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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 77

Stuart thought that his hypnosis could be effective against Lin Chen, but he did not expect Lin Chen to perform the same spirit at this moment.
Stuart pulled out a pocket watch from his arms, the kind of old-fashioned, glowing quaint brass shimmer.
“Student Lin Chen, since it is a psychological counselor, can you please look at this pocket watch now?”
Lin Chen was a little speechless: “What age is this, you still use this kind of thing?” ”
Stuart held the chain of his pocket watch and gently shook it.
The pocket watch drew a semicircle like a pendulum, and the audience fell silent at this moment.
Students received the most psychological counseling, but few were exposed to hypnosis.
The teacher of Masashi Toyama next to him was also full of solemnity.
As a hybrid who also possessed a hypnotic speech spirit, he knew how much energy this word spirit could exert.
Even if Lin Chen is an S-class hybrid, he may not be able to take advantage in the face of hypnosis.
When the pocket watch shakes, Stuwar will also apply psychological guidance, and under the influence of the speech and spirit field, it is only a matter of time before the hypnotized person enters a hypnotic state.
Masashi Toyama has always stood by the side, and when this Gattuso family man named Stuwatt came to power, he tried to use words and temptations.
Also hypnotized by the spirit of speech, Masashi Toyama cannot guarantee that he can be better than Stuart.
Therefore, now Masashi Toyama is also a little worried, he feels that Lin Chen has fallen into passivity.
And at this moment in the audience, Nonno and Susie have held their hands tightly.
They brought with them all the members of the Lionheart, as well as countless flowers and banners.
These are all creating momentum for Lin Chen, but at this time, they can only watch the confrontation on the stage from afar.
There are various reports of hypnosis on the Internet, and people who fall into hypnosis are simply at the mercy of others.
They don’t expect Lin Chen to get rid of hypnosis now, they only hope that Lin Chen in the hypnotic state will not talk indiscriminately.
Otherwise, with the impure purpose of the Gattuso family, it will inevitably bring great trouble to Lin Chen.
At this moment of tight 04, Stuart was already on the verge of laughing.
He had done the same scene countless times, and even the hybrid race with a firm heart and a strong bloodline fell into a deep sleep under his hypnosis.
“Lin Chen…” said Stuart softly, “Take a good look at this pocket watch, your gaze is moving with the trajectory of the pocket watch, relaxing… Don’t think about anything…”
Lin Chen also looked at the shaking pocket watch very cooperatively, and the corners of Stuart’s mouth had already set off a smile.
Not only Lin Chen, but everyone was staring at this pocket watch.
The pocket watch swayed back and forth, and Tuvat’s voice became more ethereal.
“Imagine that you are in a vast sea, the sea is as calm as a mirror, the sky is also blue, and the boundary is not even clear where the sea and sky meet.”
“Shhh… You listen, it’s so quiet, you can’t hear anything, because you’re also a drop of water…”
“Tick… You also melt into the sea… and thousands of seawaters…”
“At this moment you are the sea… Without the slightest desire, you don’t need anything anymore…”
Stuvald’s voice grew slower and softer.
Lin Chen’s gaze slowly froze, those eyes were scattered at the moment, and even the pupils seemed to rotate.
Stuvald smiled proudly, and he looked at Lin Chen proudly, as if he was looking at his prey.
Pasy behind him also breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Lin Chen condescendingly.
Manstein’s heart sank, and he was a little nervous about what would happen next.
Nonno and Susie’s hands tightened, and no one in the audience was more worried than them.
Stuart raised his head proudly and showed off his results to the audience.
Passy nodded at him, “Let’s go!” ”
Stuart pulled out a document with questions that had been drafted long ago.
He faced Lin Chen and put away his pocket watch.
Lin Chen sat calmly opposite him, his dull eyes empty and trance-like.
Stuart posed his first question.
“Classmate Lin Chen, half a month ago, did you encounter Odin, the god of Norse mythology?”
The first problem is a trap.
Lin Chen enters Odin’s Nibelungs, where he encounters Deadpool wearing Odin’s mask.
But as long as Lin Chen answered yes, the Gattuso family could make a big fuss, saying that Lin Chen had encountered Odin, but secretly concealed the truth of the matter.
The audience held their breath and concentrated, and they were all looking forward to Lin Chen’s answer.
And Lin Chen also spoke dumbly, his voice weak and tired: “I have entered a very magical realm, there is a giant riding an eight-legged horse, he wants to kill me…”
Lin Chen’s answer avoided the essence of the question, and the audience breathed a sigh of relief.
Stuart frowned, but that was only the first question.
He continued to ask questions.
“Have you ever fought Odin?”
“That giant on the eight-legged steed is very strong, he threw a spear at me, but I dodged it!”
“What did you see in Odin’s domain?”
“Eight-legged steeds, giants, Deadpool, many, many Deadpools, they are roaring and trying to kill me!”
Stuart’s temperament was a little impatient, and up to now, Lin Chen had not answered his question head-on.
This made Passy a little anxious, and Stuart vaguely felt that something was wrong.
Stuart went on to ask: “Is that all? Is there something you are hiding! ”
Lin Chen replied softly: “Yes.” ”
Stuart’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly looked at Lin Chen with wide eyes.
Quan Xian’s attention was also attracted at this moment, and even his breathing became rapid.
Nonno and Susie were shocked, they never thought of such a result.
And Chu Zihang’s brows were locked, he was a first-hand witness with Lin Chen, but he didn’t know what else Lin Chen saw.
Percy even stood up from his seat, his gaze staring at Lin Chen!
It was definitely a surprise that exceeded their expectations.
They originally just wanted Lin Chen to make mistakes and obstruct them.
But Lin Chen really hid something, no matter what it was, it would definitely be put to death!
Stuart’s chest heaved violently from tension, and he tried to adjust his breathing so that he could speak normally.
“Come, Lin Chen, tell me, what else do you see? There’s something in that area that you’re hiding. ”
“Flower.” Lin Chen said softly, “Many, many flowers.” ”
Stuart was stunned: “Flowers? ”
The audience was confused, they did not understand why there were flowers in the realm of dragons.
The Nibelungs is also known as the Land of the Dead, and in everyone’s minds, such a place is filled with bones and darkness.
How could there be… Flower?
Stuart bit his lip: “Classmate Lin Chen, please make it clear, you said you saw the flower, what kind of flower?” ”
“Of course it is… Such flowers! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )
A bunch of flowers suddenly appeared in front of Stuart’s eyes, and Lin Chen looked at Stuart through the flowers!
Stuart’s eyes widened in shock: “You you you… You haven’t been by… How can it be? I obviously have…”
Stuart’s voice stopped abruptly in the next moment, and the bouquet of fresh flowers reflected under his eyes, as if his soul had been sucked away.
The void in Lin Chen’s eyes had disappeared, replaced by golden pupils.
Lin Chen adjusted his sitting posture and sat leisurely among the flowers.
The audience looked at each other, and they were stunned by the suddenly reversed investigation.
Percy lost his mind for a moment, and he stared at Lin Chen deadly, as if he wanted to see Lin Chen through.
But Lin Chen only turned his head slightly and looked at Percy casually.
In the middle of his gaze, Pasy briefly lost his concentration, and Lin Chen’s speech and spirit hypnosis also attacked him at that moment.
Percy subconsciously sat down on the seat.
Because of the distance, Parsy was not hypnotized by Lin Chen successfully.
But under the shock of the words and spirits, Passy also fell asleep for a short time.
And Lin Chen had already turned his head and looked at Stuart comfortably.
From the very beginning, Stuart showed strong self-confidence and hypnotized Lin Chen.
So Lin Chen simply calculated it.
Don’t want to see me hypnotized? That’s what you want.
But Stuart’s problem was really boring, and Lin Chen didn’t want to waste time with them.
So Stuart was given a flaw in anticipation, and it was suddenly stimulated when his attention was most focused!
At that moment, Lin Chen exerted the spirit of hypnosis to the extreme, and Stuart, who relaxed his guard, was directly hypnotized by Lin Chen.
Manstein looked left and right in surprise, and he didn’t know what was happening between the electric flint.
Instructor Masashi Toyama directly widened his eyes.
He was an expert in psychology, and he saw what was happening in this instant.
Lin Chen pushed the flower beside him away, this thing is even better than a pocket watch.
At this moment, Stuwar only felt that he was submerged by the boundless sea of flowers and lost his rational soul.
Lin Chen sat down in front of him: “Let’s continue our chat, but now it’s my turn to ask questions and tell me your name.” ”
“Good.” Lin Chen nodded, “Tell me what is the plan for today?” ”
Stuart blurted out: “Hypnotize you, set traps for you in the question!” Lead you into the set! And then pressure as a school director of the Gattuso family! ”
“Oh? You are quite ruthless, this is the purpose of your investigation team? ”
“Yes, Mr. Andrew, the head of the regiment, told us so, he said that this is the meaning of the head of the family!”
“Your head is quite confident? Think this will deal with me? ”
“The head of the family said, you are the students of shit, in the Kassel Academy, the Gattuso family is the sky!”
The audience was in an uproar!
Stuart himself admitted that the head of the Gattuso family wanted to frame the 650 students of the Kassel Academy!
This is an absolutely shocking fact, and the students naturally bring themselves into the forest dust.
The school directors bully people and do not treat the students as human beings!
All the students just want to shoot!
And Lin Chen “sighed” twice, and then continued to ask.
“So you Gattuso family is superior!”
“Of course, we are school trustees and deserve VIP treatment!”
“So the other school directors are not worth mentioning?”
“The Gattuso family is the biggest school trustee, the others but…”
Stuart’s words were not finished, and a huge voice resounded in the auditorium!
The sound came from the corner of the auditorium, where someone slapped the seats abruptly!
This movement interrupted Stuart’s words and woke him and Passy from hypnosis.
Everyone’s eyes looked over, and the person who scattered the seat slowly stood up.
Caesar Gattuso!
He sat in this corner the whole time, observing everything on the stage.
But now he can’t listen anymore, and if things go on, the Gattuso family’s reputation will be ruined.
The audience was silent, and the heir of the Gattuso family was black-faced at the moment.
He tried to maintain his composure, but at the moment he had a little inner breakdown.
“Enough!” Caesar exclaimed, “That’s the end of the investigation!” ”
Stuart was bloodless, and he recovered from hypnosis.
He didn’t know what was going on, but he could feel that he was absolutely in trouble!
Fortunately, Caesar stood up in time to stop all this, otherwise I really don’t know what else will happen.
Lin Chen turned around in displeasure and looked at Caesar coldly!
It can be seen that Caesar has been hiding in the corner until this time suddenly burst out.
When your people investigated me, you didn’t say a word.
When he hypnotized me and asked me questions, he still didn’t say a word.
Now that they have been counter-killed, they have been hypnotized by the Gattuso family, and you are not happy.
This hand double standard is really brilliant to play!
Lin Chen sneered: “You said stop and stop, it’s really a big face!” ”
Caesar’s face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and insisted: “Yes!” I said stop, stop! ”
The golden pupils in his eyes burst out, and there should have been lions hidden in such eyes.
But he just forced his eyes to stare, like a stubborn child!
Lin Chen looked up mockingly: “Do you think… Who are you? “。

You finish reading Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit Chapter 77

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Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Lion Heart Club I am an S-class freshman with unlimited words and spirit

Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: Chinese
Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the fl


Travel to the world of the mobile game “Dragon Fantasy”. If you start with an S-level bloodline, you can get the Word Spirit by checking in. Time is zero, even Angers in the field is almost stationary! Junyan, under the flames all over the sky, Dragon King Norton was burned into a cross of dragon bones! Black Sun, Judgment, Rhine, Shiva Karma Dance… Yan Ling: Don’t die! Red-haired lady: What does the Gattuso family mean? I am destined to be his bride! Xiao Xiami: Do you like children? I’ll give you a litter of little dragons! Little Monster: The world outside is so big, Lin Chen, it’s the best! Nanny Group: A sea of ​​swords and fire, a warm bed to play with, whatever you want! Angers: From the moment I saw him, I knew that the doomsday bell of the Dragon Clan had sounded!


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