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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 114

Yamato suddenly became a little excited when she heard it, she also had a good impression of Marko and them, and she was also a partner who rescued Ace together, and retorted: “How can this be!” The Whitebeard Pirates have just lost Uncle Whitebeard and Ace, and it would be too despicable for us to attack them at this time, and this kind of thing is what the eldest husband calls. ”

“You’re stupid! We are pirates! Who calls him mean, not mean. Runtian scolded immediately as she listened.

And Kaido also reminded: “You are a woman, remember this for me, don’t talk about your eldest husband all day long, this has to do with you half a dime!” Also, our cooperation with the Whitebeard Pirates has ended in Marin Fandor, I told you a long time ago! ”

“Oh.” Yamato also eased Shinto when he listened, but he was still a little worried about the Whitebeard Pirates.

Kaido actually had no intention of dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates, but he was just unhappy that Yamato suddenly interrupted, and said to Ember: “Some things don’t need to be too anxious, although the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses in this 757 war, there are not many deaths in the core backbone, and the Whitebeard Pirates can still rank among the four emperors.” However, the newly emerged Blackbeard is also a falcon, he and the Whitebeard Pirates are completely unstoppable, let them fight! ”

After hearing Kaido’s words, Yamato was shocked and asked, “Father-sama, is that guy called Blackbeard very powerful?” Marko can they beat Blackbeard? ”

Everyone also looked at Yamato, and Kaido also gave an explanation: “If nothing else, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely lose.” ”

“Ah!!!” Yamato looked surprised, she knew very well how strong the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates was, and there were many captains in it who had the strength that was not lost to her.

“None of them can deal with Blackbeard.” Kaido said with some seriousness.

“When Blackbeard only had the Dark Fruit before, he could defeat Fire Fist Ace and become His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas. During the top war, he obtained Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit, the only one in the world with the ability to have double fruits, as long as he can skillfully use the two forces of Shock Fruit and Dark Fruit, then the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who have lost Whitebeard’s protection are by no means Blackbeard’s opponents. ”

Nowadays, the events of the Top War have become the hottest news, Wang Luffy, the sea pirate Bucky, the whitebeard remnants, the red-haired pirate group and other things have been written in the newspaper, and Kaido and Yamato have also been raised the bounty because of their participation in the Top War.

Ember also listened a little solemnly: “Brother Kaido, do you think this Blackbeard will be a threat?” ”

Kaido also said slightly seriously: “That’s for sure, although the strength is not strong now, of course, just for me he is not strong, for you, his strength is very strong, if you can find an opportunity to get rid of him in advance, it is also a good choice.” ”

For Blackbeard’s strength, Kaido also has a rough estimate, because Kaido has not seen what Blackbeard’s strength is after capturing the Shock Fruit, but it is estimated that after obtaining the Shock Fruit, the strength should have increased by one or two ranks, reaching the weak general emperor level or general emperor level!

After all, the original Blackbeard had the strength of a strong emperor deputy level, how could he also increase the level of one or two small ranks after becoming a double-fruit ability.

Moreover, Blackbeard’s setting in the anime is also the last big boss of the Straw Hat Pirates, and I am afraid that Blackbeard will also have a chance to reach the king-level combat power in the future, so Kaido also has to pay attention to him.

If he could, Kaido actually wanted to kill Blackbeard before he fully rose.

“Then we need to help the Whitebeard Pirates solve the Blackbeard Pirates?” Ember asked solemnly.

“Not for the time being, anyway, they should not be able to fight in a short time, and the Whitebeard Pirates have always been proud, even if we throw an olive branch, they may not accept it.”

Jack listened contemptuously: “Indeed, the Whitebeard Pirates have always relied on the light of Whitebeard, resulting in them always being unsightly. ”

Quinn said contemptuously: “The Whitebeard Pirates are now greatly damaged, and there will be many pirates who do not have long eyes to provoke them, and they are estimated to gather troops and garrison their own territory.” ”

Ember looked at Kaido and said seriously: “Brother Kaido, what do we need to do next?” The power you have shown in Marin Fandor has completely surpassed Whitebeard, and the world government and navy also feel that we are the strongest Four Emperors after the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Kaido listened and pondered for a moment: “Then let me talk about a few basic points first, Quinn, you and Caesar try to conquer the pacifist technology, strive to imitate the pacifist, and the yield of artificial devil fruit cannot fall.” ”

Quinn swore a promise: “Don’t worry! Brother Kaido, the factory has also moved over, these things have fallen, pacifist technology, I believe that if I and Caesar jointly research, it should be possible to obtain its core technology in a short time, but to imitate it, it is estimated that it will take some time. ”

“You and Caesar can do these things.” After Kaido finished speaking, he looked at Jack and said, “Jack, you and Sasaki go to Fishman Island!” ”

“Fishman Island?” Jack and Sasaki were also puzzled.

Kaido also explained: “Most of Whitebeard’s territory is in the second half of the New World, and now that Whitebeard is dead, the deterrent power of the Whitebeard Pirate Group has been greatly reduced, and the Whitebeard Pirate Group on Fishman Island will definitely not be able to hold it, so I need the territory of Fishman Island, and you two are Fish-Ren, it is only suitable for you to do this.” ”

Jack also swore a promise: “Don’t worry, this matter will be left to me, Lord Kaido.” ”

“No problem, Governor Kaido.” Sasaki is also guaranteed.

Kaido continued to say to everyone: “Although the Whitebeard Pirates have suffered heavy losses now, but where is the background, we don’t need to touch their brows so early, wait and see!” And I have already made an agreement with BIGMOM, she should come to Wano Country soon, and then I plan to go to the BIGMOM Pirates to unite the alliance. ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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