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I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark! Chapter 160


Kakashi looked at the numbness, a little dazed, a little strange, but thinking that he has nothing to do now, if there is something, the Watergate teacher will come to him, moreover, this is the Watergate teacher’s house, even if the Watergate teacher has something to do with him, after the Watergate teacher returns, he can see himself for the first time!

If that’s the case, then help!

After a long silence, Kakashi nodded and said, “Good!”

Seeing that Kakashi agreed, at this moment, he smiled, quickly opened the door, led Kakashi into the house, and immediately took Kakashi to the kitchen, and then, pointing to a large tank of fish, said with a smile: “Your task is to turn these fish into edible food, whether it is Kakashi wind dry fried fish, or something else, in short, you look at it!”

At this moment, Kakashi looked at the fish in the tank, and his mind couldn’t turn around for a while, “four, two, seven”, looking for his own help is to let himself help fry the fish?

Ah this…

“Why? disagree, hehe, disagree, you and I can be considered to be knot!”

Kakashi was helpless, looked at the face numb, rolled the eyes of the dead fish, and said, “How much do you want to fry?”

“Until you are full!” smiled.

Kakashi looked Mian Ma up and down, looked at Mian Ma’s not very fat body, and carefully looked at the hair and pupils of Mian Ma, and determined that it should be the same clan of Teacher Watergate!

The Watergate teacher’s family does not have any special physique, and if you want to come, you may not be able to eat much!

Even if this guy in front of him loves fish and can eat three or five in a meal, it is not a big problem.

After a long time, Kakashi nodded and said, “Good!”

“Oh yes, two people!” added Mian Ma.

“Two people?”

At this moment, Kakashi thought of when he met with Nomena yesterday, when there seemed to be a big sister next to him, and that sister did not look very fat or very edible.

Big deal, just treat the two of them as Obito and Rin who came to the house last time.

Kakashi nodded silently, indicating understanding!

Obviously, at this time, Kakashi did not realize the seriousness of the matter, if he had walked slowly yesterday, he would have seen two terrifying existences, if he walked slowly, what did Mian Ma say today, he would not be able to cook for them!

However, in this world, there are no ifs, only when people feel the pain do they know to be afraid…

With a weird smile, Mian Ma left the kitchen…

Soon, the “moisture” sound of hot frying was heard in the kitchen, accompanied by a burst of aroma.

“Hmm…” In the study, Hinata, who was sleeping in a daze, was awakened by the scent.

“It’s so fragrant…” Hinata loosened her nose slightly, rubbed her eyes sleepily, pushed open the door, and saw Mian Ma sitting in the living room, with a weird smile, looking at the kitchen while drinking tea!

“Huh, noodles, what’s in the kitchen…” Hinata said, subconsciously looking in the direction of the kitchen, this time, she was sleepy, and she looked at the little Kakashi who was busy in the kitchen with some laughter!

Kakashi is only six years old now, to be honest, the height is not very high, and the kitchen of the Watergate family is completely made according to the standards of adults, at this time, Kakashi can not fry fish normally, so he deliberately built a small bench underneath…

That scene, how funny and funny, the face numb is simply abusing child labor!

“Come on, sit, it’s a blessing today!” smiled, although he hadn’t tasted the fried fish that Kakashi had cooked himself, but he heard that it was delicious…

It is also true that when Kakashi was a child, he was alone, without relatives and for no reason, he was alone in everything, one person brushed the toilet, one person smacked the fish tank, one person cleaned the room, one person cooked, he asked for one, all learned, no need to rely on anyone!

Kakashi’s cooking skills are not covered! (Read the Storm Novel, just go to Feilu Fiction!)

Just wait to eat!

Why is he at home?” Hinata looked at Mima a little puzzled, obviously not understanding why Kakashi was here, she had slept too deeply before, if it weren’t for the numbness, she wouldn’t have heard a knock on the door!

If it weren’t for the aroma of Kakashi’s fried fish, she probably wouldn’t have woken up for a while!

“Hehe, this kid woke me up, in order not to form a bond with me, so I discussed this solution, he is responsible for making fish, we are responsible for eating, until we are full!”

“Eat until you are full?”

Hinata looked at Mian Ma in amazement, thought about the amount of rice she had with Mian Ma, snorted, laughed, and looked at Mian Ma with some disgust: “You are so bad!”

“Hehe, men are not bad…” Face Ma smiled, but the second half of the sentence was interrupted by Kakashi…

“Here it comes!”

At this moment, Kakashi carried a plate of dry fried fish with full color and fragrance, put it directly on the dining table, looked at Noodle Ma and Hinata, and said flatly: “Dry fried river fish, Kakashi wind!”

Noodle quickly beckoned Hinata to the table, and Kakashi just stood at the table, looking at Noodle and Hinata…

“Then I’m welcome!” smiled, grabbed the chopsticks, first added a piece of fish meat, put it in his mouth and chewed and tasted…

“Hmm…” The moment the fish enters the mouth, the aroma of dry fried fish instantly bursts out, the fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the taste is excellent, which is completely comparable to the restaurants outside!

Looking at the expressions of Face Ma and Hinata, Kakashi was very flat, already knowing the result, he was still very confident in his craft!

“There’s another plate, I’ll bring it!” said Kakashi, turning and heading into the kitchen, and soon he appeared again with a plate of dried fried fish!

Then, before placing the dry fried fish on the table, Kakashi was stunned, a little stunned to look at the plate of dry fried fish on the table with only the skeleton of the fish left, and subconsciously looked at the dry fried fish on his plate, stunned…


“Oh…” Kakashi didn’t bother with why the two ate so fast, it didn’t matter!

Put down the 0.4 plate in your hand, turn around, and continue to plan to go into the kitchen to fry fish…

“Oh yes…”

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he turned around and said, “Dry fried fish needs soy sauce to … Erm…”

Kakashi was stunned again, staring at another plate with only a fish skeleton left, the words he wanted to say were completely unspeakable, and he looked at the plate in a daze…

“You guys…” Kakashi wanted to say something, but the words couldn’t come out of his mouth.

Did these two guys eat so fast?

“Hehe, say okay, eat until you are full, go ahead, whether it is delicious or not to put soy sauce, you just do it, we just eat!” said Mian Ma with a smile.

Hearing this again, the corner of Kakashi’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly had a bad feeling…

You finish reading I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark! Chapter 160

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I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

He traveled through time and became Menma Uzumaki, but emerged from the limited Tsukuyomi **! God-level selection system is successfully bound! "Ding, choose to take Naruto to darken, and the reward will be: Nine-faced Subaha!" "Ding, choose to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, reward: Five Escape Physique!" "Ding, choose to kill Nagato, reward: Samsara Eye!" … Not only that, he is constantly attracting people from the limited Tsukuyomi world... Two Hinata, two Hanabi, two Tsunade, etc... What is happiness?This is double happiness! Finally one day, he killed the Akatsuki organization, collected all nine tailed beasts, and suspended them in the sky above Konoha. With a super-tailed beast's large spiral wheel, Konoha was completely reduced to ashes!


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