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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game! Chapter 214

“But they are the best transitioners between the old and the new.”

“As Roger before to start a new era?” Lafitte lowered the brim of his hat and gave Shano a deep salute.

“If Whitebeard can also open a new era, then I am willing to follow the captain and climb to the top of this new era!”

“I won’t need you to say it, I’ll need you too.”

Xia Nuo picked up Lafitte, “After all, you are all my indispensable companions.” ”

“How~” Lafitte smiled happily.

“Let’s go.”

Seeing the number of shadows flying out of the sky gradually decreased, Xiano said.

“Oh, Captain, have you forgotten something?”

Laughing, Lafitte pointed in a certain direction in Xiano’s somewhat puzzled gaze.

“Oh yes, I almost forgot that there are still these two fish that slipped through the net~”

Feeling the two life breaths in that direction, Xia Nuo suddenly said.


While the shadows are flying in the sky, there is a sea somewhere in the Devil’s Triangle.

In the thick fog that shrouded the sea, a pirate ship that had been broken for an unknown number of years and whose wood had been seriously corrupted was drifting with the flow.

And the badly damaged canvas, which feels like a ghost ship.

“Yo roar roar~”

A strange laughter suddenly sounded over the broken ship, which made people shudder a little.

It’s more like a ghost ship.

And on the cracked deck of the ship, there was a set of tables and chairs.

A strange skeleton man with an explosive head and a black gentleman’s suit is sitting at a table.

The strange laughter that drifted in this thick fog came from his mouth.

His palms, which had no flesh and blood, were holding a steaming cup of missing horn tea, looking quite leisurely like tasting afternoon tea.

“Yo roar, another lazy afternoon.”

His gaze looked at the distant sky, as if expecting that trace of sunshine.

In the sea area of the Devil’s Triangle, there is a thick fog all year round, and it is difficult to see a ray of sunshine, let alone see a clear sky.

It’s just that what makes him a skeleton man feel pain is that even if he can see the sun, he can’t live in the sun like he used to.

“Yo roar roar~”

The explosive head skeleton man slowly got up holding a teacup and walked to the side of the ship, staring at the mist ahead while raising a cup of hot tea.

Until the hot tea in the cup bottomed, the skeleton man still stared at the mist in silence.

During this time, he turned to look at the only tattered mirror on the ship, but there was no reflection of him inside.

Just like this against the gloomy sea and sky, after a long time.

“Thirty degrees angle!”

The skeleton man’s body leaned forward in vain, and his forehead rested straight on the ship’s side railing, causing the slender skeleton body to form a straight thirty-degree angle to the deck.

“Yo roar roar~”

The skeleton man maintained his posture and looked down at the deck in front of the ship’s siderailing.

It may be that the angle was not built, and his entire skeleton body fell headlong to the ground.

“Yo roar, roar, failed again~”

Getting up, he patted the dust on his body and smiled optimistically.

However, under this optimism, those empty and dark eyes seem to reveal a trace of deep loneliness and pain.

“Let’s try it from a forty-five degree angle next time~”

He leaned down and wiped his leather shoes, which he didn’t know how many times.


Suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible, his mouth opened wide.

“My shadow, back…”

The skeleton man stared at the slightly blurred shadow below him and muttered to himself in a low voice.

“That mighty sword hero… Knocked down? What’s going on over there? Well? Could it be…”

He suddenly straightened up, looked up at the sky in disbelief.

Under this dark sky, although the shadow is also pure black.

But under the keen vision of the skeleton man, he still saw that different place.

“That’s a shadow?! A shadow flew out of the sky?!! ”

He cried out in a lost voice, and the speculative thoughts in his heart were gradually recognized as facts by him.

“Moria, has that mighty Moria been knocked down?!”

As soon as he thought of this, he could no longer sit still.

The shadow returned, and he was able to live in the sun.

And the first two times he went to the terrifying three-masted to ask for the shadow, he remembered that there were some people living there on board.

Plus the strong man who defeated Moria out of nowhere~

“I remember coming in this direction…”

The skeleton man who was looking for the direction of the terrifying three-masted was slightly excited.

Perhaps, he can finally leave this sea area!!


Inside the castle on a terrifying three-masted galleon.


With a soft groan, Perona in Princess Kawaii’s room slowly woke up.

Opening her big fluttering eyes, there was still some confusion in them.

“Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?”

After three questions about a set of life philosophies, Perona felt her head hurt a little.

When she finally saw the scene in front of her, she found that two strange men appeared in front of her.

No, it’s unfamiliar, but it feels very familiar.

“You’re awake~”

Xia Nuo slowly crouched down and smiled kindly at Perona.

“Are you…”

Perona blinked her big eyes and looked at Xiano with some uncertain hesitation:

“Lord Shano?”

“Yes, it’s me, how’s it going, do you feel better?”

Xia Nuo smiled more gently, and his palm was very naturally covered on Perona’s double ponytail head.

Just when Perona was just in a coma, Xiano used the ability of the memory fruit to change Perona’s memory.

Of course, for unspeakable reasons, not much has been changed.

Just changed Perona’s captain and revered person to Xiano.

At present, she can already be regarded as a crew member of Xiano!

Perona was adopted by Moriah at a young age and was the only one who remained with Moriah after the death of many of his companions.

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You finish reading I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game! Chapter 214

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I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to se


The famous pirate UP lord Xia Nuo crossed into the One Piece world, was rescued by Karp on a boat and brought back to the windmill village. Facing Luffy, who had to pull him onto the boat and bet him that he would be able to successfully go to sea, as well as the awakened super strengthening system that included various functions such as check-in and lottery… Xiano decisively chose to expose Karp. Mr. Karp, your grandson is going to sea to become a pirate!! Feilu Novel Network exclusive contract novel: “I revealed Luffy to Karp at the beginning of the pirate game!” 》; This novel and characters are pure fiction, if there are similarities, it is pure coincidence, do not imitate.


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