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Konoha I, Naruto Uzumaki, have incredible understanding Chapter 73

They left Naruto’s family property!
But under the care of three generations of Hokage, it became a thousand taels per month!
And after Naruto became a ninja,
I can’t get it yet!?
There is no doubt that the three generations of Hokage, after their sacrifice, seized their ninjutsu scrolls, seized a lot of money they had accumulated from their missions, and usurped their family property.
At last
Something that is not even a hair is plucked from it,
Alms were given to Naruto.
And these things, all of them were originally left by them to Naruto alone…!!
At this moment, the anger and resentment in the hearts of Watergate and Jiu Xingna could not be described in words.
See the emotions of mom and dad.
Naruto knew.
For parents,
Your own children are the most important being,
They entrusted themselves to three generations of Hokage who were extremely trusting and trusting, and the result was these…
As long as it is an individual, they will be angry uncontrollably.
But now.
He didn’t want his parents to be angry because of that disgusting old man.
To comfort mom and dad.
It is also a celebration of the family’s final reunion.
Naruto decided to cook a god-level meal for Mom and Dad!
This time, he wants to exert the god-level level among the god-level cuisine!
“Mom, dad, don’t be angry, I’ll make this dinner today.” Naruto.
Between words.
Naruto rummaged through the refrigerator.
Good thing things at home were kept in the fridge.
Then, Naruto took the ingredients and began to display his god-level cooking skills in the kitchen.
The two people of Kuyukina and Watergate looked at Naruto’s operation,
Chopping vegetables, starting pots, burning oil…
It looks like it’s done in one go, and it’s very skillful.
Before it was completely done, the two of them smelled a mouth-watering aroma.
“Naruto cooks so well…!”
Jiu Xingna was a little surprised, and also a little surprised.
The same goes for Watergate.
The two of them did not expect that they would one day be able to eat the dishes made by their son.
After a few moments…
Under Naruto’s clean operation.
Soon four dishes and one soup were served.
“Mommy and Daddy, it’s time for dinner.” Naruto said with a smile.
The two of them, Jiu Yukina and Mizumon, looked at the steaming food on the table, and then at Naruto.
I couldn’t help but nod emphatically.
His expression was a little choked.
This meal was the first time the family had been reunited.
Looking at this dream picture, Jiu Xingna’s eyes couldn’t help but flash with crystal tears.
Naruto was also touched a lot…
In this world.
He finally had a place to call home.
Then, Naruto’s family enjoyed Naruto’s god-level cuisine beautifully.
During the meal, the laughter at the table seems to have never stopped.
This time, Naruto’s small, lonely apartment finally had a beautiful human fireworks.
He knows.
When I go home in the evening,
There will always be a light left for him…
The first day back in Konoha Village.
Naruto and their family had a great day.
No one came to disturb them, and the most important thing was that the old man of the third generation did not come to peep.
Late at night.
Because Naruto’s apartment only has one bed.
Jiu Xingna and Watergate did not stay.
Fortunately, they have many solutions.
I found a house in Konoha Village to live in for a while.
Naruto didn’t have to worry either.
One night without a word…
The next day.
As the head of the family, Kuyukina decided to invite Kakashi, as well as Sasuke, and Sakura.
Come to Naruto’s house as a guest.
It was also to thank Kakashi and Sasuke for them.
Also, there is a whole family besides Sakura.
Kakashi and Sasuke both lost their original family members due to their own accidents.
Kakashi’s father died by suicide many years ago.
Sasuke’s parents were killed during the extermination of the Uchiha clan.
Speaking of which, Kakashi and Sasuke, like Naruto before him, have always been alone.
Kakashi came to the door as promised.
“Here are some of the snacks I bought at the pastry shop.” Kakashi scratched his head embarrassedly…
In his other hand, he carries a carefully wrapped pastry gift box.
After all.
This is his first visit.
Of course, this refers to the first time after the teacher and master mother had Naruto.
Kuyukina smiled generously and took the gift box, then asked Kakashi to quickly enter the room and sit.
After Kakashi came Sasuke.
Sasuke happened to be right behind Kakashi.
Watching Kakashi bring gifts to the door, he suddenly realized that he was not prepared.
Sasuke suddenly looked embarrassed…
Of course, Koyukina saw the embarrassment on Sasuke’s face.
Of course she didn’t care,
Laughing and letting Sasuke hurry into the house.
As Mikoto’s friend, helping Mikoto take care of her son is also what she wants to do.
Sasuke nodded shyly,
Sorry to say.
Then he took off his shoes and went inside.
Sasuke was followed by Sakura, who told her parents today that she was going to someone else’s house as a guest.
Sakura’s parents also prepared a door-to-door gift for Sakura.
Jiu Xunai generously accepted the gift.
Let Sakura hurry into the house as well.
With Kakashi they came in.
Naruto’s apartment suddenly became lively…
However, today’s meal was not made by Naruto, but by Kuyukina as a mother.
Although Jiu Xingnai sometimes has a sudden temper,
But she is also a good wife.
Good cooking with one hand.
The smell of food wafts from the kitchen.
Then, without waiting for a while, Jiu Xingna and Watergate brought out a large table of dishes neatly arranged.
“Wow! It’s so hearty~! Sakura couldn’t help but exclaim as she looked at these delicate dishes.
“Haha.” Jiu Yukina was satisfied with Sakura’s reaction and laughed.
“Do you like it, if you like it, you will eat more later.” Kuyukina said to Sakura.
“Hmm!” Sakura nodded embarrassedly when she heard this, “Thank you aunt, thank you uncle!” ”
Sasuke couldn’t help but move his throat as he looked at the dishes on this table.
Watergate noticed Sasuke’s small movements,
I couldn’t help but laugh and said:
“Let’s get moving.”
The host spoke.
Sakura and Sasuke immediately said, “I’m going to start!” ”
With that, Sakura and Sasuke immediately picked up their chopsticks.
The three adults, Koyukina, Watergate, and Kakashi, looked at Sasuke and Sakura.
A smile appeared on his face.
Let children eat happily.
Isn’t that what these ninjas once dedicated their lives to…
Naruto also picked up the chopsticks,
Start your first tasting of the meal made by your mother.
After taking the first sip, Naruto tasted a familiar taste, a taste of home.
Although Naruto knew that no one in this world could compare his cooking skills to himself.
Only one taste can compare to god-level cooking.
That’s what it smells like home…
Mom’s Taste…
This meal.
Naruto didn’t speak.
Just bury your head in the dry food.
Ate a lot, a lot…
His Liuku Immortal Thief can perfectly digest what he eats,
Otherwise, Naruto’s belly would turn into a bulging balloon after eating this meal…
Right in Naruto’s family and the seventh class of them,
Have fun enjoying this delicious meal with family and friends.
Naruto’s eyes suddenly froze, and his face instantly became serious.
Naruto: “Mom and Dad, the perception of the three generations is coming, and you need to hide for a while.” ”
The dining table was also instantly quiet.
Watergate and Jiu Xina were not aware of perception.
But they also knew that Naruto would not be untargeted.
Watergate and Jiu Xingna both nodded, and at the same time carefully took away their own pair of chopsticks in an instant.
The figures of Watergate and Kuyukina disappeared in front of Kakashi.
Three generations of perception are coming.
Hokage Office.
The third generation is holding a crystal ball and using the magic of the telescope to spy on Naruto’s situation.
While seeing Naruto eating with his seventh class.
He nodded in satisfaction.
Once again, the three generations had to admire themselves, using friendship and bondage to control Naruto’s methods.
This method is compared to the brainwashing of the guy in Tuanzo,
It’s much more advanced.
Come to think of it… [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]
It took three generations to retract their perception of Naruto satisfied.
At the same time, Naruto sensed that the power of the three generations of perception had dissipated.
He immediately communicated with his parents through the Nine Lamas so that they could return.
A moment later, the figures of Watergate and Jiu Xingna returned to the apartment in an instant.
The atmosphere inside the apartment fell into an eerie silence…
Except for Naruto.
None of them thought of it.
The three generations of Hokage would actually monitor Naruto’s movements at random.
The next moment, the silent Jiu Xingna finally couldn’t bear it!
“Three generations that old thing, that’s how to take care of Naruto… Even our family reunion, even our being with friends had to interfere…! Jiu Yukina paced back and forth in the room.
His expression suppressed his anger.
What’s more.
Since the third generation of that old thing would spy on Naruto like this.
That would further explain all his actions towards Naruto,
All of his own will!
This made Jiu Xingna feel even more disgusting!
They would have believed that such an old thing could take care of Naruto back then!
Knowing earlier, they could directly leave Konoha with Naruto and hand over the Nine Tails to that old thing to figure out a way. Anyway, the flying thunder god of Watergate can take their family wherever they want.
But ah…
Watergate did not think either.
Three generations will do this kind of thing.
Kakashi looked at Watergate-sensei and his mother, Jiu Yukina, who had a bad face.
He was also uncomfortable.
The three generations of Hokage were getting more and more excessive in their behavior towards Naruto.
Sasuke and Sakura also noticed the slightly depressed atmosphere in the room at this moment.
But the good thing is.
They were almost finished with this meal.
And was not completely disturbed by three generations.
At this time.
Naruto looked at everyone and decided it was time to tell them when to get started.
“Mom and Dad, Kakashi-sensei, and Sasuke and Sakura.”
“I’ve set a time for the action to start.”
“No more waiting soon.”
The words fell.
Watergate and Kokina, as well as Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura.
Immediately set all his eyes on Naruto.
“When?” Watergate is not helpless.
Jiu Xingna is also a little impatient:
“Son, you can do it at any time, when the time comes, you can directly scrap that three-generation old thing for me!”
Kakashi and Sasuke also looked expectant.
Looked at.
Naruto didn’t sell it.
Directly said: “Kakashi-sensei, you should know, the next step is the Chūnin exam.” ”
Naruto spoke about the Chūnin exam.
Kakashi immediately remembered.
In a while, Konoha will soon hold this year’s Chu Shinobi Exam for a year.
And this time the Chūnin exam was different.
Recently, the friction with the village of Sunain has gradually increased, in order to prevent accidents from causing war.
Konoha finally consulted with Sunahide to decide.
In Konoha Village, this time the Chūnin Exam was jointly held.
Not only for the exam, but also to pass this Zhongnin exam and show their national strength.
“Naruto, do you want to…?” Kakashi said immediately.
Naruto nodded.
“Yes, there will be many ninjas from the ninja village coming to participate in the Naka Ninja Exam this time.”
“It is in line with the conditions to defeat the three generations of Hokage.”
“And most importantly at the same time.”
“This time the Chūnin exam will not be held smoothly.”
Naruto said this.
Watergate and Jiu Xuna suddenly thought.
Naruto he once said that he could see about his own future.
So, Naruto has already met what will happen on the Chūnin exam…
“Naruto, what will happen on the Chūnin exam, can you tell us?” Watergate.
He didn’t know if Naruto could tell things about the future.
So just try to ask.
Kakashi saw what the teacher said to Naruto.
I couldn’t help but look at Naruto.
Naruto looked at everyone’s gaze, did not shy away from everyone’s thoughts, and said bluntly:
“Orochimaru, one of the three Shinobi who defected to Konoha.”
“Will launch his Konoha collapse plan at the Chūnin exam!”
“Orochimaru is ready to kill his teacher, the Third Hokage, in this exam!”
Naruto’s words came out!
Immediately, the room was dead silent again!
A moment later.
Shuimen slowly said in shock, “Senior of the Great Snake Pill? The Great Snake Pill senior wants to kill three generations? ”
Jiu Xingna looked surprised: “That old guy of the third generation, isn’t it the teacher of the big snake pill?” ”
You know, in the ninja system, a teacher is equivalent to the role of a father.
The teacher will teach you ninjutsu, teach you how to stand firm, teach you how to become a ninja.
At some point,
More important than the father.
The mentor-apprentice relationship is also a fairly valued relationship in the ninja world.
Kakashi was also shocked.
“Lord Orochimaru, you are actually preparing to let Konoha fall into collapse at this Chūnin exam?”
Sasuke and Sakura, two people,
Also shocked.
I didn’t expect that besides them,
Is there anyone who wants to take revenge on Konoha?
Naruto looked at the surprise on everyone’s faces without surprise.
“Yes, Orochimaru, one of the three Shinobi, is indeed preparing to kill three generations on the Chūnin exam.”
Naruto confirmed.
Kakashi immediately speculated on the motive:
“Could it be that the third generation of Hokage listed the Great Snake Pill as a traitor, and the Great Snake Pill wanted to take revenge back?”
Watergate and Jiu Xingna also thought of this for the first time.
After their resurrection, although they learned that Orochimaru, once one of Konoha’s three Shinobi, became a rebel.
But I don’t know exactly what’s going on.
Naruto continued to give an answer.
“Think about it, after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, dad, you died as the fourth generation of Hokage.”
“The vacant Hokage seat needs to be replenished.”
“And that time.”
“There are people in the village who are qualified to serve as Hokage, one is the third generation of Hokage, one is Danzo, and the other is the only big snake pill left in the village among the three Shinobi.”
“Tuanzang acts in a shadowy way, and it does not have the love and support of the villagers, nor can it be strong.”
“First of all, exclude the group collection.”
“Then there are only two candidates left: the third generation and the big snake pill.”
“It stands to reason that the big snake pill is younger than the third generation, and the third generation is in a retired state.”
“The fifth generation Hokage, it is logical that Orochimaru should serve as the eternal one.”
“He is young, strong, and has also made great achievements for Konoha in the past in the Ninja World War.”
“Orochimaru is fully qualified to serve as Hokage.”
“At this time, the three generations of Hokage, who temporarily acted as Hokage, listed the Great Snake Pill as a traitor!”
“What do you say is the reason?”
Thanks to 1927, mis, woyy.1576 for the monthly pass!.

You finish reading Konoha I, Naruto Uzumaki, have incredible understanding Chapter 73

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Konoha I, Naruto Uzumaki, have incredible understanding

Konoha I, Naruto Uzumaki, have incredible understanding

Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Travel through Naruto and be reborn as Uzumaki Naruto. Gain incredible understanding at the beginning. The villagers regard Naruto as a demon fox, Sandai wants to kidnap Naruto morally, and Danzo wants to brainwash and control Naruto. … [You understand the nature of the world and absorb natural energy all the time. You create the perfect immortal mode] [You have thoroughly studied the art of reincarnation from dirty soil, combined with the Chinese culture of gods and ghosts, you have created the spirit-binding general] [You learned a lot of ninjutsu and sealing techniques, combined with the theoretical knowledge you mastered, you created the Tongtian Rui] Naruto: Konoha? Now I have the final say!


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