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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 61

The two crossed the forest and the stream, shuttling through the forest.

After crossing a small mountain bag, a wooden house appeared in front of the two.

Cheng Baifeng just raised his foot to continue walking, when a large knife was straddled around his neck, and at the same time a husky male voice sounded from behind.

“Who are you? Untie Bai’s control, or I’ll kill you!” Cheng

Baifeng looked down at the decapitation knife, and knew the identity of the person coming.

At this time, listening to his words, you will know that it is a misunderstanding not to cut again. He thought that Chengbaifeng had controlled Bai and found their hiding place.

Just when Cheng Baifeng was decapitated and the big knife was held on his neck, Bai spoke.

She carried the basket in her left arm, grabbed the decapitation knife with her right hand and moved forward, letting the blade leave Cheng Baifeng’s neck, and the weapon explained cheerfully.

“Don’t behead my lord, I’m not controlled by him, I brought him here voluntarily!

After that, Bai took out 5 million taels of silver tickets from his arms and dangled them twice before he didn’t cut his eyes again.

“Look, this is the commission fee, a total of 5 million taels. Hearing

Bai’s explanation, he put away the decapitation knife and took the silver ticket in Bai’s hand to check it.

Is there anyone in the world who has made such a commission, and it makes five million so simply, which is much more profitable than Cardo’s task.

“Yes, if we can receive this kind of commission every day, we don’t need to ask Cardo to do the task again.” Why

do you have to contact Cardo

?” No longer tilting his head, his eyes looked at Cheng Baifeng fiercely, and his tone was very unceremonious?

“You know a p, as a rebel in the Mist Ninja Village, how can you live in this world without saving more money?”

“Didn’t you become a water shadow some time ago and then revoke your rebellious ninja bounty? With your current identity as Mist Shinobu, contact Cardo too much here, be careful of being regarded as a Mist Shinobi spy by other countries, and then question the reason to Mist Shinobi Village. Hearing

this, his pupils shrank without chopping, walked to Chengbaifeng, bent over and pressed his brain against Chengbaifeng’s brain, and his eyes widened and looked at him!”

What about Citrus Yakura,

of course, lost the battle and died with the three tails.

“Can you guarantee that what you’re saying is true?”

As a big businessman, he must have also received

the news!” “Indeed, Cardo, who has a large fleet, must know some news about the Mist Ninja Village, so I’ll ask!”

Cheng Baifeng looked at the disappeared without a trace, and looked at Bai and complained quite speechlessly.

“Has he always been so reckless in doing things like this? Hearing

others complain and not chopping, Bai seemed very happy, and explained in a brisk tone.

“No matter how strong you are, you never have to think too much about doing things, and every time you directly rush up to solve the enemy.”

“Well, to put it bluntly, it is not brainy, direct and brutal. Cardo knew the news, but didn’t tell you, obviously not wanting you to know. In this case, if you ask rashly, there will be conflicts and unpleasantness. ”

You finish reading I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 61

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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I sell God's Eyes in Naruto

(The story of traveling through Naruto and selling the God's Eye is more daily, and there are fights. If you don't like it, please take a detour!) Cheng Baifeng got the Dolly selling system at the beginning, and since then he has determined to become a legendary businessman!He wants his name [Legendary Businessman Cheng Baifeng] to spread throughout the ninja world!He wants to make his reputation known to everyone [Cheng Baifeng’s shots must be high-quality products]!


not work with dark mode