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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 103

Shien opened her mouth, looked at Naruto and Jiu Shinnai’s curious gaze, swallowed the unpleasant words that had reached her lips, and shook her head.

“This is the inheritance of our witch’s lineage into the bloodline, and outsiders can’t learn it.”

“Is it similar to the blood succession boundary.” Naruto shook his head, “There’s no way around it. ”

It’s like quantum mechanics.

In the ninja world, all techniques that involve the boundary of blood succession generally cannot be explained and analyzed by common sense.

At this time, the discussion between Sunset Red, Temari and Kurotsuchi also came to an end.

Sunset, who was the representative, turned around and looked at Naruto.

“Naruto, we discussed it a bit, and we hope that you will leave first with Miss Witch.

All of us are used as bait to hold each other’s sight, what do you think? ”

Out of Red and Temari’s trust and insistence on Naruto’s strength, Kurotsuchi had to pinch his nose and agree to the method they proposed.

“But for insurance reasons, I am going to follow you to the ancestral hall.”

This is also Kurotsuchi’s insistence.

She hadn’t worked with Naruto, and even if she had seen his skills, she couldn’t trust Naruto as much as the red ones.

Naruto threw the dried fish bones behind him and looked at Shien.

The little witch had a faint uneasiness on her face, but she didn’t stop it.

“There is no problem on my side. Are you planning to use the method of avatar plus transformation to create a ser out of thin air? ”

“And you and Kurotsuchi’s doppelganger also leave me one! If you don’t show up in the team, I think those guys will notice something. ”

Temari grinned.

Now that they have made a plan, they have taken into account all the variables that can be taken into account.

“Okay, be careful yourself. In case of danger, enter Chakra into the procedure, I will be there at any time. ”

Naruto thought for a moment, and Temari and Hinata’s lower back reached out and wiped it.

It upgraded the Flying Thunder God Technique that was printed three years ago by one level.

“Little Red/Teacher Hong, you…”

Jiu Shinna and Hinata looked at Sunset Red stunned, but they didn’t expect that this one who should be considered an aunt also fell into Naruto’s hands.

Temari didn’t care much about that.

The three Ninja World Wars reduced the population of the Ninja World to an extremely low level.

Even after all these years of recuperation, the ratio of men and women on the continent today is still quite unbalanced.

Every village is desperate for the powerful ninja in the village to open up more branches and leaves to leave bloodlines and increase the population.

But more than that, it’s just male ninjas and civilian women.

It is also very difficult to have Naruto surrounded by beautiful and powerful female ninjas.

So Jiu Shinnai and them were more surprised that the big sister of Red could take a fancy to Naruto.

“That, about the matter of Lord Ziyuan’s doppelganger, I have a way to make the enemy indistinguishable’.”

After seeing that everyone had made up their plans, Ashiho raised his hand and attracted everyone’s attention.

“Ashiho, you!”

Ziyuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly figured out what Ashiho wanted to do, and stopped it loudly.

“I won’t allow you to do that! That way you will…”

“It’s okay, Lord Shiyuan.”

Ashiho shook his head and said something that no one understood.

“Thanks to your kindness and Lord Maitreya, this is my willingly decision!”

“Brother Ashiho, what exactly are you talking about with Miss Witch?”

Kankuro put down the oil paint pen in his hand and looked at Ashiho and asked.

“The secret technique of the Shadow Mirror Body Turning Technique that is passed down in the Land of Ghosts, using this technique I can completely transform into the appearance of Lord Ziyuan. After the transformation, even if you die, the transformation will not be lifted, allowing the enemy to find the problem. ”

“So convenient…”

“Death will not lift the transformation technique. If you don’t die, will you be able to change back into yourself? ”

Naruto stopped Kakashi’s exclamation and asked lightly.

Death does not lift the transformation technique, if there is no cost, Naruto will definitely not believe it.

Coupled with Aster’s performance, it was enough for Naruto to roughly guess the cost of this technique.

“As long as you transform once, you can’t recover.”

Ashiho shook his head, surprised that Naruto realized the shortcomings of this technique so quickly.

“Moreover, because I still speak in my own voice after transformation, from now on, I will not be able to speak in front of acquaintances.”

“The advantages and disadvantages are quite obvious.” Naruto nodded and looked at Shien.

“So, what’s your decision? In the present when Ashiho is determined to replace you with the rest of his life to attract the attention of his enemies. ”

Ziyuan opened her mouth, tears unconsciously leaving from the corners of her eyes.

“Why, why do you all have to do this! I obviously don’t want any of you to die because of me! ”

How many times, because of the witch duties on her back, Ziyuan had to watch those guards die in her place.

“It’s all because of me!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“So you can pity yourself, but you can’t do it all at once, little witch.”

Naruto sat in front of the fire, his hands spread out and roasted the fire, and his tone was leisurely.

“You’re not just living for you alone now. You must remember that you carry on your shoulders the expectations of those who willingly die for you. ”

The shadow avatar is not omnipotent, and Naruto is not invincible!

Those companions who died in the dragon slay.

Those companions who entrusted his future to him and died silently on the battlefield, Naruto never forgot their faces.

“They all believe that you can bring peace to this continent, and you must bring peace to this continent.”

Only in this way can those who survive be relieved, and the sacrifices of those relatives and friends and comrades-in-arms were not in vain!

Only in this way, when you go to see them one day, you can pat your chest and proudly tell them that you have lived up to their expectations! ”

Flames and flames, emperors

Those who only know how to cheer heroes will not know how much of the blood and lives of their companions are carried behind such a name.

“I, I know!”

Shien was startled by the depth in Naruto’s eyes, and sat in place and nodded stunned.

“So it’s the best.”

Ashiho on the side finally showed his first smile after meeting Naruto after seeing Shien listen to Naruto’s words.

Although this is only the beginning, he believes that Ziyuan will eventually become a well-deserved witch in the country of ghosts.

The sacrifices of their own, Suzuki’s, and all their companions will be worth it.

In a formation surrounded by special stones.

Ashiho changed greatly in front of everyone, and the person turned into the appearance of Aster.

“Indeed, there is not a single flaw in sight.”

Hinata, who had rolled his eyes, nodded and said after looking at it for a long time.

“Hmm… Well! ”

Naruto pinched his chin and looked back and forth at Aster and Ashiho.

Rao made his observations and did not find any difference between the two.

After thinking about it for a while, Naruto stepped forward and stretched out his finger to poke Ashiho’s chest under everyone’s gaze.

“Wait a minute, you stopped me!”

Shien saw Naruto make such a lewd move, and he couldn’t care about feeling unspeakable about Naruto.

She blushed sheepishly and threw herself on Naruto’s arm, stopping the outstretched finger.

Where could she watch Naruto treat herself exactly like this.

“Seeing that you are nervous, I just want to strictly identify it, and Ashiho’s transformation really turns himself into a woman.”

Naruto’s curious gaze also glanced unconsciously at the lower body of the other party.

It’s not that he’s enough to strike at the foot spike.

The original owner Ziyuan was around without saying, not to mention Hong, Temari and Jiu Xinnai, who had had intimate contact, were still staring behind him.

Naruto, who had been interrupted from his research, didn’t care, and turned to Shien who was still lying on his arm and asked.

“Is there any information such as the principle analysis of this transformation technique? Mr. Big should be interested. ”

Ziyuan nodded, “It is recorded in the country of ghosts. ”

“Yes, then for the sake of information, we also have to speed up the completion of the sealing task.”

Naruto slammed the unresponsive Aster on his back.

The golden chakra light that suddenly appeared on her body enveloped her, and a chakra hand stretched out also held the black earth standing on the side.

“Then, let’s go first!”

“Hey! You move…”

Kurotsuchi’s father, Loess, this time Iwain’s real wordsman just wanted Naruto not to be so ostentatious, attract the attention of the other party, and make their plans all miscalculated.

The three people in front of him disappeared in unison.

Don’t talk about movement, I didn’t even hear a sound!

“… Don’t be too big, ah. ”

And standing in the same place, the loess only finished speaking.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 103

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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