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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars Chapter 57

Shi Yu lifted the curtains and secretly glanced out the window.
The number of ninjas in the dark part has increased a bit!
Tonight, Tuanzo should not make another move, or he will not make a move in a short time!
Konoha still has the final say, and Danzo will anger Hinata if he does this.
Shi Yu lowered the curtains and lay on the bed.
If you don’t swagger, you can be targeted, and it seems that you can’t keep a low profile if you want to be low-key in the future.
Since you can’t be low-key, let’s be a little more high-key!
Carrying the name of genius is not entirely without benefits.
Glancing at the great sage who was still calculating in the system.
There are more than a dozen hours left.
After tomorrow’s graduation exam, the calculation will be completed.
With Bing Dun cooperating with Shui Duan, his combat effectiveness will be further strengthened, in short, improve his strength, whether it is Tuan Zang or Xiao.
If you have strength, don’t be afraid!
Shi Yu, who came to the ninja school the next day, took the ninja sword and cut the moon for the first time.
Before Shi Yu was unarmed.
Shikamaru and the others looked at the ninja knife behind Shiyu, and Shikamaru smiled secretly.
Staring at Shi Yu.
This guy is finally going to use that terrifying knife technique? 19
While greeting everyone, Naruto finally arrived at the school, but he looked in good spirits.
He saw that Shi Yu wanted to come over as soon as possible,
But at this time Iruka walked in.
“All right! Everyone, go back and sit down, the graduation exam is advanced, also to test your true level! ”
“Next is the most important step in your ninja career, passing the exam you will be able to become a full ninja.”
“On the contrary, you need to go to an ordinary school and continue to learn other skills besides ninjas.”
“I hope you all come on!”
The exam begins.
Although it is said to be a ninja’s graduation exam.
But in fact, it seems that there is no difference between normal tests.
I tested everyone’s dark weapon throwing, and then tested the Doppelganger!
A group of imps lined up at the door, and one after another walked into the exam room to take individual tests.
Watching a little ghost in front of him walk out dejectedly, Shi Yu slowly pushed the door open and walked in.
Iruka raised his head and looked at Shi Yu.
“Shi Yu, you seem to have changed a lot recently, and I also heard about the training ground!”
“How? Are you confident in today’s exam? ”
Judging from Shi Yu’s usual grades and performance, it is not easy to pass the exam.
Shi Yu nodded very easily.
“Okay then! Let’s go! Show off your doppelganger! ”
As soon as Iruka’s words were finished, Shi Yu raised a simple Zi Zhi Seal with his left hand!
A doppelganger appears on the side.
There was nothing special about the doppelganger, but Iruka looked at Shi Yu with wide eyes and surprise at the moment.
Just now!
If he was not mistaken, Shi Yu only used one hand to make a seal.
One-handed sealing?
Does moonlight rain still have this talent?
One-handed imprint can not be mastered with practice, it is a natural talent, just like the blood succession limit, born with it.
If not, it is impossible to master it in a lifetime.
“Teacher, is it okay?”
Hearing Shi Yu’s voice, Iruka came back from his stunned state.
Looking at Shi Yu in surprise, he nodded, “It’s okay!” ”
Shi Yu walked out.
Looking at Shi Yu’s back, Iruka felt that his teacher seemed to be a little unqualified.
I didn’t know for so long that anyone among my students had such talent.
The final exams ended in the morning. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
As school ended in the afternoon, the results of the exam finally came out.
Naruto came to Shiyu with his own brace.
“Thank you! Shi Yu, if you hadn’t helped me with special training yesterday, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to complete the graduation exam today! ”
“Nothing, didn’t you invite me to eat ramen too!”
Naruto smiled and hooked Shiyu’s shoulder with one hand, “When I get paid for the task, I’ll treat you to Uncle Ichiraku’s ramen!” ”
Looking at the way Naruto and Shiyu hooked up their backs, Sasuke on the side snorted coldly and walked in front of the two.
Shi Yu smiled, this is Erzhu jealous?
After completing the exam, Naruto also came to Shiyu’s home as promised to help Shiyu with the so-called cleaning.
After it was over, Shiyu asked Naruto to go back to rest early,
And Shi Yu himself is to prepare for the new Blood Succession Limit, Ice Escape!
Now Naruto has successfully completed the graduation exam, and there should be no plot of stealing the Book of Seals in the original book.
But now that I think about it, it’s a pity, if Naruto can still steal the Book of Seals.
Then Shi Yu may have a chance to take a look.
But thinking about it should be unlikely, the bureau of the three generations of cloth, if he really did that.
The consequences can be a bit serious.
Inside the Hokage office at the moment!
Miyo looked at Iruka “Really? ”
Iruka nodded, “Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it can’t be wrong!” ”
The three generations in front of him picked up Shi Yu’s information in his hand: “This kid actually has the talent to seal with one hand. ”
This is indeed surprising.
“Help me call Naruto over!”
Miyo put down the information in his hand, and Iruka didn’t continue to ask anything.
After a while, Naruto was found.
Naruto entered the office of the third generation.
“What’s wrong? Three generations of grandfathers, is it possible to find me with a task for me so soon? “580
Having just graduated today, Naruto was in a pretty good mood.
The third generation smiled “Congratulations, Naruto successfully graduated!” ”
“Hey, hey!”
“By the way, grandpa asked you something, yesterday you were in a coma, do you know what happened?”
Naruto was stunned for a moment, “That’s right! I want to ask Shi Yu today, why did I fall into a coma yesterday, busy with exams and forgot to ask him! ”
“When the rain … Were you with Shi Yu yesterday? ”
“Yes! Shi Yu taught me the art of shadow doppelganger, and thanks to him, I was able to graduate successfully today…”
Naruto kept talking, but the three generations did not continue to listen.
Instead, his eyes flickered slightly.
Danzo’s target yesterday was Shiyu, and those ninjas went for Shiyu.
Two of them were instantly killed by Shi Yu!
It was an elite Nakanin combat power, and traces of fighting were also found in the forest somewhere outside the village.
And the ninja in the dark part reported finding traces of the use of Shui Dun , and it is speculated that it should be an A-level Water Escape Ninjutsu!
Unleashing water ninjutsu where there is no water and directly breaking several giant trees is not something that ordinary ninjas can do.
Moonlight rains… Shui Dun, well, yes, the combination of Shui Dun and swordsmanship, if you don’t have a certain mastery of Shui Duan, it is impossible to create that kind of sword art!
This kid isn’t just talented in swordsmanship!
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Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Im in Konoha, I have ten skill bars

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naru


Moonlight Shigure came to the world of Naruto. For the first twelve years, he seemed very mediocre. Average talent, average physique, average everything else except being handsome. I thought I would live a mediocre life in the world of Naruto, but the sudden appearance of the skill bar made Shigure a genius. Any ninjutsu can be put into the skill bar, without control or operation, and it will run automatically. Naruto: “Why are you so good at using the ninjutsu you just learned yesterday? Is there any secret to it?” Sasuke: “You are the real genius, you have been playing me before!” Kakashi: “Geniuses come out every year, but this year is particularly strong. As a teacher, I am under a lot of pressure. I want to retire, third generation!” Third generation: “You want to retire? I still want to retire! That kid is simply not a human being. I am a remnant of the old era. There is no village that can let me stay in the new era!”


not work with dark mode