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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 62

Cardo’s residence is a small three-story wooden building where dozens of rebel and wandering ninjas sit or stand.

They are all thugs hired by Cardo, and when they have conflicts with other people’s businesses, he uses them to teach them lessons, force them to give in on business, or sell assets to himself at super cheap prices.

The reason why many wealthy businessmen became rich was that they accumulated this amazing wealth by such improper means!

Although they were much stronger than them, and they also worked for Cardo as a traitor, they did not treat Chop as a “colleague” at all.

Because, no longer cut them out of place.

They never participate in the work of bullying the weak, nor will they use some dirty means like them.

It can be said that no longer wants to be with this garbage. And they also look down on the “ninja way” that no longer insists on.

They think that they have become traitors, and they still insist on such an ethereal thing as forbearance, which is really incomprehensible.

It is better to let go of the sense of good and evil in your heart, directly incarnate as an evil person, maximize your own life, and make crazy money! As for the dirty and dirty means, so what?

But no matter how he does not kill himself and is not willing to fall, even in the most difficult times, he is insisting on his own way of forbearance. On a spiritual level, he is a rare powerhouse in the Hokage world.

The difference in concepts makes them look at each other unfavorably, and at this time, they will not cut over, and they will not have a good face one by one.

Without squinting, he directly ignored them and walked into Cardo’s house.

At this time, Cardo was sitting on the sofa in the living room, surrounded by two more powerful rebels on the left and right, enjoying the wine in the glass.

Without going to the sofa on the other side and sitting down, he looked at Cardo and directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

“Cardo, the water shadow of the Mist Shinobi Village, is it Terumi now??” Cardo

shook his glass, letting the bright red juice hang evenly on the glass. The bright color of the hanging glass indicates the quality of the wine.

After admiring the wine for a while, he brought the glass to his mouth and took a sip.

After tasting this wine, Cardo spoke unhurriedly.

“That’s right, it was indeed that woman who became a water shadow!” received

an affirmative reply, and his uncut fist unconsciously clenched.

“In other words, my rebellious bounty has been withdrawn.

Cardo shook the cup, then took another sip.

The aroma of wine stretched from the tongue to the stomach, giving Cardo an intoxicated look.

After savoring the fragrance of this sip of wine, Cardo said indifferently.

“I heard that Zhao Mei withdrew many people’s rebellion rewards, and yours is naturally among them!” Hearing

this, his fists were clenched again, and he stood up and questioned loudly.

“Then why didn’t you tell me!” Cardo

put down his glass at this time and looked at him expressionlessly.

“Why should I tell you?”


to Cardo’s question, no more speechless, released his clenched fists, and turned around and walked towards the door, but Cardo did not stop him.

When I reached the door, I didn’t stop anymore.

“Our cooperation ends here.

More of you is not much, less of you is no less. ”

You finish reading I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 62

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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I sell God's Eyes in Naruto

(The story of traveling through Naruto and selling the God's Eye is more daily, and there are fights. If you don't like it, please take a detour!) Cheng Baifeng got the Dolly selling system at the beginning, and since then he has determined to become a legendary businessman!He wants his name [Legendary Businessman Cheng Baifeng] to spread throughout the ninja world!He wants to make his reputation known to everyone [Cheng Baifeng’s shots must be high-quality products]!


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