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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 186

“Lin Chen!” Xia Mi bloomed in front of Lin Chen like a flower, “I don’t think I have one!”
Lin Chen gently tapped Xia Mi’s head with his finger: “Call senior, no big or small!”
Xia Mi shook his head and shook his head: “School hasn’t started today, so there are no seniors or sisters here!”
Lin Chen glanced at the sharp corner of Xia Mi’s bag: “What is that?”
Xia Mi also saw the location: “Hmm… Acceptance letter!”
“Isn’t that enough!” said Lin Chen, “obediently call senior!”
Xia Mi stared at the flower in Lin Chen’s hand: “Is this for me?”
“I know you like this thing!” Lin Chen handed her the flower, “See if you are satisfied?”
“Happy okay?” Natsumi took the flowers, happy like a deer, “but how do you know I like flowers?” ”
“This is also specially known which girl does not like flowers!”
“Eh!” Xia Mi stomped his foot, “obviously such a romantic thing, I don’t feel it when I explain it like this!”
Lin Chen put his arm around Xia Mi’s thin waist: “Who said it wasn’t romantic!”
Xia Mi exclaimed: “Lin Chen… What are you doing?”
“It’s the romance you want.” Lin Chen pinched the soft flesh around Xia Mi’s waist, “Isn’t it more romantic now!”
Xia Mi is naïve, and Lin Chen is sunny and handsome.
Now Lin Chen is holding 11 Xia Mi, and Xia Mi is still holding flowers in his hand, which is simply a beautiful scenery at the pick-up port.
But anyone who casually pulls a passerby will only feel that this scene is romantic!
Xia Mi also felt this, so he did not refuse.
She sniffed at the bouquet: “It’s a good match, it tastes so good!
Lin Chen nodded: “That’s not it, I’ll let the lady pick it for me!”
“Suddenly it’s not romantic again!” Natsumi pouted, “You just pretend to pick it yourself, and you don’t understand white lies!”
“Then if I tell you that this flower was picked up from the trash can just now, and I saw with my own eyes a guy who confessed to failure and threw it in!”
“What?” Natsumi paled, “how dirty that is!”
“Tease you!” Lin Chen shrugged, “Am I the kind of person who has no taste?
Xia Mi breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Lin Chen angrily: “You know to lie to me! So it’s still very romantic!”
“Just know you like this, is there anything you want to play?”
Xia Mi was stunned: “Still playing?”
“When you finally came to Chicago, you came to school?
“But school starts tomorrow!”
“You, a person who dares to skip school in the college entrance examination in the preparatory class, will you still worry about this?”
“Hmm…” Xia Mi was poked by Lin Chen, “Well, in fact, I have no money! My final test score is very high, and the admission notice says that I have received a bursary, as long as there is a report of entering the school, there will be 10,000 knives into my card, so I have been buying and buying a few days ago, spending almost the same money, and leaving the ticket money to fly here!”
Lin Chen: “You are usually so calculating?”
“Yes,” Xia Mi said, “I’ve calculated it all, 10,000 knives, how can it be enough for my expenses for a year of school!
“You won!” Lin Chen said, “but think about when you were with me, when you were asked to spend money!”
“That was before!” said Natsumi, “Now I’m also a college student, so I think, I can’t…”
“Can’t it be?”
Xia Mi directly hugged Lin Chen’s arm: “You can’t go hungry!
Lin Chen was helpless: “It’s my little Xia Mi, that’s right!
“Not yet. Xia Mi said honestly, “Actually, I want to report to Kassel Academy the most now!”
“Too. Lin Chen understood the mood of prospective college students.
“Let’s go out later!!” said Natsumi, “When I enter the school, I have a scholarship, and I invite you to dinner.” (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)
“Then I’ll wait!”
Xia Mi turned out a guide from behind: “According to the admission brochure of Kassel College, we should go to the train station, take the CC1000 train, and we can rush to Kassel College!”
Lin Chen pinched Xia Mi’s little face: “The seniors are all here, do you still need to see the strategy?”
Xia Mi wanted to shout, but suddenly looked up: “Yes, isn’t there a living map?”
“Yes, my tool man stone hammer, all become a living map!”
Before I read a lot of college freshmen’s strategies, fire and theft prevention and prevention senior brothers, aren’t the senior brothers all using the guise of moving luggage to find a place to talk to senior sisters?”
“Do I need such a low-level pick-up, the juniors who want to find me to lead the way and carry their luggage go to sea, I’m not everyone’s accompaniment!”
Xia Mi smiled slyly: “Then why are you so enthusiastic about me!”
“You are different from the others!” said Lin Chen.
“What’s different?” Natsumi had a smile on her face, but beneath the smile was as deep as the sea.
Lin Chen stroked Xia Mi’s little face with his hand, patting the waves of her seawater-like deep micro-expression.
“You look good!” said Lin Chen, “Beauty deserves preferential treatment everywhere!”
Natsumi raised her head slightly, the sunlight hitting her flawless face.
“Well said, good vision!”
Lin Chen felt that Xia Mi’s words had other meanings.
The two people started from the river, they were enthusiastic and joking, and now Lin Chen even put his arm around Xia Mi’s waist.
But from beginning to end, the skin of the two people seemed to be separated by an invisible film, quietly separating the two.
For Xia Mi, Lin Chen at this time is a bottomless mystery, he knows the Nibelungs, the king of the earth and mountains, and also knows the identity of Fenrieux.
I even know what Natsumi really is.
857 never debunked anything from the beginning, as if they were still friends who dated for three days half a month ago.
Xia Mi had a lot to say to Lin Chen, but how could this level of existence easily drag out the truth completely.
Therefore, Xia Mi was entangled and felt very uneasy, but she could only pretend that nothing had happened.
Just now she tried to test Lin Chen, but Lin Chen didn’t eat her set, and she didn’t reveal a single star.
After all, talking about this kind of topic on such an occasion sounds quite weird.
So both of them tacitly did not speak.
“Then we… Where to go now?” asked Natsumi, “Should I go to this train station?”
“That’s right!” Lin Chen led Xia Mi forward, “Target, train station!”
“Rush duck!” cheered Natsumi!
The two took the subway to the train station, and when they left the station, they saw pieces of paper and garbage all over the ground, and a huge crowd marching from the front of the train station.
Lin Chen could clearly see the sign they were holding, which was all the employees of the Chicago Railroad unit.
Presumably because of the treatment, they won’t be at work for a week, so Chicago’s railroads will be paralyzed for a short time.
What’s more, without railway workers and dispatch centers, the CC1000 train to Kassel Academy would also be out of service!
Xia Mi originally saw the excitement and was not afraid of big things and wanted to join in and cheer, but after learning the news of being late from Lin Chen’s mouth, he went down sadly.

You finish reading Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 186

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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: Chinese
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Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the flames all over the sky, Dragon King Norton was burned into a cross of dragon bones! Black Sun, Judgment, Rhine, Shiva Karma Dance… Yan Ling: Don’t die! Red-haired lady: What does the Gattuso family mean? I am destined to be his bride! Xiao Xiami: Do you like children? I’ll give you a litter of little dragons! Little Monster: The world outside is so big, Lin Chen, it’s the best! Nanny Group: A sea of ​​swords and fire, a warm bed to play with, whatever you want! Angers: From the moment I saw him, I knew that the doomsday bell of the Dragon Clan had sounded!


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