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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 33

The entire building trembled slightly because of the explosion, and the wreckage of the helicopter fell into the middle of the road.
There were sirens in the distance, but Lin Chen didn’t care about that.
The academy has people in the police of the beautiful country, and this little thing can be classified as a terrorist attack.
Blood spilled on the rooftop swimming pool, and the pool water was slightly red at this moment.
There was a black figure struggling in the pool, and Lin Chen suddenly remembered that it was Jiu De Yaji.
The moment he rushed up, Jiu De Yaji was knocked into the water by a Mediterranean man.
The human body is like a heavy hammer at high speed, slamming into the body of Jiu De Yaji, and that impact can definitely break the muscles and bones of ordinary people.
Lin Chen hurriedly jumped into the pool, and the water in the pool was about one person deep.
Jiu De Yaji fluttered in the water, his expression painful and hideous.
It can be seen that she was injured by the impact, and it is extremely difficult to float.
Lin Chen approached Jiu De Yaji, and Jiu De Yaji hugged him as if he had found a savior.
Lin Chen floated to the surface with Jiu De Yaji.
Jiu De Yaji spat out a large mouthful of water, and then desperately opened his mouth to breathe.
Lin Chen patted Jiu De Yaji’s back, and her back was as smooth as mutton fat.
She still had the same black dress she had last night, but she was already soaked at the moment, and the dress was clinging to her skin.
Jiu De Yaji hooked Lin Chen’s neck and calmed down for a while, but he still refused to let go.
Lin Chen felt the bones on Jiu Deyaji’s body, but fortunately the bones were intact.
“How does it feel? Are there any injuries? ”
Jiu De Yaji rested his head on Lin Chen’s shoulder: “It should be fine, I just… It’s a little uncomfortable! ”
In a combat state, Jiu De Yaji’s physical strength is very high, but the impact just now puts her into a brief coma.
If Lin Chen hadn’t rescued her, her existence with a perfect score for swimming lessons would have drowned in the tiny pool.
Now Jiu De Yaji although rescued.
But because of the impact and prolonged lack of oxygen, it will appear that the head is confused.
Lin Chen stood in the shallow water area, gently holding Jiu De Yaji’s body to prevent her from falling backwards without supporting her body.
“Let me rest for a while.” Jiu De Yaji said softly, “Have the enemies been solved?” ”
“All done!” Lin Chen said, “But I’m sorry I didn’t leave a living mouth!” ”
“It’s okay… Just complete the mission! ”
The two hugged each other in the pool, both soaked in their clothes, which would be like two fish playing in the water.
Jiu Deyaji’s lips suddenly trembled, and Lin Chen noticed that blood was coming out of her lower abdomen.
“You’re hurt!” Lin Chen hurriedly helped Jiu De Yaji to the shore.
Jiu Deyaji’s face was slightly pale, but he just waved his hand: “It’s okay, there were fragments scratched just now, skin trauma!” ”
Lin Chen hurriedly opened Jiu De Yaji’s shirt, and there was indeed a slender wound in his lower abdomen.
Jiu De Yaji is right, but the trauma after the fragment is scratched, and it doesn’t even need to be sutured.
For a half-blood, an injury of this level is nothing at all.
Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief at this, and only after reacting did he remember his presumptuousness.
Jiu De Yaji was already drenched, and Lin Chen was anxious to check her wounds, and this time a large snow-white area was displayed in front of Lin Chen.
“It’s okay…” Jiu De Yaji bit his lip, “I feel better!” ”
Lin Chen still checked up and down, and then he was relieved: “It’s okay, look at it after you go back, it’s best to do another check, the leading Mediterranean man is very strong, under the rapid impact, it is easy to leave internal injuries!” ”
“Good!” Jiu De Yaji nodded obediently, as if Lin Chen was the captain of this operation, “I listen to you!” ”
Lin Chen asked, “Can you still walk?” ”
Jiu De Yaji tried to move his long legs, but after trying, he almost fell to the ground.
Lin Chen picked up Jiu De Yaji: “The task is complete, let’s go back!” ”
Jiu De Yaji nodded in Lin Chen’s arms and followed Lin Chen back to the building.
Lin Chen had already notified the school team before he arrived, and the school team had already arrived to end.
An elevator took the school team up to the top floor, and the elevator next door took Lin Chen and Nonuo down.
The outside has already attracted countless passers-by, panicking and thinking that it is another terrorist attack where a plane hits the building.
After all, this thing is very common here, free and beautiful country, attack every day!
Lin Chen unfolded the realm of Time Zero and returned to the hotel with Jiu De Yaji.
Placing Jiu De Yaji on the bed, Lin Chen took out the medical kit and planned to bandage the wound for Jiu De Yaji.
“Or I’d better come by myself…” hesitated Jiu Deyaji.
“Just rest.” Lin Chen said, “It’s not good to rest if you’re all injured!” ”
“I…” Jiu De Yaji buried his head, “It seems that you are the captain, thanks to you today, I didn’t expect their strength to be so strong!” ”
Lin Chenxin said that it was not a bad place, first Susie last night, if not for herself, she would have explained there.
Now it is Jiu De Yaji again, and he has also been saved by himself.
I thought that the commissioner of the executive department could take the junior brother and sister to kill indiscriminately!
But I didn’t expect that the task was Lin Chen’s special session!
The phone rang on the side, and Jiu De Yaji touched out the mobile phone.
Lin Chen’s gaze glanced over and found that it was Ye Sheng’s call.
Lin Chen remembered that in the original work, the official match of Jiu De Yaji was Ye Sheng.
Jiu De Yaji answered the phone, and soon there was a anxious voice over there.
“Aki! How are you? Did the mission go well? ”
Jiu De Yaji’s voice was a little cold: “It’s quite smooth.” ”
“It’s all right, I just heard the news from your side that a helicopter exploded in the city, so I’m a little worried about you!”
“I’m fine, everything is fine.”
It sounds like Jiu De Yaji is perfunctory, and he doesn’t really want to take care of Ye Sheng.
The relationship between the two before was indeed unusual, but because of the rules of the academy, there was no progress.
But now that Jiu De Yaji saw Lin Chen, there was suddenly another surge of heat in his heart.
Suddenly, Jiu De Yaji didn’t want to take Ye Sheng.
Lin Chen listened unhurriedly, and felt the alcohol to wipe the wound of Jiu De Yaji.
Jiu De Yaji ate pain, and subconsciously cried out: “Shh-”
Ye Sheng’s voice suddenly became nervous: “Yaji, what’s wrong with you?” ”
“I’m fine…” Shude Yaji endured the pain, “I… I’m fine, really… It’s really okay, no, don’t worry about me! ”
“But I feel like you’re in pain, is something wrong?”
“I didn’t… You rest assured… Task, mission is over, I … Go back soon! ”
“Okay then, you must take good care, I’m waiting for you to come back at the academy!”
“Well… Well, then I’ll hang up first…”
The phone was hung up, and Jiu De Yaji finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked at Lin Chen with resentful eyes.
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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: Chinese
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