the smile on his face was unusually strong.

“Whitebeard has no chance of winning.”

In the previous life, Xia Nuo made several analysis videos of the war on top, and no matter from any point of view, the Whitebeard Pirates could not take down the naval headquarters.

It’s brutal, but it’s true.

Whitebeard is old, and the only thing they can possibly do is to rescue Ace and evacuate.

And even if the rescue is successful, the white-bearded pirate group is bound to pay a great price!

“How, this way~”

Lafitte’s eyes flowed and the essence was overflowing.

“This is a good opportunity for us!!”

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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to se


The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to sea, as well as the awakened super strengthening system that included various functions such as check-in and lottery… Xiano decisively chose to expose Karp. Mr. Karp, your grandson is going to sea to become a pirate!! Feilu Novel Network exclusive contract novel: “I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!” 》; This novel and characters are pure fiction, if there are similarities, it is pure coincidence, do not imitate.


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