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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 125

The two are still competing for strength, and Peggy Wan also recognized who the other party was, Charlotte Dafu, Charlotte Lingling’s third son, with a bounty of 300 million Bailey, is a rare strong person in the Charlotte family.

“Enough, stop! Runny. Kaido shouted.

“Lord Kaido…,” Runnian exclaimed with some dissatisfaction.

“Stand down, Runnie.” Ember also said coldly at this time.

Runtian was a little unhappy to hear, but she still didn’t make a move, and the BIGMOM on the other side also said indifferently: “Ma Ma, you also step down!” Daifuku. ”

“Yes, Mom.”

And the Charlotte family is also very happy at this time, after all, in the duel of the four emperors, this time their BIGMOM pirate group has the upper hand, the same four emperors pirate group, everyone has their own pride, how can they lose face when they meet!

Kaido was already a little angry at this time, and the old woman BIGMOM actually gave herself a horse as soon as she came up, which made Kaido feel very unhappy in his heart, and said coldly: “Lingling, now immediately return the life of my subordinates to them, this matter will pass like this.” ”

Charlotte Lingling was a little surprised, originally she planned to give Kaido a dismount, so she just took away the life of his subordinates for a few years, and then she was ready to tease Kaido a few words and return these lives to them, but she didn’t expect Kaido to not seem to be angry as she imagined! Is it because the wounds of the war on the top are not healed? So ~ converged with temper.

Thinking of this, the corner of Charlotte Lingling’s mouth hooked a fierceness, this is a good opportunity to suppress the Four Emperors! How could she let it go! Especially Kaido has now become the strongest creature in the land, sea and air, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is also known as the strongest pirate group, which makes Charlotte Lingling very unhappy, after all, Charlotte Lingling has always had a kind of pride for Kaido, if it were not for the fish and fish fruit he gave to Kaido back then, I am afraid that Kaido would not be able to be this four emperors, let alone the strongest creature in the land, sea and air! In a sense, he can be regarded as having achieved Kaido, the four emperors-.

Charlotte Lingling said fiercely: “Well, of course, it’s no problem, but before that, let the old lady see how many or two you are, the strongest creature in the land, sea and air!” Napoleon…”

“Yes, Mom.” The tricorn hat worn on Charlotte Lingling’s head immediately changed into a giant sword, which was held by Charlotte Lingling in her hand.

“Che, do you still have to fight?” Kaido saw Charlotte Lingling’s posture, the corners of his mouth also hooked a smile, fighting is the best way to solve it, smiling viciously: “Exactly, take you to try my new trick.” ”

“Arrogant.” Charlotte Lingling roared angrily, and the Napoleon longsword in her hand began to wrap around domineering, and roared: “Eat my move, Elbaf’s spear is mighty.” ”

“Run away!” “Don’t be affected.” “This is a battle of the Four Emperors!” The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group all ran away.

Looking at the powerful energy wave of the blow, with Kaido’s speed, you can completely dodge it, not to mention that before Charlotte Lingling uses this move, she can rush over to attack and interrupt Charlotte Lingling, after all, Charlotte Lingling’s domineering is a short board, and she has no way to predict the future.

However, Kaido also wanted to see how powerful her move was, clenched the mace, and purple lightning appeared on the mace: “Thunder gossip…”

A stick fell on the shock wave, and under one blow, the shock wave was shattered, and a gust of wind suddenly exploded.

However, from a distance, it was as if the shock wave of the Wei Kingdom fell on Kaido’s body and erupted from the wind.

“It’s so powerful, Mom’s attack hit Kaido.” Soon, Charlotte Cree said with a happy face.

But Katakuri, who was next to him, disagreed: “It’s not that simple. ”

“Has Lord Kaido been hit?” “Why didn’t Lord Kaido hide!” The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were also puzzled.

Soon, after the smoke and dust passed, Kaido stood in place, and there were traces of explosion impact on the ground below Kaido, but the ground under Kaido’s feet and the ground behind Kaido did not have the slightest trace of impact, Kaido also had no dust on his body, which perfectly interpreted the smoke without injury.

“Blocked?” Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido without anything at all, which was completely within her expectations, after all, she also knew Kaido’s strength, and said with a sinister smile: “Prometheus…”

“Yes, mother…” Prometheus, having received the order, immediately attached to Napoleon, and the huge blade turned into a flame sword.

“Come on! Kaido…” Charlotte Lingling roared, rushed towards Kaido, suddenly startled, because she entered at this time could not sense Kaido’s breath, obviously Kaido was in front of her, but her own domineering but could not sense Kaido’s breath, what’s going on?

And Kaido controlled his breath at this time and suppressed his qi. That’s right, Kaido’s new trick is to see and hear kill, also called qi control.

After the last battle with the red-haired Shanks, Kaido understood the principle of seeing and smelling color, which is to avoid the detection of seeing and smelling the domineering by controlling his breath and lowering his qi, which is a little similar to the hidden qi in Dragon Ball.

After knowing the principle, Kaido returned to the country of Wano and began to try, especially Kaido has been training in the water for the past twenty days, not only to exercise physical strength, but also to try to explore a way to see and kill by himself, that is, to hide his breath. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, Kaido’s talent itself is very good, and the original wine dragon gossip has a trick of stealing after drinking, which is enough to show Kaido’s talent for learning.

Although Kaido and Shanks did not drink alcohol when they fought, Kaido’s own learning ability was very good, and with the addition of understanding the principle of seeing and hearing killing, as well as the means of hiding qi in Dragon Ball, he quickly mastered the principle of seeing and hearing killing.

Watching the burning sword slash over, Kaido’s domineering appearance had already foreseen Charlotte Lingling’s attack trajectory.

Sure enough, Charlotte Lingling slashed over, Kaido’s figure flashed, easily dodged Charlotte Lingling’s knife, under Charlotte Lingling’s shocked eyes, Kaido picked up the mace and hit Charlotte Lingling’s face.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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