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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 76

As the dark part of the Mist Shinobu disappeared from view, the matter also came to an end.

Kakashi withdrew his gaze and returned to everyone.

“If you don’t behead it, you’re already dead, and your destination is just around the corner!” As long as Dazna builds the bridge, the entrusted task will be completed. Hearing

this good news, the three of Naruto looked excited and cheered and celebrated.


On the other side, the dark ninja carried the slash through the forest on his back and came to a wooden house.

I heard a noise, and the door was opened from the inside! And it was no one else who opened the door, it was Chengbaifeng.

Looking at the two, the corners of Cheng Baifeng’s mouth hooked a curve, obviously he was in a good mood!

“Shiro, how is it, are things still going well?”

Shiro carried him into the house again and put him on the bed.

“Everything went well, the other party did not notice the abnormality.”

Answering Cheng Baifeng’s words, Bai grabbed the thousand books on his neck and pulled it out instantly.

“Poof”, Qianben brought out the donated blood, and then opened his eyes without slamming and breathing heavily.

“Whew ~ huh ~ white, can’t you start lightly? You’re really, really unlikeable.

Bai smiled softly, did not speak, took out the bandage gang and bandaged the wound on his neck.

Cheng Baifeng looked at all this, smiling slightly, and there was some mockery in his words.

“Seeing your current appearance, it seems that my commission has been completed very well.”

No longer looked at Chengbaifeng, his expression was very unkind.

“Just because of your commission, I am embarrassed. Not only did Uchiha’s imps successfully open their eyes and help them grow, but they also lost under their own ninjutsu. ”

Hahaha… Looking at your lively appearance, it is not like the look that defeat should have. How? Are you satisfied with this battle?

“Well, speaking of battles, the other party is worthy of the copy ninja Kakashi. Even if I tried my best, I didn’t take much advantage. I haven’t experienced such an exciting battle for a long time.

“If you’re satisfied, it’s good. In this way, it is a win-win situation for me, you, and Kakashi’s squad. And the price is only that I paid 20 million taels. Do you have any plans after this event? ”

I didn’t look at the decapitating knife and wolf dust standing by the wall, and then at Bai, I pondered.

Then he seemed to make some kind of determination, and his eyes were no longer dazed and became bright.

“Through today’s battle, I found that my knife shot was not as decisive as before. I can’t be so decadent anymore. I’m going back to the Mist Shinobi Village and putting myself in the middle of a high-intensity mission. By the way, return the decapitation knife to the village.

“Oh, good luck on your journey. Then it’s time for me to continue my journey, goodbye. ”

White, no more chopping: “Goodbye.” Cheng

Baifeng walked out of the room with brisk steps and walked towards the forest, he was in a very good mood at the moment.

Because at the moment when he didn’t decide to return to the Mist Ninja Village just now, his system sounded a prompt.

“A drastic change in the original worldline of the host was detected. Reward the host with 5% card fusion! The host Morax card fusion is now 15%. If you increase it by another 5%, you can unlock all the abilities of Ermei Zhongli. Cheng

Baifeng opened the equipment bar and looked at the fusion degree of the cards now, and he was in a very good mood.

“I didn’t expect to change the fate of Zai Wu and Bai Yuan, and actually increased the degree of integration so much. Sure enough, I met Shiro, it was providence. ”

You finish reading I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto Chapter 76

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I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

I sell God’s Eyes in Naruto

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I sell God's Eyes in Naruto

(The story of traveling through Naruto and selling the God's Eye is more daily, and there are fights. If you don't like it, please take a detour!) Cheng Baifeng got the Dolly selling system at the beginning, and since then he has determined to become a legendary businessman!He wants his name [Legendary Businessman Cheng Baifeng] to spread throughout the ninja world!He wants to make his reputation known to everyone [Cheng Baifeng’s shots must be high-quality products]!


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