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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 17

Shi Yu’s eyes suddenly became quite contemptuous when he looked at the wind.
I didn’t expect that Swift Wind actually did this kind of thing, is it necessary to be so handsome?
And if you remember well, this guy should have a girlfriend!
When she thought of this, Yu smiled.
“Brother Swift Wind, you seem to have a girlfriend!”
Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment: “Ah! Yes, what’s wrong? ”
What’s wrong with having a girlfriend at your age?
“If Brother Wind’s girlfriend knew you were peeping into the women’s bathhouse…”
Hearing the wind here, a cold sweat broke out.
Shi Yu looked at the wind sinisterly, “You don’t want your girlfriend to know either!” So…… Hey, hey…”
“Hey, hey, hey! Boy, what do you want to do? ”
Swift Wind took two steps back strategically, holding his chest with both hands, and looked at Shi Yu with a look of horror.
How can a young person take this bite?
“As long as Brother Swift Wind teaches me the Shadow Doppelgänger Technique, I think I may have misheard it just now!”
Looking at Shi Yu, he rubbed his hands with a sinister look.
The wind breathed a sigh of relief, just take a bad bite.
However, it was too early for Shi Yu to learn the art of shadow avatars.
At least Blaster thought it was too early.
“Want to learn Shadow Doppelganger? Wait until you graduate! ”
“Brother Swift Wind, I want to do this if you do this…”
“I remembered, I still have a task, I will leave first, you continue to cultivate, don’t relax!”
The wind disappeared instantly.
“If you don’t teach the Shadow Doppelgänger Technique, you can also teach the Instantaneous Technique!”
However, Shi Yu’s words were no longer heard, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.
Shi Yu was helpless.
“Hey! Doesn’t that threaten? ”
Of course, Shi Yu will not really snitch, after all, the wind still helps him a lot.
It would be ungrateful to snitch again.
“Forget it!”
“There will always be a chance!”
Shadow avatars and teleportation techniques can be learned sooner or later.
The problem now is still the problem of chakra quantity, but now!
Shi Yu wanted to take a closer look at the problem of penetration
Thoroughness allows you to make yourself invisible and even hide your breath.
If the wind in the original book had not been killed by the plot, he would not have been discovered.
Even the breath is hidden, how can it be discovered.
And not everyone has white eyes and can directly see the flow of Chakra.
And the real nemesis of Tho Escape should only be white eyes!
Shi Yu controlled Chakra, raised his hand and watched his arm slowly disappear in front of him.
“This bloodline’s ability is not weak, but it’s a pity that he died of being restrained by white eyes!”
Whether you are stealthy or hidden, the white eye can see the flow of Chakra, and it is not too simple to directly see through stealth through this.
Although he didn’t necessarily need to fight with the people of the Hyuga clan, if he really matched, wouldn’t he be helpless.
Shi Yu looked at the other hand, the wooden sword that was also covered by the transparent chakra and disappeared in front of him.
‘The chakra covered with penetration, even if it does not belong to itself, can be invisible. ’
‘What about ninjutsu? ’
If you add ninjutsu to penetration, and use the effect of penetration to make ninjutsu invisible, wouldn’t the attack be unpreventable?
When I thought of this, Yu wanted to give it a try.
Find a good location, when the rain is ready to release the water escape ~ water chaos!
After all, this is the only trick he can do at the moment.
The process of sealing the release of ninjutsu.
Chakra gathered in his throat, and the next second the water swept out.
The power is deliberately controlled, and the water flow is not too big.
However, in the process, Shi Yu tries to blend into the transparent Chakra.
Direct failure!
Even the water escape stopped being released.
Almost Chakra recoiled, hurting Shi Yu.
“Good risk!”
After Shi Yu stabilized Chakra, he said with a palpitation!
It seems that the development of ninjutsu is not done casually.
If you’re not careful, you’re going to kill yourself.
Carefully recall the situation just now, the release of water itself requires a change in the nature of water properties, but at the same time it wants to integrate the effect of penetration.
There is a need for a change in the nature of penetration.
Making two qualitative changes at the same time is simply impossible.
At least with the control of Shiyu, it can’t be done at all.
Chakra’s violent walk did not hurt, and the rain was already considered light.
“Could it be that this penetrating ability can really only be used for the ability of stealth?”
In this way, the role of this blood succession is too little.
It is best for Chakra to only perform one nature change at a time, in which case it can only be combined with attributeless ninjutsu.
For example, doppelganger! Shadow doppelgangers and the like.
“No attributes!”
“What about Orochimaru!”
Shi Yu’s eyes flashed, and the attributeless spiral pill should be able to do it!
But in the blink of an eye, Yu began to smile helplessly and bitterly.
Spiral pills do not talk about the problem of development, spiral pills themselves are loud.
Wouldn’t it be funny to combine it with Diamond!
The main highlight of thoroughness is a surprise, the voice is exposed, and how to be surprised!
Out of the blue?
“Dark Weapon!”
Shi Yu took out Ku Wu from the ninja bag.
The transparent Chakra suddenly covered it, and sure enough, the next second Ku Wu disappeared directly in front of him.
However, Shi Yu could still feel that Ku Wu was holding it in his hand.
‘Yes! Since you can’t cooperate with ninjutsu, then you can cooperate with dark weapons! ’
The dark weapon itself must be as unexpected as possible to be able to cause effective damage.
Isn’t that just right with Penetration!
Invisible dark weapons, it is difficult for enemies to hide.
Unless it is a powerful elite ninja, who can judge the approximate direction and dodge by relying on the sound of the wind breaking the dark weapon.
Ordinary upper patience probably does not have the ability to dodge transparent dark weapons.
He casually threw out the kunai that was wrapped in transparency in his hand and nailed it straight to the tree.
Three seconds later, the dark device slowly appeared.
Shi Yu had a smile on her face.
“It seems that if you want to develop this move of transparent dark weapon based on transparency, you must also practice the skill of throwing the dark weapon!”
Melee Konoha Flow Sword Technique, able to use water chaos waves to attack or interfere with enemies at medium and long ranges.
When you are surprised, you can use a transparent dark device for a sneak attack.
Not to mention the ninjas of the same level, now even if it is a middle ninja or even an upper ninja, it seems that Shi Yu has the power of a battle.
“The Penetrating Concealer and the Darkener is indeed a good combination!”
“If there is another shadow doppelganger, with his own penetration, it will be really haunted, and the enemy will probably have a headache to die!”
Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!
immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

You finish reading Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 17

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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naru


Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically. Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?” Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!” Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!” Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!”


not work with dark mode