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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 114

The dragon attendant roared furiously, it did not expect such a result.
It is the Dragon Attendant of the Bronze and Fire King, the second generation, and the former historical figure Samson.
Within its range, all hybrids are vulnerable.
It was originally intended to tease the Moniah, and even if it was a warship, it would not change the outcome in any way.
The Moniah carried some fish and miniature bombs, but it posed no threat to the dragon squirrel.
But Lin Chen’s appearance was a variable, and the dragon attendant could not imagine that someone would actually carry a knife to fight with him.
The dragon attendant shook his body in anger, and the blade of his tail flung towards Lin Chen’s position.
Lin Chen could only jump high above his head and face the dragon attendant’s bloodied but already golden pupils.
At this time, Lin Chen saw this behemoth clearly, the body of the dragon stretched for at least fifty meters, and in front of it, Lin Chen could only be regarded as an ant.
But it was Lin Chen, the ant, that made the dragon attendant injured.
Lin Chen fell back on the “Moniah” and wanted to launch the attack again.
Professor Mance shouted behind him: “Lin Chen! Don’t worry, there are still ten miniature bombs on board, I can launch them all at this dragon! ”
Lin Chen nodded, although he was not optimistic about this move.
With Professor Mans’s order, ten miniature bombs with only 833 left on the Moniach were launched.
They entered the waters where the dragon attendant was, but suddenly lost the signal.
The second officer, who was in charge of controlling the miniature bomb, was shocked: “How is it possible?” All the signals of the bomb disappeared? Could it all fail? ”
Professor Mance stared at the surface of the water, and the dragon attendant had sunk under the water.
Lin Chen sighed: “Invalid? How can it be? It’s all eaten and almost! ”
In the next second, the figure of the dragon attendant resurfaced on the water, and the second officer shouted in surprise: “There is a signal!” There is a signal! Just in… In the dragon’s mouth? ”
He stared at the computer screen in horror: “How is it possible? The dragon really ate the bomb! ”
“Very good!” Professor Mance clenched his fists, “Then detonate the bomb in his mouth, I came to kill him!” ”
Lin Chenji raised his hand to stop it: “No!” In that case, the “Moniakh” will not be saved! ”
“How is it possible!” Professor Mance said, “The bomb is now in the dragon’s mouth! ”
“Nope!” Lin Chen said seriously, “The dragon servant is not a fool, the IQ of the second generation is higher than that of humans, if it is really to promote its strength and fury, then it will only eat the bomb, but why does it hold it in its mouth and eat lollipops?” ”
The second officer on the ship was puzzled: “What does that mean, the dragon is hungry?” (afeh) “No! Lin Chen said, “Believe me, the moment you detonate the bomb, it will open its mouth to us, in that case, its mouth and esophagus are the barrels, and all the heat and gas waves will hit us!” ”
Professor Mance was shocked: “The mouth is a cannon barrel? So what is its mouth made of? Steel? ”
Lin Chen shrugged: “Just now you fired a lot of shots at it, and they were all alchemy weapons, alchemy bullets, but what happened?” Its scales also resisted these attacks, and to this extent, the dragon squir’s body was harder than steel. ”
Lin Chen paused for a moment and continued: “What’s more, this is the Dragon Attendant of the Bronze and Fire King, to put it simply, you can see that the whole body is made of bronze!” ”
Professor Mance gasped, and such a conclusion was refreshing its cognition.
He is a professor of magic mechanics, and his research on dragons is not very deep, but at the moment he clearly knows the power of dragons.
Lin Chen sighed, this is not something that can be solved by hot weapons.
The war of dragons is like this, and the blood of every king will end with the sword.
Cold weapons are the scene that a battle between dragons should be!
Lin Chen put away Muramasa and Murayu, these two Imperial Soul Blades could play a limited role at the moment.
This matter is the dragon attendant of the Bronze and Fire King, then it is necessary to use the weapon forged by the Bronze and the Fire King.
The Seven Deadly Sins!
This is the strongest alchemy weapon since the history of the dragon family, and it is also the top equipment in the history of dragon slaying!
The seven deadly sins were collected by Lin Chen in the system space, and the black box contained seven deadly alchemical weapons.
They were forged by Norton himself, using fire to kill metal, revive it, and infuse it with spiritual elements.
The principle of these weapons at the beginning of the casting was to deliberately kill the dragon family’s weapons, even Norton himself! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
Weapons are named after the seven sins of man.
Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust!
These seven swords come in different forms, including chopping knives, Yatcan long knives, quaint straight-edged swords, and even short knives with forearm lengths…
The surface of the sword is a complex and esoteric pattern, and the outside is a long and condensed line.
Together, they look like an oversized Swiss Army knife!
Of the seven weapons, Norton is related to rage.
Then as Norton’s dragon attendant, Lin Chen used this weapon to kill him!
It was the heaviest weapon of the Seven Deadly Sins, and Lin Chen pulled out of the box abruptly.
In the next moment, Lin Chen jumped up again, jumping to a high place at a speed beyond the limits of human physiology, and in the pouring rain, Lin Chen swung his heavy sword and slashed down, like an eagle hitting the sky!
The moment he waved, Lin Chen activated the Bronze Throne of Yanling, which would provide Lin Chen with the greatest power.
The realm of Time Zero is also released at this moment, and the speed close to static only makes the heavy blow stronger.
At this moment, Lin Chen approached the head of the dragon attendant, and the heavy sword called “Fury” was inserted into the dragon attendant’s mouth abruptly.
The epee pierced through its mouth, locking the upper and lower parts of the mouth like nails.
The dragon attendant felt the majesty of his rage, which was the weapon of his master.
Lin Chen jumped back into the splint again and shouted at the second officer on the boat: “Detonate!” ”
The second mate woke up like a dream, and hurriedly detonated the miniature bomb in the mouth of the dragon attendant!
A dull sound came from the dragon attendant’s mouth, followed by waves of qi and flames pouring out from the corners of its mouth.
The dragon attendant’s head was hit hard, and even his head trembled greatly.
At this moment, this dragon has a concussion-like feeling!
But the epee “Fury” did not move slightly, it was fixed there, and the dragon attendant roared but could not break free.
Lin Chen jumped up again and chanted a mantra in midair.
Words and spirits are furnaces!
In the field of forest dust, all the heavy rain seemed to be stagnant.
They seem to feel the call of the realm, and they are refined between heaven and earth, all the raindrops stretch out and pull into dense rain silk, and under the action of the field, they all become hard and become alchemy rain needles!
Countless rain needles attacked the dragon servant’s body, breaking through its scales and digging into its flesh and blood!
Lin Chen pulled the heavy sword from its mouth, and the dragon attendant twisted his body and wailed, and the wailing sound was chilling.
But Lin Chen would not give him a chance to wail, and the fury in his hand held up the knife flower.
This heavy sword weighing hundreds of kilograms was comparable to the weight of an adult, but in Lin Chen’s hands, it was like playing with a butterfly knife.
Lin Chen’s blade went downwards and slammed into the eyes of the dragon attendant!
The golden blood gushed out, and Lin Chen’s move hit its brain stem!
The dragon attendant let out a hideous wail, and the broken flesh and blood between gasps were brought out by the way!
Lin Chen clenched his fury and twisted the heavy sword in its head.
Originally just an ordinary knife edge, this Lin Chen completely destroyed the brain of the dragon attendant!
The dragon attendant’s writhing body slowly subsided, and his head fell like a deflated balloon.
Lin Chen withdrew his fury back into the system space in an instant, returned to the deck, and watched the huge body of the dragon attendant slowly fall into the river.

You finish reading Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 114

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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the fl


Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the flames all over the sky, Dragon King Norton was burned into a cross of dragon bones! Black Sun, Judgment, Rhine, Shiva Karma Dance… Yan Ling: Don’t die! Red-haired lady: What does the Gattuso family mean? I am destined to be his bride! Xiao Xiami: Do you like children? I’ll give you a litter of little dragons! Little Monster: The world outside is so big, Lin Chen, it’s the best! Nanny Group: A sea of ​​swords and fire, a warm bed to play with, whatever you want! Angers: From the moment I saw him, I knew that the doomsday bell of the Dragon Clan had sounded!


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