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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 118

Hearing Yamato’s words, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were speechless, even Kaido, although the relationship with Yamato has eased up a little now, but her thinking is really not compatible with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

“You guy, you really have a hole in your brain! What a stupid thing you are talking about! Runtian listened and scolded directly.

And Quinn was also speechless, looked at Kaido carefully, and complained: “Shouldn’t it be that Brother Kaido was beaten stupid!” ”

Ember also sighed a little helplessly: “She has always been like this, and you don’t know it.” ”


Looking at their quarrel, Kaido was also speechless: “Yamato, you were born in the Hundred Beast Pirates, the pirates around you are undoubtedly not evil, you were born a pirate, how did you grow up to become a big virgin!” In our Hundred Beast Pirate Group, this is really a strange flower! ”

Originally, Kaido thought that he could convince Yamato to stand on the same front as himself, but now it seems that he wants Yamato to completely stand on the same road with himself, and he has a long way to go! This is simply not on the same channel as the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates, maybe one day they will betray themselves in the future!

Thinking that I went to Marin Fandor with Yamato these days, I thought that the father-daughter relationship could be restored, and as a result, I returned to the country of Wano and felt that I had returned to the pre-liberation period.


“Father-sama…” Yamato looked at Kaido with some doubt.

Kaido also didn’t want to discuss these with her, and said grimly: “What you said is too unrealistic, originally I thought that you went to Marin Fando, after seeing the cruelty of the sea, you will grow, and I am ready to make you the fourth big watch of the Hundred Beast Pirates, but you are still so naïve and stupid, I don’t know what to say about you, the country of Wano is my territory, I am the ruler of the country of Wa, you have seen that ruler and the ruled are equal’!” ”

“Even animals have a class divide. If you want equality, I can give you a pair of handcuffs, and you go to the mine and mine with those slaves! Then you can achieve equality with criminals. ”

Yamato listened to Kaido’s words, and suddenly fell silent, she naturally did not want to go mining, and asked: “Then how does Lord Father plan to govern the country of Wano?” ”

Kaido said indifferently: “Just use Quinn’s method!” Some arable fields will be farmed by farmers, and some areas with more polluted land will be built into factories. However, the newly built factory can bury the pipe in advance to avoid discharging sewage into the river, as for the previous factory, at the beginning because we lacked funds, so we did not lay the pipeline, now we have the money, we can also lay the pipeline, the sewage directly into the sea, this is the best solution at present. ”

Yamato listened and fell silent again, and Kaido didn’t want to care about Yamato’s thoughts, and ordered, “Ember, these things will be left to you.” ”


“Father, how can you be like this, even if you build a factory, can you let the people of the country of Wano grow food? If all drugs are grown, then what will the people of Wano Country do? After Yamato heard Kaido’s decision, his eyes were very lonely, and he was also a little disappointed, although he didn’t have much hope for Kaido, but he didn’t expect Kaido to build a factory, so what is the difference between Kazunoku and the previous Black Carbon Great Snake when he was in power!

Quinn came to Yamato with a happy look, and compared to a V victory, obviously a big person, but like a child victorious, he screamed: “Yamato, why do you keep entangled in these!” Anyway, as long as those untouchables work, we will give them a bite to eat, what is the difference between the food we grow and what we buy overseas! If they want to grow food, they can grow food! Lao Tzu just asked them to grow drugs, and they were going to grow drugs…”

Later, Quinn whispered coldly in Yamato’s ear: “Yamato, I know you want to save those pariahs.” Lao Tzu not only wants those untouchables to grow drugs, but also let them also take drugs, and he wants to buy all their money until all the resources available to these untouchables are drained. ”

Yamato was angry when he heard this, and scolded: “Quinn, you scumbag, Father-sama, can’t listen to Quinn’s words, this guy just wants to make your father-sama swear you…”

And Kaido also decided to talk to Yamato well, although he is not good at mouth, but he still has to try to see if he can correct Yamato.

Kaido looked at Yamato and said seriously: “‘~ Yamato, all along, you always feel that the current disaster in Wano Country is caused by me, right?” ”

Yamato was a little silent when she heard this, she didn’t dare to answer, mainly for fear of being beaten, and she didn’t want to be put in prison, but hearing Kaido say this, Yamato was also very happy in his heart, could it be that after so many years, his father finally knew that he had done something wrong and had to correct it, and also defended Kaido: “Although my father is also a little at fault, the main sinner is still the black charcoal serpent, as long as my father no longer builds factories now, and lays pipes for factories, so that the river water in the country of Wano can be clean, The people of Wano Country will definitely thank my father. ”

“Who needs the thanks of those untouchables!” Runtian listened and scolded suddenly; “Damn it! How could such a wise and powerful Lord Kaido give birth to such a stupid daughter! ”

And Yamato completely ignored Runma, but looked directly at Kaido, Kaido was also speechless, sighing: “You always feel that the disaster in Wano Country is caused by me, you see that now Wano Country is full of hunger, but let me tell you!” When I first came to Wano Country, Wano Country was also hungry, no different from more than twenty years ago, and even, more than twenty years ago, Wano Country was worse than in China. ”

“This, how is it possible!” When Yamato heard Kaido’s words, he immediately retorted: “Before you came to Wano Country, Wano Country did not have weapons factories, no sewage polluted the river, the water in the river can be directly drinkable, it can also irrigate good fields, and the people can be self-sufficient, it is impossible to go up like this.” ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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