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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 288

With the help of the huge pressure brought by the birth of the Spotted Tree Realm, her knife intent reached its peak at this moment, and the bursts of knife intent cut the surrounding space, causing spatial cracks to appear around her.

When the giant tree came to her, she moved!

Holding the knife in one hand, she swung a knife to the upper left, and with her movements, a huge crescent-shaped blade appeared out of thin air, like a lightning treasure flying forward.

This blade cut off the giant tree, cutting everything in its path, and galloped towards Madara with an indomitable momentum.

After that, the second knife, the third knife, the fourth knife …

Hundreds of fangs swung their knives continuously, and the huge blades were one after another, and they were connected, cutting off everything in front of them!

“One hundred and eighty thunder slashes!”

This is the name of this sword technique, at this moment, Cheng Baifeng stepped on the void disk, his body rotated and moved between the moves, and his posture was straight and Miaoman danced like a dancer.

Her figure is beautiful and moving, and the rice light in her hand wields a deadly knife.


a crisp sound, the giant tree was constantly cut, and it continued to grow and extend forward. However, no matter how ferocious their momentum was rushing forward, they could not break through the hundreds of swords from the front.

This tree realm that shrouded a radius of thousands of meters was born, and a gap was cut out of the middle by hundreds of fangs.

It’s like a giant whale opening its huge mouth but missing its front teeth.

These knives broke through the attack of the trees and slashed at Madara’s body, causing wounds to appear on his body.

Madara is worthy of being the number one ruthless person in the ninja world, and in this situation, he can still make a response.

I saw him clasp his hands together, and Chakra was frantically transported into ninjutsu.

With his movements, the giant trees that passed over from both sides of Hundreds of Fang turned their direction and attacked towards his back! That powerful power was like a male lion suddenly turning back, and it was like a divine dragon turning back.

Looking at the battlefield from a high place, at this time, hundreds of fangs were in the center surrounded by countless giant trees, and in all directions and even the sky, were giant trees slamming towards the center.

This blow, Cheng Baifang also can’t avoid it, there is no way to retreat!

“Thunder Doppelganger!”

With a coquettish sound, Cheng Baifang split into two and two into four, and the four figures faced in all directions and swung their swords at the same time.


Countless giant trees were cut off and smashed to the ground, stirring up a large cloud of smoke.

Bursts of swords flew into the earth’s sky, cutting open the land and splitting the clouds.

At this time, the big snake pill had already come to the three or four miles to fight outside, not that he didn’t want to watch this epic battle up close, but it was really the aftermath of the battle between the two “people” that he couldn’t bear, so he was so far away.

Looking at the scene of destroying the world in the distance, even the big snake pill who had experienced countless battles felt a burst of shock.

At this moment, he really felt the huge gap in strength between himself and the two.

“These two guys are beyond the category of [people].

Their strength is also the god of the ninja world, the Thousand Hand Pillars, which can be matched!

Madara is so powerful, so how powerful must it be between the pillars that defeat Madara in the Valley of the End?

And how high is the upper limit of strength for Cheng Baifang, who has always been in the upper hand against such a spot?

I can only sigh, it is worthy of calling itself the existence of Thor! In

this battle, Baifang and Madara were only a little more serious, and Orochimaru began to sigh at the inhuman strength of the two.

I really don’t know what kind of scene it will be when the two of them are full of firepower.

You finish reading I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 288

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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I sell God's Eyes in Naruto

(The story of traveling through Naruto and selling the God's Eye is more daily, and there are fights. If you don't like it, please take a detour!) Cheng Baifeng got the Dolly selling system at the beginning, and since then he has determined to become a legendary businessman!He wants his name [Legendary Businessman Cheng Baifeng] to spread throughout the ninja world!He wants to make his reputation known to everyone [Cheng Baifeng’s shots must be high-quality products]!


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