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I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark! Chapter 382

If that’s the case, it does sound strange. “Did he tell you so much just to get that to get that in point?” asked Mian Ma then.

Naruto nodded, “Yes, isn’t it strange for you to say this, although I have to admit that Grandpa Yamabayashi is a very good person, but what he said to me at that time, I still don’t understand much, face numb, can you understand what he means by this?”

Mian Ma was stunned for a moment, and just now I didn’t know if it was an illusion of his own, but he felt that the ice drill suddenly heated up in the palm of his hand.


This clear touch, very cold ice diamond, suddenly had heat in Mian Ma’s hand, although it was only for that moment, but it was very clear that Mi Ma knew that he didn’t feel wrong.

Naruto noticed a sudden pause in Minumb, so he turned his head and asked, “Minumb, what’s wrong with you?”

Mian Ma came back to his senses and shook his head, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I just suddenly was in a daze, hey, by the way, where did you just say?”

Naruto let out an “oh” and continued, “I thought about it, we don’t seem to have anything special going on lately, oh yes, except for the twin sister flower a while ago, but then again, Nima, didn’t you and Kakashi-sensei go after those two sisters?

Naruto’s series of questions made Mima not know how to answer for a while, “… Ah, didn’t I say before, Kakashi-sensei and I accidentally lost the two of them when we chased them to the shore, and we didn’t see where they went before we fell into a coma. ”

As soon as Naruto thought about cotton linen and Kakashi-sensei fainting, he didn’t plan to ask any more.

Walking and walking, the two of them happened to see a fruit tree not far ahead, “Mian Ma, you go faster, come quickly, if I remember correctly, the fruit on this fruit tree…”

Before Naruto’s words could finish, he was suddenly interrupted by the numbness of his face, “I know, this fruit is called the fence fruit, it has the effect of refreshing the mind and restoring physical strength, right?”

Naruto didn’t expect that Mima actually knew about this fruit, “Yes, you, Mian Ma, do you even know that this fruit has been eaten before?”

Mian Ma was stunned for a moment, in fact, he really hadn’t seen it before, but I don’t know why the name of this fruit tree automatically appeared in Mian Ma’s mind from the moment he saw it.

“Oh… Count it eaten, hahaha. ”

The two of them worked together to get a lot of fruit from the tree. “Mima, are you looking at these fruits enough?” said Naruto as he beckoned.

Mian Ma walked over, nodded and said, “Uh-huh, that’s almost enough, we can go back (Wang Nuozhao).” ”

On the way back, Face and Naruto suddenly noticed that there were some colorful small mushrooms on both sides of the road, and these small mushrooms didn’t seem to have them when they came.

Just now, it was clear that there was no rain, and suddenly a mushroom grew such a phenomenon, it seems that it is not very good, it is really rare.

Naruto walked over with some curiosity to see what was going on.

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I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: I, Uzumaki Menma, started with Naruto going dark!

He traveled through time and became Menma Uzumaki, but emerged from the limited Tsukuyomi **! God-level selection system is successfully bound! "Ding, choose to take Naruto to darken, and the reward will be: Nine-faced Subaha!" "Ding, choose to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, reward: Five Escape Physique!" "Ding, choose to kill Nagato, reward: Samsara Eye!" … Not only that, he is constantly attracting people from the limited Tsukuyomi world... Two Hinata, two Hanabi, two Tsunade, etc... What is happiness?This is double happiness! Finally one day, he killed the Akatsuki organization, collected all nine tailed beasts, and suspended them in the sky above Konoha. With a super-tailed beast's large spiral wheel, Konoha was completely reduced to ashes!


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