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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 105

“Stupid ~ stupid ~ stupid ~ ”

Ziyuan’s loud “stupid” voice kept echoing in the corridor.


Naruto, who had been yelled at this voice, shook his head from side to side, feeling a murmur in his ears at the moment.

A shadow avatar of “Boom” appears.

The doppelganger Naruto covered his right ear screen with his right hand, and covered the main Naruto’s right ear screen with his left hand, constantly releasing it little by little.

As for the body, Naruto was grinning and gasping for air.

He looked at Ziyuan with puffing cheeks and couldn’t help but sigh, “The power of your voice is really, more powerful than the pile of terracotta warriors outside!” ”

“Hmph!” The little witch turned her head, and her face showed a hint of shame.


Kurotsuchi, who had been standing on the side and watching the play for a long time, obviously did not eat, but suddenly burped.

I sniffed carefully, and my breath was full of dog food.

It wasn’t until the buzzing in his ears dissipated that Naruto nodded towards the doppelganger.

The doppelganger willingly disappeared into the smoke.

With a somewhat apologetic look on her face, Shien once again lay her whole body on Naruto’s back, “Hug, sorry.” ”

It seems that I have gone a little too far.

“I don’t blame you, I saw that I was nervous all the time and wanted to make a joke, but I didn’t expect to overdo it!”

After recovering, Naruto didn’t mean to blame at all.

Looking at the still nervous and guilty expression on Ziyuan’s face, he thought for a moment and his expression became serious.

“Actually, what I just said to you is not a joke, but because it is not finished, it seems like a joke.”


Shiyuan’s eyes lit up for a moment, and regardless of the posture of letting Naruto eat tofu at the moment, she poked her head out of Naruto’s left shoulder, and her tone was a little nervous.

“So, what’s the full word?”

This sentence was something she didn’t see in the picture she had just foreseen!

“I want to know if it’s done.”

Naruto looked at the expectant expression on Shien’s face and turned his head sideways to let his cheek rub against Shiyuan’s smooth and tender cheek.

“Then I won’t tell you until you finish sealing the eel!”

He had already expressed his intentions, but if he wanted to hear that sentence, the little witch would have to work hard.

“I’ll definitely hear that!”

Perhaps it was the strength Naruto showed that gave Shien confidence.

Ziyuan also rubbed his face, took a deep breath and said firmly.

The place where the flesh of the eel is sealed, located on a stone platform built above the crater.

When Naruto and they walked through the long corridor, they were surprised but not surprised to find that someone had arrived here one step ahead.

“Is that the one who carries the soul of the eel.”

Kurotsuchi looked at the figure sitting on the stone platform in the center of the crater and clenched his fists.

Also, the Terracotta Army Legion outside will not march here from the Land of Ghosts on its own, and then hide itself.

The man behind all this must be the man waiting for them in front.

“You’ve grown up, Aster.”

The man who leaned on the handle of the chair looked at the ast on Naruto’s back, and his tone was quite emotional.

“You and your mother, Maitreya, look very similar.”

Naruto put down the aster and glanced at Kurotsuchi.

Kurotsuchi retreated behind Ziyuan and followed the two in front of him to the stone platform in the middle.

The extinction of the Terracotta Army Legion outside in a short period of time made Huang Quan clear that his current self alone could not pose any threat to the Aster protected by Naruto.

He simply sat on the sedan chair and watched the three walk in front of him.

“Ziyuan, do you know why your mother only sealed me, but didn’t kill me?”

As if sensing that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Huang Quan looked at the witch who followed Naruto, and the corners of his mouth were hooked with an indescribable mockery.

He didn’t wait for Ziyuan to answer, and after a pause, he gave an answer directly.

“That’s because we were originally a divine being! So your mother doesn’t have the ability to make me disappear! And this is the same for you! ”

“Impossible! Are you saying this on purpose, trying to disturb my mind! ”

Shien grabbed the corner of Naruto’s clothes, with obvious panic in his voice.

“I didn’t have to lie to you.”

Huang Quan was also surprised in his heart at Naruto, whose expression did not change in the slightest.

After a little thought, he still focused most of his attention on Ziyuan.

The last time he was in this world, he clearly knew that human ninjutsu could not hurt himself in the slightest.

Even if the other party has the strength to be strong enough to destroy the Terracotta Army, there is no threat to himself.

“You know what, Aster. The so-called seal is to make the witch and the eel merge into one and become who we are who originally have great power.

Your mother, Maitreya, accepted this choice and has been in my belly all these years. And you…”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, you said that my future mother-in-law is in your belly, and I can barely bear it.

If you still say that my daughter-in-law who has not passed the door will also come to your belly, I can’t take this as not hearing! ”

Naruto interrupted Huang Quan’s unfinished words, took a few steps back, squatted in front of the other party and glared at him, then carefully looked at the other party’s stomach.

For a long time, nothing was seen.

“There is no basis for words, I have the ability to release my mother-in-law and prove what you just said!”

Shiyuan’s little face turned red, and the shyness of Naruto’s daughter-in-law who had not passed the door washed away her fear of facing the eel.

Moreover, hearing Naruto say this, she also looked at Huang Quan with her eyes shining.

Naruto is so powerful and can still speak, if he can really see his mother again, his mother will definitely be satisfied with the person he chose.

“… Are you sick! ”

Huang Quan, who was stared at by the eager gaze of the three people, was full of black lines on his brain.

I’m so intimidating!

Do you know what psychological tactics are!

“Cut, don’t blow up what you can’t do, it’s not you who is exposed and humiliated.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Naruto rolled her eyes, scoffed and stood up and walked over to Shien, pushing her back towards the stone platform in front of her.

“Ziyuan, do you know why there are cows flying in the sky? That’s because there’s this Mr. Eel on the ground blowing all the time! ”


Shien couldn’t help but laugh and gently twisted Naruto’s arm in disgust.

Behind him, Huang Quan suppressed his anger.

If he hadn’t known that he couldn’t beat Naruto now, he would have fought Naruto a long time ago!

When he heard Ziyuan’s footsteps sound again, he took a deep breath to calm his excitement and continued his unfinished words before.

“In order to ensure that he can use his power correctly, the former divine body is divided into two and transformed into a heart and a mind.

The two pay attention to each other, watch out for each other, and miss each other. And before you know it, their names gradually become witches and eels. ”

Walking to the center of the sealing array, Shien glanced at the sealing nodes on the four corners, and nodded towards Naruto after making sure there was no problem.

Ask for flowers

“I’m going to start!”

“Leave it to me, I won’t let this wretched guy disturb you.”

Naruto gave a thumbs up, turned his back to Shiyuan, and looked directly at Huang Quan.

With himself here, he wanted to know which one who did not dare to make small movements.

Yes, it’s you wretched guy!

“Hair! Spell! Untie! ”

Standing in the center of the sealing formation, Ziyuan began to do it dozens of times a day, and he had forgotten how many times he had repeated it for more than ten years.

Miraculously, even if I repeat this same set of actions again and again on weekdays, deep down I have nothing else to think about but fear.

But when he really used it, Ziyuan found that his heart was extremely calm.

“My future mother-in-law” “My daughter-in-law who has not passed the door”

Thinking of Naruto’s previous name in front of Huangquan and Kurotsuchi, the little witch’s cheeks couldn’t help but turn red.


The sealing nodes on the four corners lit up as purple balls, floating up with Ziyuan’s body.

The periphery of the entire sealing formation lit up, forming a circular enchantment.

Ziyuan whispered the sealing spell in his mouth, and his hands kept switching the sealing posture.

Boom boom –

The stone platform that sealed the flesh of the eel rose from the front of the formation.

Naruto obviously felt that the aura of Huangquan in front of him was a little urgent.

Over time, the sealing technique cast by Aster gradually progressed to the end.

Wait until the last mark is made.

Ziyuan, who had been closing his eyes all along, opened his eyes suddenly, and pointed his right hand straight at the stone platform in front of him.



Huang Quan, who was sitting on the palanquin chair, drank softly, and the four terracotta warriors who had not moved behind him moved at the same time.

One aimed at Kurotsuchi and the remaining three at Naruto.

The four terracotta warriors raised their long swords in unison and charged with their strides.

And Huang Quan, who commanded the terracotta army’s actions, did not float without any hesitation and rushed straight to the aster in the enchantment.

The other party is still too anxious!

He gave himself the use of the human body to enter the enchantment that could only prevent the soul of the eel, but could not prevent the human body from entering.

“Uncle, do you want to my daughter-in-law?”

Golden chakra chains drilled out of the ground and weaved into a fishing net in front of Huang Quan.

Behind him, came Naruto’s faint voice.

“So fast!”

Huang Quan didn’t have time to look back to observe how Naruto had solved the three terracotta warriors in an instant, and was still able to free his hand to intercept himself.

His mind turned sharply, knowing that if he couldn’t seize this opportunity, he might not have the next chance, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand, burrowed out of the gap in the fishing net formed by the King Kong blockade, and reached into the enchantment.

A black energy body emerged from his palm and flew forward to the stone platform where the flesh was sealed.



Naruto knew he had made a mistake when he saw the other party’s movements.

As soon as the thought moved, the horizontal and vertical chains began to shift diagonally, and almost in the blink of an eye, Huang Quan’s outstretched right hand was broken.

It’s a pity that it’s still a step down.

The eel soul that had successfully entered the interior of the enchantment went straight into the sealed stone platform that had been opened.

Sen Han’s coercion, accompanied by Huang Quan’s voice, slowly flowed out from the stone platform.

“Thank you, for opening the seal that I no longer have the strength to open, the sealer that belongs to your mother!”

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 105

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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