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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 115

“Alliance? And that BIGMOM pirate group? After hearing Kaido’s thoughts, all the cadres were shocked.

Kaido also explained: “This is something I have already thought about for a long time, and the new world does not need so many kings. ”

“However, relying on the strength of our Hundred Beast Pirate Group alone, it is really difficult to eliminate the remaining three Sea Emperors, and it is pressing them to a hurry, so that they will not join forces to deal with us. In this way, simply let the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group join forces first to defeat the rest of the sea emperors in the New World, and then let the four-emperor pattern become a double-emperor pattern. ”

Hearing Kaido’s strategic ambitions, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were all excited, as long as they can join forces with the BIGMOM Pirate Group and solve the rest of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Red-Haired Pirate Group, when the time comes, the BIGMOM Pirate Group will also be killed backhanded, and the whole new world is not their Hundred Beast Pirate Group?

“So it is! It’s really worthy of Kaido-sama. “As long as the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates can be wiped out, then the BIGMOM Pirates are not a concern.” “Indeed it is.” “The Four Emperors Alliance? It’s exciting! This is definitely a major event that can shake the world! “The cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are also very excited.

Although a single-minded person like Runmei was in joy, Ember soon expressed a different opinion and asked: “Brother Kaido, most of the pirate alliances are interests, and it is easy to be backstabbed by the alliance, can BIGMOM be trusted?” ”

Kaido shook his head and said, “This one! I don’t know, but among the current four emperors, she is already the best choice. ”

Yamato immediately asked, “Why don’t you choose to unite with the whitebeard pirates!” ”

Kaido explained: “The captain of the sixteen bands of the Whitebeard Pirates, Izang, was previously a retainer of Mitsuki Ota~. ”

Yamato was a little surprised, and Kaido continued: “Moreover, the Whitebeard Pirates have more than a dozen captains, and Marko’s overall strength is the strongest one, but it may not be able to suppress the rest of the captains in the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“However, later, we can also help the Whitebeard Pirates and help them deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.” As for the current pattern of the four emperors, the white-bearded pirate group can no longer become the climate, and the slightly more troublesome is the red-haired pirate group, they are known as the iron wall pirate group, although the number is small, but the cadre strength of the red-haired pirate group is stronger than yours, so in order to kill the red-haired pirate group, you must join forces with the BIGMOM pirate group. ”

Hearing Kaido say that the cadres of the red-haired pirate group are stronger than them, this made both the big kanban and the flying sexters a little dissatisfied, but this was said by Kaido, which made them also a little difficult to refute, and Runtian, a single-celled creature, scolded with a big grin: “Hey, Kaido, you are also too popular and destroy your own prestige!” ”

“Sister, don’t talk nonsense!” Peggy Wan next to him looked startled.

Ember also said grimly: “Shut up, Runma, Brother Kaido said this, he must have his own considerations, and the red-haired pirate group is indeed not to be underestimated.” ”

Kaido ignored Runmei and continued: “I used to be on a pirate ship with BIGMOM, and I used to be considered partners, and I owe her some favors, and it is estimated that when she meets me, she will look proud, but it doesn’t matter. At that time, try to give her a little benefit, as long as I can get the BIGMOM Pirates to join forces with me to kill the red-haired Pirates, and then it doesn’t matter if she wants to betray me. ”

Ember listened a little solemnly: “But, Brother Kaido, the BIGMOM Pirates are also extraordinary and resourceful, will they really unite with us?” ”

Kaido was silent, of course he also thought about this matter, although the BIGMOM Pirate Group and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in the original work were indeed aligned, but that was two years later, now BIGMOM how to think Kaido really doesn’t know, coldly said: “Do your best!” If BIGMOM refuses to join forces with us, then we will need to rely on SMILE’s artificial devil fruit and imitation pacifists to increase the power of the Hundred Beast Pirates. ”

“In short, my plan now is to unite with the BIGMOM Pirates first, as long as she is willing to form an alliance with us to deal with the red-haired pirates, and then give her some benefits.” The law of this world is always the law of the jungle, and only the strong deserve to occupy more and better resources. ”

Ember is also a little bloody to listen to, yes! As long as you can let the BIGMOM Pirate Group ally with them, and then take down one of the four emperors, then even if the future BIGMOM Pirate Group betrays them, strength is everything, and Brother Kaido is that Joey Boi, the liberator of the world, excited: “It’s really worthy of Brother Kaido, I will swear to follow Governor Kaido to the death.” ”

Everyone also shouted one after another: “I will wait to follow Governor Kaido to the death…”

At this moment, Yamato next to him was a little cramped and uneasy, and found that he really didn’t seem to be able to integrate into the circle of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group! However, Kaido’s words just now did make Yamato’s blood boil a little, but it was full of too many intrigues and tricks, which she didn’t like very much.

Kaido listened to the corners of his mouth also slightly raised, and then looked at Yamato and asked, “Yamato, what about you!” I would like to know what you think. ”

“Me!” Yamato was also a little overjoyed, but he didn’t expect Kaido to come to ask her opinion, scratching his head and saying, “Father, you are so strong, you can completely defeat the rest of the four emperors by yourself!” That red-haired Shanks shouldn’t be your opponent! ”

Kaido explained again: “Didn’t I just say the reason? The overall cadre of the red-haired pirate group is very strong, and it will also lose a lot when it comes to a tough confrontation, and it is most suitable to find an ally in this situation. ”

Subsequently, Kaido stopped asking Yamato’s opinion, looked at the rest of the people and asked: “For the pattern of the new world, this is roughly the case at present, and then we can take advantage of the situation as soon as the situation changes.” ”

“However, the internal affairs of the country must also be dealt with quickly, so as to avoid samurai trying to subvert the regime when we are fighting overseas.”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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