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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 76

The investigation will be scheduled for the next day.
As the secretary of the Gattuso family, Passy’s energy is truly extraordinary.
Although the family’s investigation team has been pointed out, he still tries his best to run this investigation meeting.
In the original premise, Lin Chen’s investigation would have a strict process.
The investigation team is well equipped, psychologists, polemics, detectives, dragon specialists…
These people got together and were completely prepared to deal with Lin Chen.
But before their skills could be used, they had already been easily taken down by Lin Chen.
Percy traveled through all kinds of relationships, and it was no longer realistic to conduct a sophisticated investigation.
The maximum value given by the college is to investigate Lin Chen within a certain period of time in the external environment.
Such an opportunity did not come easily, and Percy was carefully prepared.
The survey was held in the auditorium of the college, with two sets of tables and chairs facing each other on the stage.
Lin Chen and Passy will sit opposite each other, and the audience will be full of curious students.
The auditorium is open to the public, and students can enter and exit at will.
Percy strongly protested this, saying that the content of the investigation involved Odin, these contents should be top secret, how can the students observe!
But Manstein said that your investigation team’s appearance at the Kassel Academy with great fanfare has already exposed too much information, and now the students have long lost their affection for the person surnamed Gattuso! If you interrogate Lin Chen in private, neither the students nor the academy can agree!
So on the evening of the investigation meeting, the auditorium that can accommodate nearly 1,000 people was full.
All students of the Lionheart Club participated in “727”, and President Akas sat in the front row.
Chu Zihang, an auditor student of the academy, also appeared here, which was Lin Chen’s arrangement, and specially let him come to see the world.
The other students are mostly girls, and the most lacking in Kassel Academy is Lin Chen’s admirers.
Nonno and Susie made a lot of hand scrolls, all of which were slogans supporting Lin Chen’s spit on the Gattuso family investigation team.
There was another group of people in the venue, carrying all kinds of cameras and pointing long guns and short cannons at the stage.
These men came from the Kassel Academy’s Department of Information, and Fingal was their head.
And in the inconspicuous corner, there was a silent man sitting at this time.
Unlike the excited students, he sat up straight quietly.
Because his surname is Gattuso, Caesar, the young lord of the Gattuso family, sits here.
He regarded Lin Chen as an opponent, and he would not miss the scenes related to Lin Chen!
The investigation was chaired by Manstein, director of the Wind and Discipline Commission.
Manstein stood center of the stage with a microphone, his bald head reflecting white light in the spotlight.
“Silence!” Manstein coughed lightly twice, attracting the attention of the audience, “Today’s public investigation meeting officially begins, I am Manstein, the director of the Wind Discipline Committee!” ”
“First of all, allow me to explain the background of this investigation meeting, half a month ago, Lin Chen, a first-year student in the Department of Mechanics, went on a mission in the flower planter and had contact with Odin’s Deadpool Legion, and the Gattuso family objected to this, so they wanted to investigate Lin Chen’s mission experience!”
“Let’s now invite the representative of the Gattuso family, Pacigatusso!”
Someone came out on the left side of the stage, it was Passy in a white suit.
His hair is blonde and he wears glasses with a gold rim, looking sultry and business-oriented.
Parcy’s appearance drew a wave of embarrassment, and the students were filled with disdain for the Gattuso family.
Countless banners were raised, all with slogans insulting the Gattuso family.
After all the wind and waves, Passy nodded slightly without noding.
He sat down in his seat close to him and waited quietly for the next process.
Manstein continued: “Let’s invite the protagonist of this evening, Lin Chen, who will confront the secretary of the Gattuso family, Passy! ”
The audience applauded thunderously, and the girls cheered.
Someone shouted Lin Chen’s name, and gradually everyone joined in to shout, including many girls from the student union.
In the midst of the shouts of the crowd, Lin Chen also appeared on the other side of the stage.
The spotlight shone on Lin Chen’s body, and Lin Chen, wearing a school uniform, emitted holy light like an angel.
The audience shouted Lin Chen’s name, and some girls began to rush up to send flowers to Lin Chen.
Manstein was stunned to see that the Wind Discipline Committee had not prepared such a link.
But the girls who sent the flowers one after another, and Lin Chen’s hands were quickly stuffed with flowers.
Lin Chen nodded to each girl who sent flowers with a smile, hugged them and gave a veneer salute.
The flowers in his hand gradually could not be put down, and Lin Chen could only put the flowers on the table.
The process of sending flowers lasted for several minutes, and Lin Chen appeared in the middle of the cluster of flowers at this moment.
Fingal stood in front of the tripod and looked at it hotly, and said in his heart that this is also too cool!
And Chu Zihang, who was present, was stunned.
When he heard about today’s investigation meeting, Chu Zihang thought that Lin Chen was in big trouble.
With the students’ own efforts against the school director, no matter how they listen, it is a collision with no chance of victory.
But Lin Chen has been calm and calm from beginning to end, he seems to be not a student who wants to be investigated and judged, but a beloved idol!
Percy on the other side also frowned, but still maintained a rational attitude.
“Insect tricks!” Percy sneered.
In his opinion, from the moment Lin Chen came to power, the confrontation with Lin Chen began.
Lin Chen took the lead and harvested countless flowers!
He didn’t think that Lin Chen’s trick was clever, and whether it would have any impact on today’s investigation.
“Can we start?” Passy looked at Manstein.
Manstein nodded: “Next, let’s invite the experts of the academy, Masashi Toyama from the psychology department, his psychological counseling and hypnosis are top-notch!” ”
Masashi Toyama walked onto the stage from the side, with an unusual sobriety on his face.
Masashi Toyama nodded to the people on the field, and Lin Chen and his eyes briefly collided in the greeting.
[System check-in: Masashi Toyama! ] 】
[Punch Reward: Skill: Psychoanalysis A! ] Speech: Hypnosis! 】
【Host current properties】
【Bloodline Grade: S Grade】
【Alchemy Grade: Grade A】
[Spirit of Speech: Emperor, Serpent of Vacuum, Bronze Throne, Scythe, Time Zero, Blazing Sun, Precepts, Monarch Flame, Don’t Die, Hypnosis! ] 】
[Skills: Hand-to-hand combat A, firearms proficiency A, knife skills proficiency S+, driving skills A, swimming skills proficiency A! ] Game Mastery A! Psychoanalysis Level A! Profile! 】
[Storage space: Muramasa, Murayu, Desert Eagle, Alchemy Bullets, Friga’s Bullets! ] 】
This little man from Sakura Country is a teacher in the psychology department, and his specialty is psychological intervention.
The physical skills of hybrids are superior, but they are prone to psychological problems.
Many students have interacted with Masashi Toyama. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )
Manstein continued, “The speech spirit of Faculty Masashi Toyama is hypnosis, and in order to meet today’s investigation, we submitted an application to Mr. Vice President, and today it is possible to use speech spirit within the confines of the college auditorium! ”
Masashi Toyama nodded: “I will do my duty for today’s investigation and provide psychological support as much as I can!” ”
Manstein looked at Parcy: “Mr. Parcy, the investigation meeting has been prepared, and the experts in psychology have been provided to you, and now I announce that the investigation will officially begin!” ”
Percy suddenly shook his head: “I don’t need this teacher of Masashi Toyama. ”
Manstein frowned: “Mr. Passy, what does this mean?” ”
“Don’t dare to trouble the academy about the investigation meeting, we have experts in this area in the Gattuso family, and we can provide psychological support for the investigation meeting ourselves!”
Saying that, Percy beckoned to the audience, and a man in a suit and carrying a briefcase walked up.
He bowed to the audience: “Hello everyone, I am Stuvat Gattuso, my speech spirit is the same as this teacher of Masashi Toyama, and I am ranked 14th hypnosis!” ”
Stuvard and Instructor Masashi Toyama looked at each other, and there were faint sparks colliding in their calm eyes!
Manstein frowned: “Mr. Passy, do you not believe in the teacher of Masashi Toyama?” ”
Percy shrugged: “Actually, I don’t believe in the academy, but Masashi Toyama can stay and listen!” ”
Manstein was displeased, and Passy’s sudden change must have had other intentions.
Such a change is undoubtedly unfavorable to Lin Chen, and everyone turned their attention to Lin Chen0…
But Lin Chen just sat at the table, admiring the fresh bouquet full of flowers.
Lin Chen held up a combination bouquet with sunflowers and lilies inside.
The fragrance of flowers gathered together, and Lin Chen only felt refreshed.
Everything that happened around seemed to have nothing to do with Lin Chen.
Passy looked at Lin Chen condescendingly, in his opinion, this round was a victory for the Gattuso family.
From the experience of the investigation team, he has already learned from it.
In the matter of investigation, the Academy and the Gattuso family are completely opposites.
He couldn’t trust anyone in the academy, and this Toyama Masashi might be on Lin Chen’s side in private.
So he secretly brought Stuart and replaced Masashi Toyama with him.
Manstein looked at Lin Chen: “Classmate Lin Chen, what do you think?” ”
Lin Chen still looked down and sniffed the flowers, and there seemed to be only these petals in his eyes.
“It’s okay!” Lin Chen said slowly, “Isn’t it just a change of person? Meet him. ”
Saying these words in a generous tone, Lin Chen did not even look at Percy and Stuart from beginning to end!
Stuart’s eyes became gloomy, and he felt insulted.
But the girls in the audience celebrated, and they cheered for Lin Chen’s indifference!
“That’s too handsome! Why didn’t I find out before, Lin Chen is still a literary model! ”
“If you change someone else to hold flowers like this, it will definitely be a girl, but you can’t see it at all on Lin Chen’s body!”
“Elegance, it’s too elegant, just this temperament on Lin Chen, I’m afraid I won’t be able to learn it in my life!”
“President Lin Chen is so handsome! When I went to lay flowers just now, I was so excited! ”
“Lin Chen, come on, drive the people of the Gattuso family out!”
The cheers of the audience were on Lin Chen’s side, and Passy on the stage was unmoved.
He is a man who has experienced strong winds and waves, and the voice of the outside world is not right and has changed anything for him.
Percy stared at the girls like a victor, and he waited for the meeting to be followed by their dead faces.
His hole card Stuwar has been revealed, this Speech Spirit is hypnotic man with A bloodline, under his Word Spirit, even S-class can not escape the fate of being hypnotized!
Later, Lin Chen will be hypnotized, why Stuart will answer something.
Passy had already spoken to Stuart in advance, and even if he couldn’t ask anything about the Odin incident, he was confident that Lin Chen would be ugly in public.
For a well-known student like Lin Chen, the voice of the outside world is enough to influence too much.
His goal is not to investigate the truth, but to disturb Lin Chen from beginning to end, and then let Caesar be above him!
Percy motioned for Stuart to sit opposite Lin Chen, and then a gloomy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!
S1.1 Tuvat did so, and he was just as confident.
He knew that Lin Chen was an S-class student, but his experience was obviously more adequate.
He believes in the hypnosis of his Yan Ling, and this Yan Ling is invincible in investigating and solving cases!
Stuart sat in front of Lin Chen and looked at Lin Chen across the table.
“Classmate Lin Chen, can we start?”
Stuart felt polite, elegant, so elegant!
In such grace, he would completely defeat Lin Chen.
“Of course!” Lin Chen fiddled with a flower and also smiled and looked at Stuart.
Stuart nodded: “Don’t worry about Lin Chen, don’t think of this as the scene of the investigation meeting, let’s make friends and chat!” ”
Lin Chen stared at Stuart’s face, his face full of fake smiles.
The man hypocritically spoke, and quietly began to work hard.
Hypnosis of the Spirit of Speech!
This word is literal, and can put the target into a short slumber, and in the process, ask questions or even kill the killer.
Stuart smiled confidently as he waited for Lin Chen to speak his way.
Lin Chen only smiled slightly: “Okay!” ”
Parcy’s brow stretched, and as long as he answered Stuart, he was stepping into Stuvald’s trap.
Stuvald’s speech and spirit hypnosis has been applied, and in their eyes, Lin Chen is already a numb body.
But Lin Chen is not a fool, sitting opposite Stuart will naturally not sit still!
Hypnosis of the Spirit of Speech!.

You finish reading Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 76

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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the fl


Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the flames all over the sky, Dragon King Norton was burned into a cross of dragon bones! Black Sun, Judgment, Rhine, Shiva Karma Dance… Yan Ling: Don’t die! Red-haired lady: What does the Gattuso family mean? I am destined to be his bride! Xiao Xiami: Do you like children? I’ll give you a litter of little dragons! Little Monster: The world outside is so big, Lin Chen, it’s the best! Nanny Group: A sea of ​​swords and fire, a warm bed to play with, whatever you want! Angers: From the moment I saw him, I knew that the doomsday bell of the Dragon Clan had sounded!


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