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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 102

“All three of them are dead, why are you still alive?”

Huang Quan, who was sitting in the palanquin, looked at Kusuna kneeling on one knee in front of him through the gauze curtain, his face expressionless.

As his right-hand man, and endowed with some of the power of the eel, he fled back to himself.

Let yourself lose face in front of the eel, “Give me a reason not to kill you!” ”

“Among those ninjas who protect witches, there are two very powerful beings, the Ichio’s Pillar Force and the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.”

Kusuna knelt on one knee and hung his head and said coldly.

He knew that if he wanted to survive, he could only hope that this news of unknown origin could be worth the lives of the three of them in Wei Tianjing.

“Human pillar force, or two?”

Huang Quan’s brows furrowed, and there was obvious mockery in his eyes when he looked at Kusuna.

If he said that there was only one person, Zhu Li himself would believe it.


Don’t those big hidden villages know the importance of human pillar power?

Will so coincidentally send two people to protect a witch!

On the importance of the continent, the witch woman pillar force.

But in terms of the importance to the hidden village, of course, it is the human pillar power witch!

“Unfortunately, your reasons don’t seem to have succeeded in convincing me.”

Huang Quan stretched out his right hand and aimed a long black nematode in the palm of Kusuna’s 21 bags.

“Wait a minute!”

The sound of the eel coming from Huang Quan’s body made the black nematode stop the movement that was about to burrow into Kusuna’s head.

“Human pillar force, what is it?”

The eel, who had not dealt with Renzhuli in his last life, asked in a hoarse and low voice.

“That’s the person possessed by the tailed beast, the existence that serves as a container for sealing the tailed beast.”

Huang Quan briefly explained the identity of Renzhuli and looked at Kusuna with a cold snort.

“For the major hidden villages, the importance of human pillar power is completely above the witch.

Without witches, it’s a big deal for everyone to die together. But without the power of the human pillar, those hidden villages will be worse than death. ”

After all, human pillar power is equivalent to the nuclear weapons of a village, and whether it is used or not is a thing.

But if people know you don’t have it, that’s another thing.

“You said you met Ichio and Nine-Tails. As far as I know, these two are human pillar forces belonging to Konoha Hidden Village and Sand Hidden Village.

The point is that these two hidden villages have and only one human pillar power. ”

If such a coincidence allows you to meet two at once… Why don’t you go buy lottery tickets?

“Lord Huang Quan, the subordinate sentence is true!” Kusuna didn’t explain much.

His own life is between Huang Quan’s thoughts, whether he lives or dies completely depends on the mood of the other party.

It’s just that now it seems that the other party is not in a good mood.


“It sounds like something interesting.”

The voice of the eel interrupted Huang Quan’s words about to exit.

“What do you mean?”

Huang Quan sat up straight and looked down at his stomach.

“Give him more strength and team, and bring those two pillars to me.”

There was something unpredictable in the eel’s voice.

“This time it is another failure, let him cut himself in place.”

“Your will!”

Just when Kusuna breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his life was saved at least temporarily.

The long worm that originally stopped in front of his head suddenly drilled into his neck at a different angle.

Not only that, more than a dozen long nematodes drilled out of Huangquan’s palm, burrowing into Kusuna’s body from various joints.


The eyes are bloodshot and saliva runs uncontrollably from the corners of the mouth.

Feeling the continuous flow of power from the body, Kusuna, who was originally hanging his head, was a stirring spirit, his waist plate was bent backwards, and his whole body was made into an arch bridge.

“I feel Callekaleta!”

“No, I feel bad!”

The wayward little witch saw the footspike that followed, and angrily pointed at him and waved her small fist incoherently.

What did he think he was doing to follow this group of ninjas quietly away!

“As a witch, I order you to return to the country of ghosts now!”

“My duty is to keep Lord Shiyuan safe, and I can’t leave your side at any time.”

Ashiho did not respond to Shiyuan’s request, and said calmly with his eyes while adjusting his breathing.

It has to be said that as ordinary people are able to keep up with Naruto in their footsteps.

Ashiho Brother’s physical fitness is considered to be the top group at the level of ordinary people.

“You’re just getting in the way of following!”

Ziyuan’s eyes widened, and for the first time he encountered the other party’s attitude of not entering, and angrily pointed to the other party’s nose and repeated the order.

“Give me back!”

“Can’t go back.”

“Give me back!!”

“Can’t go back.”

“Give me back!!”

“Can’t go back.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

No matter how many exclamation points were added to the tone of the angry and corrupted Ziyuan.

Ashiho Brother is the old god standing straight in place like a javelin, repeating that sentence with an expressionless face.

“Can’t go back.”

“Huh! Zero came with the news? ”

Fei Duan, who was sitting in front of the fire grilling fish, raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiaodu in surprise, “Didn’t you just say that you can move freely!” ”

“It said that I received a message that the traces of the four tails were found in this area.”

Kakuto took out a map of the area from his arms and carefully looked at the routes on it.

“Already let Hai search nearby.”

“Four Tails?” Fei Duan’s raised eyebrows twisted together, and his tone was obviously a little unhappy, “Then it doesn’t belong to us.” ”

Kakuto withdrew his gaze from the map, looked up at Fei Duan, and did not speak.

Fei Duan was stared at by him and his back was numb, and finally had to ask the question honestly. “What are you worried about?”

“Zero gave a guarantee that as long as I catch the four-tailed human pillar force, the angel will not come to ask me for money again for half a year.”

Kakuto looked down at the map in his hand again.

“So you said yes without thinking.” Fei Duan slapped himself in the face.

He didn’t have to think about it, the dialogue picture of the zero-sum flight segment had already appeared in his mind.

Circle Eye Zero: Go catch the four tails!

Count the silver ticket horns: don’t do it!

Circle Eye Zero: Catch someone, angel two quarters do not ask you to reach out and pay money!

The silver ticket is in your pocket: Where are the four tails?!

“You’re really, a pure person.”

“One thing to say, that witch lady’s physical fitness is not very good, in fact, it is quite a drag down the speed of the team.”

As for Ashiho brother who has been biting behind the team, it surprised Kankuro and a few of them.

At dusk, on a small hillside.

Temari looked at the river fish caught by Kankuro outside the fire, tilted his head sideways, and whispered something to Kurotsuchi and Sunset Red.

“If this continues, I’m afraid that the guy who was beaten away will soon make a comeback.”

“The witch has reached her limit.”

Ruby eyes swept around Aster and Ashiho and sighed.

How could Red not see the problem pointed out by Temari.

“I’m okay!”

Ziyuan, who was sitting opposite the fire, obviously heard the conversation of the three women, straightened up, and 997 waved his small fist unwillingly.

“Lord Shiyuan, sealing ninjutsu is a fight for physical strength, and please rest well today.”

Shoho, who scooped up a bowl of hot soup, handed the small bowl to Shien and looked at Naruto.

“Wouldn’t building a bonfire in the wild like this lead the enemy over?”

When he stopped to use this place as a resting spot, Naruto lined up and raised a fire.

Although this allows them to drink hot soup and eat hot food.

Looking at the rising black smoke, Ashiho’s expression was very uneasy.

“Don’t worry, let’s not say that those guys didn’t slow down so quickly.

The Witch Lady also needs to eat and drink well and rest well in order to perform the sealing spell in the best condition. ”

Naruto saw that the fire was almost at the point, and picked up two cooked grilled fish and handed them to Hinata and Kakari on the left and right.

The two of them handed it to Jiu Xinnai and Sunset Red on the other side.

“Speaking of sealing, why is it that only the sealing technique of your Ghost Country witch lineage can have an effect on eels?”

According to records, there were also ninjas who tried to seal each other’s actions with sealing techniques during the time when the eels were rampant on the continent.

But the result is self-evident failure to the end.

It was not until the last time that the witch Maitreya, the mother of Ziyuan, personally took the action to seal the eel back.

This is also the reason why the witches of the country of ghosts have a special status.

“So, is there anything special about the sealing technique you used?”

Hearing this, Jiu Xinnai’s gaze also turned to Ziyuan.

In terms of the achievements in the sealing technique, except for Naruto who was out of blue, no one else wanted to compare with her from the Uzumaki clan.

In addition, during this time, Naruto was also teaching her those new sealing techniques.

In short, she was quite interested in the sealing technique of the witch lineage.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 102

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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