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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 130

In fact, Yamato also roughly knows that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group Alliance, in order to trust, each side sends personnel to the other Pirate Group to prevent the other party from betraying, and he was just sent to the BIGMOM Pirate Group by Kaido as a hostage, which made Yamato very cold.

However, for Yamato, this is a rare opportunity to leave Wano Country, and finally agreed, after all, by Kaido’s side, even without handcuffs, he still does not have the slightest freedom, even to build a factory, Kaido will send Runmi to supervise her at any time, and the entire Wano Country, for her, is a huge cage.

“Oh, you can’t see it! Kaido, you still spoil your daughter! Charlotte Lingling teased a little, after all, Kaido was completely discussing with Yamato just now, which was simply a bit surprising! The more Kaido is like this, the more he has to take care of Yamato, after all, this is also a card that can contain Kaido in the future.

Kaido didn’t care what Charlotte Lingling thought, for Kaido’s, Yamato has always been a chicken rib, and there is no good way to take her himself, now Yamato is still obedient overall, so Kaido has no intention of putting her in prison, but Kaido feels that Yamato has always been not with him ~ on the boat.

Simply sending the BIGMOM Pirates may make her change, anyway, Kaido’s purpose is to unite the BIGMOM Pirates, and Kaido also wants to see how Lingling will treat her if Yamato is still that lawless in the BIGMOM Pirates!

Charlotte Lingling said excitedly: “Then, the BIGMOM Pirates are now officially united with the Hundred Beast Pirates. ”

Kaido was also happy when he listened: “Well, little ones, toast to our alliance.” ”

“Oh!!!!!” Suddenly, the pirate groups on both sides raised their glasses.

After a glass of wine, with the announcement of the alliance between the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates, the relationship between the two sides was much more harmonious at once.

The banquet lasted all day, and the BIGMOM Pirates did not leave until the next day.

In Blade Dance Harbor, above the Anthem of the Queen Mother.

Yamato stood at the stern of the ship, watching the ship begin to sail, gradually sailing away from the port of Karumi, Yamato was very excited in his heart, and he finally left the country of Wano.

Although it is possible to jump from one prison to another when you go to the BIGMOM Pirates, BIGMOM’s strength is not as terrifying as Kaido, as long as you find the opportunity, you will definitely be able to escape from all nations.

And Yamato is also looking forward to going to all nations, after all, the only time he left Wano Country since he was a child was the last time he went to the headquarters of the Navy, and after going, it was completely a battle.

I haven’t been to all nations this time, and I heard Kaido say that there are still a lot of food in all nations, and I have to try them myself, anyway, Yamato doesn’t want to stay in the country of Wano for a long time, he wants to go on adventures like Mitsuki Ota, even if he goes to all nations as a hostage, he has to have a good time.

Looking at the phone worm in her hand, this was given to her by Kaido before leaving, saying that she could call directly if there was something.

Now that he has left the country of Wano, he is without handcuffs on his body, and he will no longer be bound by Kaido, and he can finally be free.

Thinking of this, Yamato’s heart was very excited.

At this time, the members of the Charlotte family looked at Yamato’s body standing at the stern of the ship and trembled a little, thinking that Yamato had left the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and was reluctant in his heart, or felt that he was going to go to all nations as a hostage, and they were afraid in their hearts, and they didn’t know how to comfort them.

Next to Yamato, there is a giant race that is tens of meters tall and half human and half horse, and it is the second tooth among the numberers, because Yamato is going to all nations, so he specially asked Kaido to ask for the second tooth, and Kaido also followed her meaning.

“Yamato, what’s wrong with you?” Erya looked at Yamato and asked.

“Great, I finally, finally left Wano Country.” Yamato raised his hands excitedly and said happily, looking at Erya and excitedly: “Erya, we have finally gone to sea now, and we will take a good risk!” ”

Erya also smiled stupidly: “Well, no matter what you do, I will follow Yamato you.” ”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! It looks like I’m having fun! Yamato. Charlotte Lingling was also very happy at this time, originally she just wanted Yamato to come to her pirate group, in order to stabilize the alliance with Kaido.

As a result, she also bought one and got one free, and attached an ancient giant race, you must know that the giant race is the race she has always dreamed of! Although this ancient giant race was transformed through industrial technology and is not a real giant race, there is no doubt that this numbered person Erya definitely has more powerful combat power than ordinary giant races.

In this way, the race of giants that was lacking in all nations could now be regarded as having it, and her dream was one step closer to completion.

Charlotte Lingling was also very happy, and introduced Yamato: “Yamato, my kingdom is much larger than the country of Wano, it is formed by thirty-four islands, with all the races in the world, everyone can sit and eat together, and the kingdom has the most desserts in the world.” ”

Yamato was also a little excited when he heard it: “Really? Then let’s hurry up and go to all nations! I’m really looking forward to it! ”

“Okay.” Charlotte Lingling was also happy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yamato looked at Charlotte Lingling and spoke, “That, BIGMOM, if I want to go out on an adventure in the future, you should agree!” You won’t restrict my freedom just because I’m a hostage, are you? ”

“Bastard, this girl is so rude to her mother.” The members of the Charlotte family were dissatisfied at once.

And Charlotte Lingling was the same, unhappy: “Didn’t your father teach you how to respect others?” You should call me Aunt Lingling, you know? ”

Yamato said casually: “Oh, then, will you restrict my freedom or something after that!” ”

The surrounding Charlotte family members were angry: “You guy, it’s too rude.” “Even if you’re Kaido’s daughter, you can’t be so rude to your mother.” “Mom, let me teach this rude girl a lesson!” “That’s right, you have to teach her a lesson.”

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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