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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 170

It would not be surprising to see this kind of wooden coffin at other times.
But now!
The appearance of this wooden coffin made not only Shi Yu, but also the other Konoha ninjas who rushed to deal with the big snake pill were stunned.
Especially the ninjas in the dark department, they have seen with their own eyes how the first Hokage and the second Hokage ~ appeared.
Right now!
This third wooden coffin appeared, causing everyone to froze instantly.
The slowly rising wooden coffin was still engraved with the word four, and when he saw this word, Yu felt that it was impossible.
When pigs fly.
The fourth generation of Hokage has obviously been sealed by ghouls, completely sealing the soul, even if it is a dirt rebirth, it is impossible to summon the soul of the fourth generation.
But now that the big snake pill suddenly summoned four generations, how could it be!
“Is it a rebirth of dirt again?”
Kaidu frowned and stared at the wooden coffin that had not yet opened.
“Let this one play with you next!”
“I’ll go first!”
The figure of the big snake pill disappeared instantly, and even the four Yin Shinobi didn’t know when they disappeared.
Shi Yu raised his hand and wanted to stop the big snake pill with Yun Duan, but gave up because the four generations in front of him were about to appear.
It can be said that compared with the first generation of Hokage and the second generation of Hokage, Shi Yu feels that the fourth generation is the most difficult.
The fourth generation of Hokage, who is proficient in the art of flying thunder god, is quite a perverted guy.
Although he does not have a wooden dun and does not have too many ninjutsu, but a flying thunder god plus a spiral pill, the strength of the fourth generation of Hokage is already not to be underestimated.
Is it really the fourth generation of Hokage?
Shi Yu suddenly had some expectations now, if it was the fourth generation of Hokage, it would be better, and the Great Sage could directly analyze this Hokage’s Flying Thunder God.
At that time, Shi Yu can use the Flying Thunder God and use the Flying Thunder God to cooperate with his ninjutsu, then the combat effectiveness will go to another level.
Suddenly the wooden coffin opened.
However, the person who appeared in front of him made Shi Yu stunned for a moment.
It’s true that this is the fourth generation, but… But not the fourth generation of Hokage.
Four generations of wind shadows!
The moment Luo Sha opened his eyes, the ninjas of the Sand Hidden Village who were still fighting with Konoha around them also noticed the situation on this side.
Seeing their own wind shadow appear, they all stopped.
“How could it be Lord Kazekage!”
The sand ninjas now had no idea what this was all about.
Shi Yu also smiled helplessly.
If this is the case, then everything makes sense.
In the original work, the Great Snake Pill summoned was not the fourth generation of Hokage but the fourth generation of Wind Shadow, but in the original work, for some reason, the fourth generation of Wind Shadow summoning failed.
It may be that the rebirth of the first and second generations of filthy soil is already the limit of the Great Snake Pill.
But now it’s different, the first and second generations are sealed, then the big snake pill can reincarnate other people again.
So the four generations of wind shadows came out.
“How can the fourth generation of Wind Shadow be reborn in filthy soil!”
Matt Kai said, Shi Yu on the side glanced at Kai, “This means that the fourth generation of wind shadow is dead!” ”
He’s dead!
The ninja with sand hidden heard Shi Yu’s words: “Little ghost, what are you talking about?” ”
“Isn’t our Kazekage-sama fighting your Hokage of Konoha!”
These sand ninja didn’t notice at all, their own wind shadow master had long since turned into a big snake pill!
Luo Sha looked at the ninja of his village, and then at the surroundings.
“It seems that it really turned out to be like this, hey!”
Luo Sha sighed helplessly.
The body began to move involuntarily.
He looked at Metkay and the others, “Konoha’s ninja, Matkai, find a way to defeat me, and try not to hurt the ninja of our village?” ”
Hearing this, Matkai was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.
Now that it has been clarified, it is the ghost of Orochimaru, and it is not that Sand Hidden really wants to go to war with Konoha, then these ninjas of Sand Hidden Village naturally cannot be killed at will.
“Hurry up and let people know, try not to hurt the ninja of Sunahi, just arrest them!”
“And tell them what happened this time, if they don’t want to believe it, if they still want to resist, do it, but try to start lightly!”
Kai gave the order, and the ninjas in the dark department looked at each other and chose to follow the order.
Naruto-sama is in danger, and at this time Konoha’s Kami-Shinobu has the power to command them.
Not to mention a ninja like Matkay with the title of Konoha’s blue beast.
The ninja of the dark part disappears. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
Luo Sha nodded gratefully, “Thank you!” ”
There is no need to say anything extraneous, Luo Sha also feels very humiliated now.
The Kazekage of his own generation would be killed by Konoha’s rebellion.
Although Orochimaru designed to cooperate with another powerful ninja to fight him and kill him, defeat is defeat.
“Finally ask a question, I don’t know how Zhu Li is from our village, how is he in my love Luo!”
Speaking of I Ai Luo, Shi Yu stood up.
“Don’t worry! Lord Kazekage, my Ai Luo has been sealed by me, and there is no danger to my life! ”
Hearing Shi Yu’s words, Luo Sha was stunned for a moment.
By this imp! Seal!
How can the people of Shayin Village be so good to seal, and this little ghost who looks about the same age as I Ai Luo said that he sealed My Ai Luo.
However, when you look closely, there is strange smoke wafting around, and the surrounding smoke has not yet dissipated.
These have the chakra fluctuations of time and rain.
It looks like it should be some kind of special blood succession limit that has never been seen before.
It’s not impossible to seal my Ailuo, and Konoha has a new genius!
Thinking of this, Luo Sha was even more helpless, and the future of Shayin Village seemed even more hopeless.
The wind shadow died, and the village was green and yellow.
But Konoha is full of geniuses, and the future ninja world is still Konoha’s world!
Luo Sha frowned and looked at Shi Yu, his body had begun to condense placer gold uncontrollably.
Or take this opportunity to kill this imp in front of you and erase a Konoha ninja who is a great threat to the village of Sunahide in the future!
Thinking of this, Luo Sha’s strength seemed to increase a little.
At the same time, Shi Yu also felt the killing intent in Luo Sha’s eyes, although he didn’t know why Luo Sha had such strong hostility towards him.
But now it’s rainy!
“Kai-sensei! Leave this guy to me! ”
After speaking, Matkai, who was about to start, looked back at Shi Yu, “What did you say?” ”
“Teacher Kai, leave it to me! You go and solve the ninja of Sand Hidden Village as soon as possible, and you don’t know how to seal it, and the fourth generation of Kazekage let me deal with it more appropriately!” ”
This is, even if Kai can defeat the fourth generation of wind shadows, it is useless to quickly restore the other party without sealing the technique.
On the contrary, the village still does not know the truth of the matter, and every second of delay makes the village suffer losses for no reason.
Thinking of the first and second generations who were sealed, even those two adults could be sealed, and it was not a big problem for a fourth-generation wind shadow to think about it! .
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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naru


Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically. Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?” Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!” Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!” Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!”


not work with dark mode