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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 18

“My own dark weapon throwing level is only average in the ninja school!”
“Not to mention the level among ninjas.”
Shi Yu frowned, it seemed that he had to divide a skill bar a little and hang up the dark weapon for a while.
There is also no need for the dark weapon throwing to improve too much, just to reach a certain level.
In this way, the power of cooperation will be stronger.
[Passive Skill 6: Dark Weapon Throwing].
Unload the Chakrati Alchemy and replace it with a dark weapon to throw.
This is the same 1-5 skill column is still Chakra alchemy, to ensure Chakra’s growth.
6 and 7 are Dark Weapon Throwing and Konoha Ryu Sword Technique, respectively.
Shi Yu is also ready to test how many Bitter Pills can be made invisible at one time at his current level.
However, the sound of the system sounded again.
[Passive Skill 6: Dark Weapon Throwing].
Complete a run
It only took a few seconds to complete it?
Not bad!
This speed.
Shi Yu stared at the big tree in the distance, raised his hand and threw out two Ku Wu directly.
According to Shi Yu’s original level, these two Ku Wu can probably be nailed to the target range is already very good.
However, this time, both kunai fell in the central area of the trunk.
It can throw the kunai to the target area, and all are close to the position of the collimator.
This is already a small improvement.
[Passive skill 6…].
Complete a run
Once in a few seconds, once in a few seconds, this speed is quite fast.
However, the ability of dark weapon throwing is not difficult to cultivate itself.
It runs fast and works fine.
Ten minutes!
Ten minutes is not too long or too short, but Shi Yu has clearly felt great progress.
The moment the pain in the hand comes out, not only the speed of the pain is amazing.
Even when it hits the trunk of a tree, it makes an incomparably crisp crashing sound.
Nearly half of the blade pierced into the trunk.
The bitter strength of throwing has also increased a lot, and more importantly, now Shi Yu looks at the trunk of the tree.
From top to bottom, shoot into a vertical ten kunai.
The spacing of each kunai is about ten centimeters, and the error is no more than one or two centimeters.
This is the increase in control, and at the same time there is an increase in the strength of suffering, and the accuracy also improves rapidly.
It’s only been ten minutes.
If you continue to let the skill bar hang the dark weapon throwing technique, I don’t know how much it will grow for an hour.
This speed of strengthening visible to the naked eye is simply addictive.
“There is no problem at all with the distance of fifteen meters!”
Shi Yu had a smile on her face.
Increase the distance!
He stepped back another ten meters towards the rear.
Now it’s twenty-five meters away.
Shi Yu raised his hand and threw out a shuriken directly.
The shuriken in the air turned rapidly, making a crackling sound of breaking wind.
Next second!!
Pierce directly into the trunk!
Shi Yu frowned, “The distance is lengthened, and the accuracy is much worse!” ”
Looking at the shuriken that deviated from Shiyu’s target position, about five centimeters, this deviation was fatal in battle.
It seems that the dark weapon throwing technique will have to continue hanging for a while.
The requirements of Shi Yu are not high, and within 30 meters, it can accurately hit the target position.
At the same time, the strength cannot be too bad.
Otherwise, just gently rub the opponent through the skin, then it will live up to the effect of escaping surprises.
And Shi Yu also continued to throw dark weapons.
The main purpose of this is not to practice to speed up progress!
Instead, it’s to refresh the state of the skill.
The state refresh of the dark weapon throwing is much simpler than the refresh of Chakra refining something.
In half an hour, the rain refreshed its state about ten times.
Each time the Dark Weapon Throw runs, the improvement is also greater.
At the same time, Shi Yu actually felt that his wrist strength had increased a lot.
The increase in wrist strength is also very helpful for Shi Yu’s swordsmanship.
After discovering this.
For the next three hours, Shi Yu practiced throwing the dark weapon.
But after three hours of non-stop practice, Shi Yu felt that his hand was about to dislocate.
The Dark Weapon Throwing Technique also refreshed its status more than thirty times.
The status is refreshed ten times an hour on average.
Now the effect of passive operation should be close to the limit of what Shiyu can do.
Shi Yu, who was very tired, finally sat down and planned to rest for a while.
“Just hanging one skill can’t do it without consumption at all!”
“I should hang two dark throwing spells so that my hands won’t be so uncomfortable!”
Shi Yu said.
Suddenly, Yu stood up with a bang.
“Hang two skills at the same time, you can do it without consumption!”
“Then I hang two physical skills at the same time, doesn’t it mean that in battle, the physical strength is infinitely ???”
Two physical skills, plus two chakras, that means that you can do it, crazy blue back, unlimited physical strength!
Not to mention the crazy return to the blue, the thing of unlimited physical strength alone makes Shi Yu a little crazy.
“When you master the immortal art, then it may become that Chakra is infinite, and your physical strength is infinite!”
That is to say, at this stage, on the one hand, I want to increase Chakra madly, and at the same time, I focus on improving my physical skills.
Hang up two physical skills to the skill bar, and you can directly turn into unlimited physical strength.
In this case, it is naturally best to use physical attacks.
And after mastering fairy arts, or after the amount of chakra is piled up, then you can transform into a ninja who combines ninjutsu and physical skills.
Shi Yu lay on the ground and couldn’t help laughing.
After that, the Dark Weapon Throwing Technique hung on the skill bar for a full seven hours.
The final effect also far exceeded Shi Yu’s expectations.
When it comes home in the evening.
Shi Yu’s dark weapon throwing has become quite perverted.
Within a range of 10 to 15 meters, the thickness of the wood material does not exceed 50 cm, and the dark instrument of the rain can directly penetrate it.
The powerful wrist force burst out, making the power of the dark weapon very terrifying.
The longest distance of 50 meters can accurately hit the target, and the speed of the dark weapon flight is also very amazing.
This level is no longer possible for lower patience, or even upper patience.
If you continue to hang the dark weapon on the skill bar, Shi Yu believes that it will become stronger.
But Shi Yu still exchanged it back for Chakra refining.
“I’m going to school again tomorrow.”
At night, Yu was lying in bed very helplessly, before going to school to learn more, now when I go to school, Yu feels like a constraint on herself.
It is better to refresh the status of the skill yourself when you have that time.
Make progress faster.
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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naru


Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically. Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?” Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!” Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!” Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!”


not work with dark mode