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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 107

“Ziyuan deliberately didn’t hold the Chakra chain just now.”

Kurotsuchi was tied to Naruto’s side, and after watching all the black energy tentacles below be burned in the attack of the storm orb, he whispered.

What the eel did not notice, she saw clearly at close range.

Under normal circumstances, the speed of the King Kong blockade was able to entangle Aster before she fell into the energy space below the sealing array.

But Ziyuan waved his hand for a while, causing it to stagger with the chain!

“No, it’s because I had more words earlier.”

Speaking of this, she also scratched her head a little embarrassed.

His mission was to protect the witch, but because of his excessive mouth, the witch took the initiative to fall into danger.

Although this is also Ziyuan’s own choice, Kurotsuchi still can’t care about it in his heart.

If something really happened to Ziyuan, how could Kurotsuchi not feel guilty for the rest of his life!

“You think?!” Naruto gave Kurotsuchi a blank look, nothing angry.

If it weren’t for the fact that Ziyuan was not in a big deal at the moment, and the Flying Thunder God Technique on the other party’s body could also be activated at any time.

He had already rushed down to let the eel know what a sandbag-sized fist was.

Don’t forget, that little bell has absorbed the energy in the body of Aster for more than ten years.

Even if you can’t completely kill the eel, it’s still no problem to give him an open chamber.

“It seems that I came at just the right time!”

On the ground, a cold, emotionless voice sounded at the entrance of the passage where Naruto had just entered.

Accompanied by the sound of a series of rocket launches.

“Five-finger projectile!”

“What man!” Kurotsuchi turned his head sharply to look down.

Before the other party spoke up, he didn’t notice that outsiders appeared!

Fortunately, since just now, Naruto has been using the King Kong Blockade to bring Kurotsuchi with him, so that she did not let her be hit by the other party’s sneak attack.

A series of missiles with smoking tails passed some distance in front of them, then made a big turn and re-aimed at them.


“Don’t worry!” Naruto soothed Kurotsuchi, and his right hand stood straight on his chest after four seals in seconds, “Fire Dragon Fire Technique!” ”

A rectilinear flame about two meters in diameter was spit out by Naruto, and as his head turned, it turned into an arc and ignited and detonated all the missiles flying towards him in front of him.


Violent explosions sounded simultaneously in the sky and on the ground.

“What are you!” The roar of the eellet constantly echoed in the crater.

The other party’s explosion shattered his body by half.

The resources in the energy space were protected by him!

“Spit—” Naruto spat out two mouthfuls of saliva with a bitter face and looked down.

He really doesn’t like using fire ninjutsu.

The body is strong, the head is bald, and there are several black iron rods inserted in the head and face, reincarnation eyes, and a red cloud robe on a black background.

“Xiao Organization?” Naruto’s gaze swirled back and forth between the other’s reincarnation eyes and robe, “Kakuto didn’t seem to say that their leader was a dead man.” ”

The perception ability was maximized, and Naruto was really surprised this time.

He did not perceive any of the characteristics possessed by living people, such as heartbeat and body temperature, in the other party.

And, as he walked out five people with the same orange hair color, wearing the same uniform, and wearing the same reincarnation eyes.

Even Naruto was a little frozen, “Impossible, absolutely impossible!” ”

The six pairs of reincarnation eyes represent six powerful existences whose strength has entered the level of six immortals.

Even if it is the weakest six realms that a gouyu does not have, it is also a strong person who can dominate the ninja world!

If there really are six pairs of reincarnation eyes in the Xiao organization, there is no need for the three steps that the horns say: make money, monopolize war, and conquer the world

It is entirely possible to suppress one big country with one person and the entire continent with six people.

Naruto’s eyes narrowed, and a shadow princess parted to hug Kurotsuchi, flailing her wings and flying to the edge above the crater to watch the battle.

Mobilized the Chakra of the Nine Lamas who inhaled all the remaining eight tailed beast Chakras into his body.

Naruto’s body, which had already fused the power of Asura into his body, instantly entered the Asura Golden Body mode, which had appeared once a thousand years ago.


Around Naruto’s outer periphery, a set of angular and hideous silver-pink light armor with sharp spikes on the joints was conjured-Jue Silver Dragon Armored!

Coupled with the natural mode, the normalization of the first four doors of the eight doors of Dun Jia, the power of Greer, the power of the dragon vein… and a series of strange abilities.

At this moment, he is the legendary True Asura Ancient Dragon Armor Immortal Normal Four Door Life Force Blessing Foreknowledge Future Naruto Golden Body Mode.

A hodgepodge mode that belongs entirely to Naruto’s own!

It is still not comparable to the naming method of the fourth generation of Hokage.

All in all, it concludes.

Under the gaze of facing the six pairs of reincarnation eyes, Naruto turned on all active and passive skills, bringing out the most powerful state in his two lifetimes.

If it still doesn’t work, there are still a lot of ghost people medicine hardening medicine forced away medicine in his bag.

Occasionally eating a meal is not a big problem.

The lion fighting rabbit also uses full strength.

Naruto who was sure to enter a combat state never left any hands.

“Hula la-”

Naruto’s sudden transformation and the violent wind and waves brought about by his rapid increase in strength blew the six people at the entrance and the rays below to the ground.

“Impossible! When pigs fly! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Especially the eel below, everyone can feel the panic in his voice, “If you really have this strength, how can you let the witch be swallowed by me!” ”

The eel wandered the continent, relying on his special state that was sealed at most and would never be eliminated by people.

But a certain philosopher told us that the so-called immortality is only because the opponent’s attack intensity does not exceed the limit of his own bearing.

As long as there is one cell left, Majin Buu, who can quickly recover into a complete body, can die under the vitality bullet.

The reason why the eel is still alive is simply that he has not encountered a really strong enough opponent.

For example, the six pairs of reincarnation eyes above, and Naruto who is full of fire at the moment.

“Is this my power now?”

Naruto raised his hand and blew a hurricane, blowing a large hole in the inner wall of the volcano in front of him, and the rocks tumbled down and fell into the magma.

“I feel Callekaleta!”

He even raised an urge to fight hand-to-hand with the weird and exciting golden lion who survived to the late stage!

Diagonally below, out of the crowd, just with iron rods stuck in the nose and ears …

Entering the current level, Naruto noticed that it was a prop used to transmit and receive Chakra.

In short, the most normal-looking youth walked out and stood at the front of the line.

“Are you the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force!”

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Naruto heard the affirmative taste from the other party’s tone.

“When did the Xiao Organization enter the Tailed Beast Collection stage?” Naruto didn’t answer the other’s question.

Looking down, he asked his doubts instead.

Upon his return from Loulan, Naruto contacted all the tailed beasts at the request of the Nine Lamas and asked for a bit of their chakra.

This is also the reason why he was able to enter the Asura Golden Body mode.

But at that time, except for sleeping at the bottom of the lake for two or three years, Isofu did not even turn his body.

The rest of the tailed beasts and their human pillar forces were also fine without any problems.


Tendo Payne glanced at Naruto in silence.

Although, two years ago, Kakuto reported to him, and sold some unimportant information of the organization for a large price.

But it wasn’t until some time ago that the whole organization entered the tailed beast capture stage.

Kakuto took out the material that allowed the outer path golem to absorb and directly open his eyes!

At that time, after questioning, he learned that the big boss in Kakuto’s mouth was the nine-tailed man Zhuli, one of their targets.

And because of a certain pitcher plant’s sentence, “People with great power will not be ruled obediently, especially human pillar power.”

So after detecting Naruto’s appearance alone in this small country, Animal Road Payne rode the psychic beast overnight, hurrying to not let this curtain fall.

In order to take Naruto down!

However, looking at Naruto with a billowing golden heat wave in front of him, Payne 813 found that he seemed a little too big?

Below, the pale pink energy suddenly broke through the cover of the eel and rushed straight to the sky.

With a golden halo on his head, his flowing long hair was like an unfolded angel wing, and the aster that exuded a holy aura all over his body loomed in a purple energy enchantment.

“Am I actually so powerful!”

Ziyuan looked at the raised right hand, shook it incredulously, and the excitement on his face suddenly froze before it rose.


The power that poured out from the body not only made the light emitted around Ziyuan’s body shine more and more, but also caused more damage to the eel.

At the same time, Aster also developed the illusion that his body was constantly expanding.

Having inherited the memories of witches from previous generations, she knows that this is the power passed down by the witches of her predecessors, including her mother, with their lives.

Its strength is far beyond its own tolerance!


At the moment when Ziyuan’s brows twisted together, he felt that he was about to explode.

A clock-like black seal appeared on her flat abdomen.

Originally a hand at three o’clock, the minute hand quickly turns round and round, and the hour hand constantly moves towards the next point in time.

Until the hour and minute hands stopped at twelve o’clock.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of glass breaking.

The black clock pattern faded like ink and applied half of the lower abdomen, and the next second, it contracted and condensed into a four-image seal pattern.

At the same time, Ziyuan felt that the witch energy that was constantly gushing out of her body suddenly changed direction and rushed to her lower abdomen, causing her to have an indescribable feeling.

But the physical pain gradually lessened.

Looking down, there was a black sealing formation in front of the lower abdomen that absorbed the witch’s energy.

This was the last insurance Naruto had added to him before!

Looking up, she looked down at Naruto, who looked down at herself, and opened her mouth in surprise.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”.

You finish reading My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 107

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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