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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 56

From Shi Yu being dragged by two enemies, to chasing him out and using Tho to approach carefully.
After leaving Konoha, Shi Yu turned on his thinking and accelerated.
The rain was not missed when there was any trace along the way.
At the same time, it is true that the other party has no chance of being Tibetan, and it is certain that no second person will contact the other party.
Thinking about the observation power under the acceleration, it is impossible to miss any details.
However, how could a person as big as Naruto suddenly disappear.
After finding a large circle, Shi Yu directly sent more than twenty doppelgangers, and the entire forest was basically turned over by Shi Yu.
But still nothing was found.
Did Naruto really just disappear out of thin air?
Space-time ninjutsu?
If this is really such a ninjutsu, then why run out of Konoha!
After catching Naruto at that time, wouldn’t it be good to disappear directly?
And he doesn’t know time and space ninjutsu, and he can’t catch up with “713”.
Shi Yu did not believe in evil, and searched for half an hour, from the forest to the periphery of Konoha, inside and out, all with doppelgängers.
Any possible corner when the rain has been found.
There was still no trace of Naruto, and there were no scrolls or anything like that on the ninja’s body.
A big living person who disappeared out of thin air?
If it’s not a space-time type of ninjutsu, or something like a special seal scroll, then the only possibility left is.
Naruto was still in Konoha.
Shiyu is the thought acceleration that was started when he left Konoha, and the only thing he may not notice was when he was in Konoha.
Shiyu hurriedly returned to Konoha, and relied on Tou to avoid the dark ninja who rushed to find it.
At that time, Rain had just returned to Konoha, but suddenly found a group of ninjas from the dark department on the side of the road.
“That demon fox imp, why did he suddenly faint here?”
“Naruto-sama said let’s send him back, and then leave it alone!”
Naruto was really in Konoha.
Shi Yu, hidden in a dark corner, is puzzled.
Grabbed Naruto and casually threw Naruto aside!
What is this operation?
If Naruto didn’t matter to those three guys, then… In other words, these three people are coming for themselves!
At the moment, the group hiding in the root tissue rat hole.
A ninja with his back to a root.
“Master Tuanzo, the operation failed, and all three were killed!”
“Oh!” Danzo was stunned for a moment, “Kill my three root ninjas, they are all at the level of middle ninja, and they are all elites!” ”
A little devil who has not graduated from ninja school can actually have this kind of combat power?
“Master Tuanzo, the bodies of two of them were found by the dark department, and the bodies of the remaining one were not found!”
“According to the view of the ninja in the dark part, both of them were sealed in an instant!”
Seal the throat!
Tuan Zang’s closed eyes suddenly opened.
This can’t be, a little imp with a slightly more outstanding talent in swordsmanship.
How can there be such strength, although the dark part is an ape flying human group is a little unsightly, but the investigation of these dark ninjas will not be too wrong.
“I underestimated that little ghost!”
“The ninja of the dark part, witnessed the moonlight rain directly and instantly turned into countless streams of water, bursting out of Konoha at an amazing speed!”
“The remaining one, I’m afraid it was also caught up outside Konoha, and then dried up by the moonlight rain!”
That’s for sure.
But in an instant, it turned into countless streams of water.
Or is it the instantaneous body of the water?
That’s interesting.
How did a brat who had not yet graduated from a ninja school master the Shui Shui Shui Instant Technique! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
This technique, Tuan Zang is no stranger.
His old friend, Hanzo the pepperfish, also uses it.
And if you want to master such a trick, you must first have an incredible talent for water escape, and you can master this type of trick.
Moonlight rain, that little devil actually will, it doesn’t matter where you learned it, the important thing is that at this age, you have such talent!
“Oh sun! It seems that our kid with amazing kendo talent is not just excellent in kendo! ”
“Still a genius of Shui Duan!”
Now Tuan Zang is very surprised, but also feels even more excited.
I didn’t expect Konoha to suddenly come out with such a genius.
And at this moment, Hinata, who was chanting by him, was still looking at the report in his hand in Hokage’s office, and also frowned.
“The man in black who was killed in an instant, Naruto who fainted, the ninja who disappeared in an instant!”
Hinata had a headache, and the two people who died had checked that eighty percent of them were ninjas with roots.
However, it is not a recorded ninja, a root ninja raised by Danzo in private……….
But why did Naruto fall into a coma?
Who is the ninja who disappeared in an instant?
What is this guy doing in Tuanzo?
Who did the ninja who sent the roots to kill?
I wanted to ask Tuan Zang clearly, but since Tuan Zang chose to start directly, he obviously did not intend to consider his own opinion.
Ask Tuan Zang, that guy will most likely not tell himself.
More and more excessive, Tuan Zang, in the village, no matter who it is dealing with, this is completely without putting himself in the eyes.
Even this time it seems to involve Naruto.
Maybe Naruto bumped into something, so he was knocked unconscious and thrown aside!
When Naruto woke up, Hinata asked himself.
The ninja in the dark on the other side sent Naruto back, and Shiyu quietly returned to his house.
The target is not Naruto!
It’s yourself!
At the time of Konoha’s move, and at the time of the incident, the surrounding dark ninjas seemed to be quite far away.
The ninjas of the dark are all over Konoha, and it is impossible for an area to suddenly be undercrowded.
It’s obvious.
In addition to Sarutobi Hinata, the third-generation Hokage-sama, who has a certain ability to affect the ninja of the Dark Division, there is only Danzo in Konoha.
Shi Yu didn’t expect himself to be so mediocre, and the only time he performed was to perform the sword technique of Water Breath on the training ground.
Is this being targeted?
Lured himself out of Konoha because he was afraid that the movement would be too great.
They want to catch themselves alive.
If it wasn’t captured alive, there would be no need to lead Dark 3.7 out of Konoha.
The assassination does not make much noise.
Catch yourself alive?
“Sword art for the breath of water?”
It seems that this is the only reason, I want to know the cultivation method of water breath from my mouth!
“Tuan Zang! Danzo! A little swordsmanship, do you care so much! ”
“You think too much of me!”
However, maybe Danzo didn’t pay too much attention to it, otherwise he wouldn’t have sent just three root ninjas who weren’t even Shinobi to deal with him.
Obviously, he didn’t take himself seriously, and felt that those three people were enough to take himself!
But regardless of whether the regiment took it seriously before, it is different now.
Next time, if Tuan Zang strikes again, it will not be three guys at the middle ninja level.
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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naru


Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically. Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?” Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!” Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!” Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!”


not work with dark mode