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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 121

“You are the Seven Wu Sea, and you also have your internal support in the navy, you should have a way to get the time and place of the battle between the green pheasant and the red dog!”

Doflamingo was shocked after hearing this, did Kaido really plan to attack the admiral, and also wanted to get the place and time of the battle between the pheasant and the red dog, this can’t be to run to watch the battle! The civil war between admirals, how can you let a pirate go to watch the battle!

The only explanation is that Kaido wants to kill the admiral, which is crazy! To be honest, this trip to Muddy Water Doflamingo does not want to go, after all, if the matter is revealed, his position in the Seven Martial Seas may not be guaranteed, and he will even be hunted and killed by the navy, after all, he and the four emperors jointly assassinated the admiral, even if he has the title of Draco.

The “673” navy is the face of the world government, and the admiral is the highest combat power of the world government, and there has never been news that the pirates have killed the admiral, it is all news that the admiral arrested a certain sea pirate and so on.

However, Doflamingo is also a crazy pirate, he wants to disrupt the world, if he can really succeed in killing two admirals, then he can definitely hit the navy hard, as for what happens later, Doflamingo is also very much looking forward to it.

“Froo Mr. Kaido. Doflamingo was a little crazy and said, “If this fails, I’m finished.” ”

Kaido didn’t want to be verbose either, and said straight to the point: “Then you can talk about it!” What do you want? ”

Doflamingo heard Kaido’s determination, which made Doflamingo’s expression more and more crazy, and grinned: “Fufur, no, it is my honor to help Mr. Kaido, and this matter will be left to me.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for your news.” After speaking, Kaido directly hung up the phone, he didn’t care if Doflamingo had any conspiracy, anyway, Doflamingo’s strength was so weak, it was not put in Kaido’s eyes at all, Kaido’s goal was only the admiral.

And Doflamingo in Dressrosa was also crazy at this time, laughing maniacally: “Fu Fu Fu, it seems that after the death of Whitebeard, it really entered an era of violent run!” What a crazy thing to assassinate a admiral! ”

“However, this matter still has to rely on Virgo, and it is definitely impossible for the identity of Qi Wuhai to hear about the decisive battle of the admiral.” Doflamingo said to himself, the admiral competes for the decisive battle of the marshal, even Virgo, the vice admiral, may not be able to get accurate information! But try anyway, just tell Kaido the news when the time comes.

And Kaido of Wano Country is also ready to go to Ghost Island to train, all the training equipment is on Ghost Island, there is nothing on the General’s Mansion, and if there is really something in Kazuno Country, Ember can also call him to tell him. He looked at Black Maria and the others: “Okay, you all go and get busy!” I’m going back to Ghost Island to practice, Maria, just remember to come to bedtime in the evening.” ”



Time passed quickly, twenty days passed, in the sea near Wano Country.

At this time, Kaido was swimming quickly in freestyle on the sea, because of his fast speed, strong strength, and when his hands were surging rapidly, tens of meters of waves were stirred up behind.

Because now Kaido’s body is still tied with iron chains, and under the seawater, the end of the chain is still tied with a lot of iron, estimated to weigh several tons or even more than a dozen tons, if Kaido swims slows down, the next second will sink into the sea because of the weight of the dragged iron, in order not to sink, Kaido can only continue to swim faster.

This is also Kaido’s method of referring to the training of Sun Wukong in the original work, after all, after Kaido obtained the Saiyan bloodline, there is no special way to train, and he can only learn the training method of Sun Wukong in Dragon Ball and the training method of Turtle Immortal Flow.

After returning to the ghost island, Kaido began to use this training method on the sea, in order to completely overcome the weakness of the sea, and now he is very successful, he can completely swim at sea, and he can hang more than a dozen tons of iron on his body to swim continuously without sinking into the sea 0….

Through these cultivations, Kaido did indeed feel that his strength became stronger day by day, basically after training every day, he would feel a little better the next day, because the weight of the iron tied to Kaido’s training every day was increasing. However, so far, Kaido’s strength is still only a weak king level, and has not been upgraded to the king level.

And at this time, the bubble-coated phone bug on Kaido’s shoulder rang, and after ringing for three seconds, the phone automatically answered: “Brother Kaido.” ”

“Ember, what’s going on?” Kaido said grimly.

Ember reported: “The BIGMOM Pirates have arrived in Wano Country, what do we need to do. ”

“Just let them in, I’ll be right there.” Kaido responded coldly and began to swim in the direction of Jiuli.


Coming to the waterfall under the wall of Wano Wai, Kaido went up against the current, swimming faster, and even dived directly into the water, and the passive skills of the fish fruit allowed Kaido to breathe in the water.

Hesitation waterfall is almost ninety degrees, want to cross this graben, you must be harder than in ordinary seawater, plus Kaido is also tied to more than a dozen tons of iron, 2.6 seriously affects Kaido’s play, but the more this happens, the more excited Kaido is, swimming faster.

A few minutes later, Kaido crossed the water again and began swimming towards the shore.

Soon, Kaido went ashore, and at this time Kaido untied the chains on his hands and feet, wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, and the maid who had been waiting here immediately handed over the towel.

After Kaido wiped his body casually, he took the clothes from their hands and put them on, and said coldly: “Where are the people of the BIGMOM Pirate Group now?” ”

Monet replied respectfully: “It’s already at Blade Dance Port.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaido listened to his body and immediately turned into a green dragon and flew towards Blade Dance Port.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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