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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 126

“Thunder gossip…” A stick fell, Charlotte Lingling instinctively raised her hand to block, but how could this hasty defense be blocked!

The bang hit Charlotte Lingling’s left arm, and then the force did not decrease, the mace fell on Charlotte Lingling’s fat face, even Charlotte Lingling with a steel balloon was spraying blood from her mouth and nose, and the whole person was directly shot into the air, and the huge body rotated 36,000 degrees in the air before finally landing on the ground a hundred meters away.

Although Kaido’s current strength is still a weak king-level combat power in terms of combat strength estimation, Kaido is indeed stronger now than when he was in the top war.

Charlotte Lingling is different from the admiral, her shortcomings are very obvious, in addition to resisting the beating, the rest are not good, when “six two zero”, even if she is resisting, she can’t carry Kaido’s mace.

This scene, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group are stupid, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group believe that Kaido will win, but did not expect that it would be this kind of second-kill situation, and the BIGMOM Pirate Group was even more shocked, that invincible mother, since she was sent out by Kaido with a move, and also bleed, you must know that even if it is Katakuri’s attack, it is impossible to hurt my mother.

“Mom…” the BIGMOM Pirates said in shock, even if Kaido’s strength is strong, it won’t be like this! Obviously, they are also the four emperors, and the gap cannot be so big!

“It’s really worthy of being Governor Kaido.” “See no, BIGMOM Pirate Group, this is the power of the strongest creatures in the land, sea and air.” “Governor Kaido is invincible.” The Hundred Beast Pirate Group was excited.

“It’s so powerful, what happened to my father’s trick just now?” Yamato was also shocked when he looked at it, BIGMOM’s strength is definitely not weak, but he was actually sent out by Kaido.

“Mom, how could it be, even the four emperors can’t have such a big gap! Mom…,” Perospero said at this point.

Katakuri said solemnly: “What kind of means is this, Kaido just didn’t know what method to use, so I couldn’t predict his future at all.” ”

Brie, who was next to her, listened in shock: “What? How is this possible! Could it be that Kaido’s domineering appearance is even more powerful than Katakuri’s brother? ”

Katakuri said solemnly: “I’m afraid, more than a little more powerful than me, but this is no longer a matter of seeing and hearing the strength of the color, but I can’t predict his actions.” This was also the first time he had watched Kaido’s battle up close, and he didn’t expect it to be so tough.

“Eh, damn it! Kaido…” At this time, Charlotte Lingling covered her bleeding face and slowly climbed up, at this time the forearm of her left arm was broken, the bridge of her nose was also broken, and her nose was directly crooked.

“Mom, are you all right! Mother…,” Zeus asked with a worried look.

And the children of the Charlotte family were also shocked, they saw the invincible mother injured for the first time, and they were directly broken bones.

“How! Lingling, do you want to come? Kaido said indifferently carrying the mace.

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly, escaped a white soul from her body, and whispered: “Bones, I give you three months of life, give me recovery!” “Say, Charlotte

Lingling injected the white soul directly into her left arm and nose bone, and the left arm and nose that had just been broken recovered at once.

Kaido looked a little surprised and said, “Oh, I forgot that you still have this ability.” ”

Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido, a rare touch of fear appeared in her eyes, just now she was completely unable to predict Kaido’s actions, and Kaido’s explosive power at that moment was too strong, on Kaido’s body, he saw the shadow of Roger, and roared: “Kaido, why, why do you guy use Roger’s trick.” ”

“Roger’s trick?” Kaido was a little puzzled, and then reacted: “You are talking about seeing and killing!” ”

“That’s right, it’s this trick, how did you get this trick?” Charlotte said coldly.

Kaido said with a smile on his lips: “When I went to the top war, I met the red-haired Shanks, had a fight with him, and learned from him. ”

Hearing this answer, Charlotte Lingling’s heart became even more resentful, and Kaido continued: “Okay, Lingling, if you want to continue fighting, then come!” If you don’t want to fight, hurry up and return the life of my subordinates to them 0….”

Suddenly, Charlotte Lingling was even more angry, gritting her teeth and saying: “I haven’t seen it for so many years, and I have become arrogant!” Kaido. ”

Kaido also snorted coldly and said contemptuously: “It’s you who have nothing to do first, originally we could have sat down and have a drink together, and then talk about cooperation and other things, you have to pretend in front of me, pretend to pay the price.” ”

“Bastard…” When Charlotte Lingling heard this, she was even more angry, but she couldn’t refute it, after all, just now she really wanted to give Kaido a dismount, and snorted coldly: “Hmph, it’s really unpleasant!” Kaido. ”

Charlotte Lingling waved her big hand, countless white souls were released by him, and these souls also returned to the original owner, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, which had just been drained of its weak soul, also recovered its strength at this time, and said excitedly: “Great, my life expectancy is back.” “You know, admit it! BIGMOM。 “Even if it’s the same four emperors! There is also a gap between the four emperors. ”

The BIGMOM Pirates had a very ugly face, and Charlotte Lingling also scolded: “Kaido, these dogs under your hand are not very polite!” ”

Hearing Charlotte Lingling’s words, all of a sudden, the Hundred Beast Pirates covered their mouths and did not dare to say more.

Kai 5.6 laughed and walked towards Charlotte Lingling: “Hmm, that’s fine!” Welcome to the Land of Wa, Lingling. ”

Charlotte Lingling also showed a smile, and also ridiculed: “It seems that you have indeed become a lot stronger!” Kaido, the title of the strongest creature in the land, sea and air is indeed worthy of you, but don’t forget one thing. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaido was a little puzzled and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

Charlotte Lingling grinned viciously and pointed at Kaido: “If it wasn’t for the old lady giving you the fish and fish fruit, would you have been able to become this Four Emperors?” Can you become the strongest creature in this land, sea and air? Remember me, you owe me a great favor. ”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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