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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 1

“Naruto-kun, wake up, Naruto-kun, it’s your turn!”

“Can’t eat, Sister Fire Bud, I’m really… Can’t eat anymore. ”

“Naruto-kun wake up soon, Iruka-sensei is here!”

“Sister Shui Yun, you can also persuade, I really can’t eat.”

“Naruto-kun, Naruto…”

“Naruto Uzumaki! You wake me up! ”

“I really can’t eat… Yes? ”

When I opened my eyes, I saw Iru, who was staring dull with his hands raised in front of him, and was obviously frightened… Card? Teacher.

Naruto Uzumaki withdrew his right hand with his fingertip against the position of the blood artery on the opponent’s neck, and looked left and right.

A familiar and unfamiliar classroom, several strange and familiar figures.

Nara Shikamaru, Inuzuka Ya, Yamanaka Ino, Hinata Hinata….

Himself this is, back from that world full of dragons?

Or is everything over there just a dream?

Clenching his fists, Naruto Uzumaki dispelled the guess that it was a dream.

Although for some reason his body has changed back to his twelve-year-old state.

However, the physical strength possessed after thousands of temperings, and the huge Chakra and dragon attribute energy in the body, do exist.

These two points are enough to show that his dragon slaying experience in those years was not a simple dream.

For him now, with the strength and experience accumulated by slaying dragons, no matter what he wants to do in the future or what he doesn’t want to do, no one can force him.

It’s a big deal to wear a dragon slaying suit, and those who can catch my knife can still sit down and talk, and those who can’t even catch a knife can show their might in front of me.

“What’s the matter, I… Ruka-sensei? ”

Looking at the teacher with a scar on his nose in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki asked calmly.

After so many years, he had long forgotten what situation he was in.

And the number of people in the class also seems to be wrong, why is it less than half?

“Turn, it’s your turn to take the graduation exam. I see that you have not come and want to call you to come. ”

Iruka subconsciously touched his throat, and a chill swept all the way up his back, making him break out in a cold sweat.

Did he almost die at Naruto’s hands just now?

“Graduation exams?” Naruto Uzumaki was visibly stunned and nodded, “Then, I’ll go first.” ”

Iruka looked at Naruto in a daze and prepared to leave from the back door, and slapped his head, and the previous shock was also put aside.

“Are you sleepy, the direction of the examination room is on the other side!” Forget it, follow me, I’m the teacher in charge of proctoring your exams! ”

“Huh? Then the strength of your proctor is a bit unbelievable. ”

Naruto Uzumaki yawned and turned to follow Iruka to the next classroom.

Sitting back in the proctoring seat, seeing that Naruto still looked confused, Iruka kindly repeated the exam items:

“The exam topic is Doppelganger, and the requirement is to pass three doppelgangers with normal appearance. Naruto, you need to come on! ”

According to his previous understanding of Naruto, the doppelganger technique was one of Naruto’s least good ninjutsu.

The passing rate of the other party’s exam this time is really enough.

“Just doppelganger, got it.”

Under Iruka’s concern and the hidden malicious gaze of another proctor teacher.

Naruto’s index finger and middle finger stood together in front of his chest, making a sword finger gesture, “Shadow Doppelganger.” ”



The smoke cleared, and four identical Uzumaki Naruto appeared in front of the two dull-looking proctors.

“I, yes, qualified, am I?”

One person, two words, four people combined to say a coherent sentence.

“Of course!” Iruka was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously turned his head to look at Mizuki, who was surprised by the seat, turned his head, smiled and handed over a brace.

“Congratulations, Naruto, you graduated.”

“Thank you, teacher.”

Taking the brace, Naruto put it in his arms and not tied it to his forehead like the others, “Then, I’ll leave first.” ”

After the exam, you can leave school.

He hadn’t been home in decades, and he had to take a moment to find the location of his memory home.

“Naruto, wait a minute!”

Looking at Naruto’s back as he left, Iruka thought for a moment and called out to him, “Tonight, let’s go eat Ichiraku ramen together and celebrate your graduation!” ”

“If the teacher treats, no problem!”

Wait for the teacher to leave work→ wait for him to treat ramen→ wait for him to send him home

Both solving dinner problems and finding a place in your own home, perfect!

“Then, I’ll wait for you at the school gate.” His eyes lit up, and Naruto accepted Iruka’s invitation.

Turning around, while bringing the entrance door of the examination room, he also blocked the malicious eyes of the Mizuki-sensei.

“It’s a little unexpected that Naruto was able to cast the doppelganger so well.”

In the examination room, after seeing Naruto leave, in the free time waiting for the arrival of the next candidate, Mizuki suddenly sighed.

After learning that the exam question was a doppelganger, he made a series of plans for the famous crane tail in the class to be implemented today.

The result was good, the other party was a “shadow doppelganger”, and all his plans were completely disrupted.

Mizuki glanced at Iruka, with a smile on his face, “If I’m not mistaken, although the shadow avatar is a B-grade ninjutsu, not everyone is qualified to learn it.” ”

At least the two of them Konoha Naka Shinobu would not be able to do this trick and were not qualified to learn it.

“Probably, the small stove that the three generations of adults opened for Naruto.” Iruka smiled and flipped through the list of candidates, casually giving a seemingly reasonable explanation.

But what exactly he thinks in his heart, only he knows.


“That Mizuki-sensei, do I owe him money?”

On the other side, Naruto pinched his chin and walked out of the school and sat down in front of the swing hanging from the large tree directly opposite the school gate.

He was still thinking about the meaning of the other party’s malicious eyes, and then sensed more malice.

Those malice all came from the unconcealed anger and hatred of the parents around who picked up their children from school.

“It seems that it is not the reason for owing money, but the debt.”

He remembered that there was once a nine-tailed demon fox in his stomach, which was known as the most evil tailed beast.

When he was a child, he always wondered why he was so disgusted by everyone in the village, knowing that he had not done anything.

Until in Yanhuo Village, when he was on the verge of death, he saw the irascible nine-tails in his stomach and his parents who sealed it in his body.

It was also at that time that he finally learned the reason why he was cursed to death by the villagers since he was a child.

“But the problem is, it’s the Nine-Tails who owe you your life, not me. Keep getting angry with me because I’m talkative? ”

In the face of the Nine-Tails, you only promise, and in the face of the young Uzumaki Naruto Nine-Tails Pillar Force, you will strike hard and play cold violence.

Who gave you the face and guts?

Four generations of Hokage Wave Feng Shui dream?

Or the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki?

Naruto sat on the swing, looked up, and smiled “gently” at the villagers who were pointing at him in an upright manner.

The unconcealed killing intent in the crimson beast’s pupils and the blood-colored chakra floating and condensed around him made this group of villagers change their faces and quickly pull their children to leave here.

Few, after leaving, quickly reported the situation to the village guards.

Because it was about the help of the nine-tailed people, soon the report of “Naruto Uzumaki suspected of leaking the nine-tailed chakra” appeared in front of the table of the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

and a report on Naruto’s use of “Shadow Doppelganger” during his graduation exam.

“Naruto, Shadow Doppelganger, Nine Tails… Hiss. ”

Sarutobi let out a puff of smoke, his brows furrowed as he watched the picture of Naruto and Iruka leaving the school side by side in the crystal ball.

Although Naruto Uzumaki was restless before, he had always had respect and respect for Iruka, who was one of the few people in the village who would give him a good face.

Instead of the current one with a hint of casual attitude in respect.

And the most important thing is that the Nine Tails have been calm in Naruto’s stomach for thirteen years, why did he suddenly become restless on this graduation day.


Just as he was thinking, the door of Hokage’s office was suddenly opened vigorously, and the sound of crutches hitting the ground made Sarutobi clear the identity of the comer.

“Ape Fei, I heard that the nine-tailed human pillar force suddenly emitted the nine-tailed chakra, this is a precursor to the other party’s uncontrollability, you must pay attention to it!”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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