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Live broadcast Make hundreds of billions from stock trading, big power is broken Chapter 86

Reba and Zhao Lusi were already waiting outside the trading room when they saw Jiang Ye end the live broadcast.
As soon as the door of the trading room opened, the two immediately raised their heads and their eyes fell on Jiang Ye.
“Mr. Jiang!”
Reba showed a smile, quickly walked next to Jiang Ye, stretched out his hand to hold his arm, and his head was already attached to Jiang Ye.
“Mr. Jiang, you were really powerful just now.” Reba said from the bottom of her heart.
As she spoke, her body was still tightly glued to Jiang Ye’s body.
There is also a little more obsession in her heart, just now Jiang Ye has earned so much money, but there is still a part of her, when she thinks of this, Reba smiled brightly and happily.
Jiang Ye smiled faintly when he saw Reba’s undisguised obsession.
Zhao Lusi on the side also stood next to Jiang Ye, and said with a fawning face, “Yes, Mr. Jiang is indeed very powerful, I have never seen anyone like you.”
As Zhao Rusi spoke, her gaze towards Jiang Ye was full of flattery and expectation.
Such a powerful big person, once he can hug his thighs, he will definitely change his fate, and she must follow her no matter what, let alone faceless.
Mr. Zhang and Mr. Hengyu next to him saw Reba around Jiang Ye, and looked at each other, with a little envy under their eyes.
A big star of Reba’s level, they simply don’t have the qualifications to be called to be a companion, even if they pay more money.
In front of Jiang Ye, Reba looked like she was small and completely flattering.
Let them be more determined to work hard, to pat the horse, and to hug Jiang Ye’s thighs.
As long as they follow Jiang Ye, with the ability that Jiang Ye has shown, they will not be able to play big stars of Reba’s level one day.
Reba saw that Zhao Lusi also stepped forward to please Jiang Ye, and there was hostility under her eyes, holding Jiang Ye’s arm while secretly glaring at Zhao Rusi, this green tea is still not dead.
For a while, there was a faint smell of gunpowder on his body.
Jiang Ye listened to Reba and Zhao Lusi’s pursuit, his face was indifferent, and he turned to look at the Yanjing boss behind him.
“I’ll leave first if I still have something to do.”
The two bosses immediately said respectfully: “Mr. Jiang, you go slowly!”
Jiang Ye quickly walked towards the outside of the securities company, and his gaze fell on Reba on the side.
“There will be a banquet later, you can come with me.”
Reba’s face was instantly full of surprise, and he took Jiang Ye’s arm and spoke: “Okay, Mr. Jiang!” The
smile couldn’t be put away at all, Jiang Ye also took her with him to the banquet, didn’t he already acknowledge the identity of her female companion.
As long as she is with Jiang Ye and follows him to see a few more big people, others may know that she is one step closer to marrying into a wealthy family.
Reba’s heart was full of expectation, clenched his fists to cheer himself up, turned his head and glanced at Zhao Silu secretly.
The pride in his eyes turned into a defensive again, Mr. Jiang would not also want to bring this enchanting cheap goods next to him with him.
No, probably not, since Mr. Jiang has not opened his mouth now, he will definitely take her only one tonight, just like last night and noon today, Mr. Jiang will only choose her.
Thinking of this, Reba became more proud and confident.
Zhao Rusi next to her heard that Jiang Ye was going to take Reba to the banquet, and she couldn’t help but be jealous again.
There was a faint unwillingness in her heart, Reba was more famous than her, more beautiful than her, but she was in good shape, knew how to serve people, and could be more faceless than Reba.
All kinds of emotions flashed from Zhao Rusi’s heart, seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the door of the company, Zhao Rusi finally gritted her teeth and plucked up her courage.
“Mr. Jiang, can I go with you?” Zhao Lusi looked at Jiang Ye expectantly.
Jiang Ye spoke lightly and directly refused: “No need.” The
line of sight did not give Zhao Rusi a second glance.
Just at the door of the company, Reba directly turned her head and glanced at Zhao Rusi proudly and defiantly.
Sitting in the car after Jiang Ye, the Maybach convoy galloped away.
Zhao Lusi stood on the side and looked at the back of Jiang Ye leaving, and her face was instantly full of despair.
There is no shortage of female stars in the entertainment industry, not to mention that she is beautiful, and her appearance is nothing.
did not seize this opportunity to be recognized by Jiang Ye Jiang Ye, did not follow Jiang Ye, it would not be long before she would be completely forgotten, Zhao Rusi only felt that her legs were soft.
But there was nothing she could do, she didn’t know what she had to do, she could only watch the vehicle get farther and farther away.
As soon as Reba got into the car, the whole person quickly fell into Jiang Ye’s arms again, hugging his waist tightly.
“Mr. Jiang, you are really good.” Reba said softly.
Jiang Ye saw Reba’s sticky appearance and smiled: “Why, are you drunk before you drink?”
Reba immediately thought of the appearance of pretending to be drunk by borrowing wine before, and couldn’t help but turn red again, and his head was buried in Jiang Ye’s arms.
When Jiang Ye arrived at the hotel, He Qiong also arrived, and the two met at the door of the private room.
“Mr. Jiang!” He Qiong greeted with a smile.
Those subordinates who followed behind He Qiong immediately bowed and greeted Jiang Ye: “Mr. Jiang!
Jiang Ye smiled faintly: “Ms. He!”
Reba straightened up in an instant, feeling nervous.
This is the big guy in the capital circle, even if he has already seen it, he will still be nervous when he says goodbye.
He Qiong smiled and said: “Mr. Jiang came quite quickly, this time I brought you a little star, I will arrive in a while, let’s go first.”
Jiang Ye nodded gently, and then took Reba into the private room.
He Qiong turned his head and ordered: “If it arrives this morning, let her come over immediately.”
“Yes, Mr. He!” The assistant immediately nodded.
Mr. Hengyu and Mr. Zhang also happened to come to this hotel to discuss their previous business.
Although they are now completely competitive, they all want to curry favor with Jiang Ye and kick the other side out.
But after all, they have cooperated before, and the contract that Mr. Zhang unilaterally wanted to end before has great benefits for both companies, Jiang Ye does not blame Hengyu Securities, and the original cooperation can naturally be discussed again.
When He Qiong turned around and prepared to enter the private room, the two of them happened to be next to them and saw He Qiong’s figure at a glance.
The expressions of the two bosses changed instantly, and they couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at each other, their eyes full of shock and incredulity.
“I was not mistaken, this is He Qiong, Ms. He.” Mr. Zhang couldn’t help but speak.
Mr. Hengyu had exactly the same expression, the daughter of the gambling king actually arrived in Yanjing, and she went to the same hotel with them.
I don’t know what the reason is why He Qiong came over this time?

You finish reading Live broadcast Make hundreds of billions from stock trading, big power is broken Chapter 86

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Live broadcast Make hundreds of billions from stock trading, big power is broken

Live broadcast Make hundreds of billions from stock trading, big power is broken

Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
[City + System + Live Broadcast + Stock Trading + Making Money + Female Stars] Jiang Ye found that he was reborn in the body of a person with the same name. He encountered difficulties when he was reborn. He had just graduated from college and wa


[City + System + Live Broadcast + Stock Trading + Making Money + Female Stars] Jiang Ye found that he was reborn in the body of a person with the same name. He encountered difficulties when he was reborn. He had just graduated from college and was blocked by the financial circle. He was penniless and could only return to his hometown to work as a Douyin anchor. Just when Jiang Ye was worried, he happened to activate the stock prediction system, which could predict the future direction of the stock market. Jiang Ye decisively mortgaged his ancestral home to obtain 10 million yuan and started live broadcasting stock trading. He bought and sold several times without making any mistakes. In a few days, his 10 million principal was doubled tenfold, and he easily made 100 million! Female stars throughout the entertainment industry have become fans of Jiang Ye. Great Power: Holding Jiang Ye’s thigh, crying and begging Jiang Ye to help her buy a stock. Reba: I’m the best at massaging. I’ll give you a private massage. Can you tell me which stock makes money? Liu Yifei: I am willing to be your goddaughter, as long as my father agrees to recommend a profitable stock to my daughter. Sister Zhou: As long as you are willing to recommend me a profitable stock, I will be your mute bride from now on, and I can do whatever you want.


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