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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter Chapter 132

Hearing this, the admiral colonel also sighed with emotion: “No wonder Kaido can join forces with BIGMOM, it turns out that they have known each other decades ago!” ”

“It’s unimaginable! Once such a group of monsters turned out to be companions on a ship. “Well, after all, these people find it scary just thinking about it.” “Fortunately, this Rocks Pirate Group is now disbanded.”

Karp said a little seriously: “Although the Rocks Pirates are powerful, they are not united within them because they are too strong, so they will eventually fall apart, but today’s Hundred Beast Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates, Captain Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, they all have absolute prestige in their respective pirate groups, and they are the existence of a word.” ”

Sengoku also said at this time: “Now Kaido’s strength is probably no less than that of Locks, and may even be stronger than the Rocks of the year, and BIGMOM is also the strongest woman in the world today, the union of the two four emperors, this force is definitely beyond the white-bearded pirate group of the top war, and even surpasses the former Rocks pirate group, which is a huge challenge for our navy.” ”

The yellow ape also listened with a lewd look: “Good 04 is afraid!” At this time, Marshal of the Warring States, you have to resign as Marshal. ”

After hearing the words of the yellow ape, the rest of the navy also said: “Yes! Marshal, why do you resign at this time! Now we need you to lead us! “Yes! Now at this time, Marshal of the Warring States, you resign, if something happens to the BIGMOM Pirate Group and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, our Navy is afraid that it will not be able to deal with it! ”

Warring States listened with a bitter smile and soothed: “In the end, I am also old, the future of the navy belongs to you young people, after all, the position of marshal cannot always be occupied by me, an old man!” ”

Listening to the words of the Warring States, the rest of the people were silent, and the Warring States spoke: “Okay, now let’s get down to business, now there are two candidates for the marshal, Kuzan, and Sakaski.” ”

Hearing the words of the Warring States, the green pheasant and the red dog in the conference room listened to the faces were frozen, and the Warring States looked at the two and said with some solemnity: “Originally, according to the normal situation, there was no need to be in such a hurry to elect the marshal, but because of the alliance of the four emperors, the death of Whitebeard, and the vacancy of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai candidates, the new world and even the whole world may have huge changes, so the government requires that a new marshal of the navy be elected as soon as possible, and their proposal is, in a duel, the winner is the new marshal of the navy.” ”

“Of course, this is just a proposal of the world government, as a navy, the election of marshals is also an internal matter for us, and we do not necessarily have to accept the proposal of the world government.” Moreover, as a senior admiral, it is the strongest combat force of the navy, and anyone who suffers damage is a loss for the navy and even the world, so as the current marshal of the navy, my proposal is to use the electoral system, one person for a general-level officer, one vote, and the one who gets the most votes becomes a marshal. ”

“This can’t work, Kuzan’s character is too weak, he is not suitable for being a marshal of the navy.” The red dog listened to it and immediately stopped working, the green pheasant has the full support of the Warring States and Karp, and he will definitely get more votes than him, I didn’t see that the Warring States directly recommended the green pheasant as a marshal in front of the steel bone sky and the five old stars! If it weren’t for the fact that the five old stars wanted Chi Inu to serve as the marshal of the navy even more, it is estimated that the green pheasant would already be a marshal of the navy now.

Why did you not see this one-person-one-vote election system when your Warring States elected the next naval marshal, but directly went to the front of the five old stars and directly recommended the green pheasant to become the next naval marshal.

It is clear that when you are in a war at the top, you directly make the most meritorious contributions and kill the most pirates, and you, the marshal, will never be able to see it, right!

Seeing that the red dog reacted so much, this was not expected by the Warring States, although the green pheasant himself was not very concerned about the marshal of the navy, but he did not want the red dog to be a marshal, and said: “To be honest, I am not very interested in the position of the marshal of the navy, and anyone who is a marshal of the navy can actually be.” However, if it is you Akainu who becomes a marshal of the Navy, I will definitely not accept it, your character is too fierce, and you become a Marshal of the Navy, which is an absolute disaster for the Navy. ”

Akainu, you listened and immediately scolded angrily: “Then you become a marshal of the navy!” With your lazy and lazy personality, you becoming a marshal of the navy will only fuel the arrogance of the pirates. ”

After all, this is a struggle for the highest power in the Navy, Kuzan’s age is a few years younger than him, if Kuzan becomes a marshal of the navy, then he will never have the opportunity to become a marshal in the future, so this time must be fought, otherwise he will definitely have no chance with the marshal in the future.

Seeing that the red dog’s gunpowder smell is so heavy, this is also what no one expected, although the red dog and the green pheasant do not have a good relationship on weekdays, but they did not expect that for the position of marshal, no one will back down.

Sengoku frowned slightly as he listened, he also didn’t like the justice of the red dog, so he recommended a milder pheasant to take over his shift, and asked, “Sakaski, what do you mean?” ”

Chi Inu said seriously: “Of course, according to the method of the world government, Kuzan, how!” Do you dare to fight with me, whoever wins will be the marshal. “Anyway, Akainu will not accept the electoral system proposed by the Warring States, if one person, one vote, then most of the generals in the navy will vote for the pheasant, after all, the influence of the Warring States and Karp is here, and, although I don’t want to admit it, but the popularity of this guy Kuzan is indeed better than him.”

Anyway, the duel is also a plan proposed by the world government, as long as he ignores the electoral system of the Warring States, then the world government will definitely put pressure on the Warring States to let him go to duel with Kuzan, for his own strength, Akato has absolute confidence, anyway, as long as he defeats the pheasant, he can directly become a marshal of the navy.

The green pheasant was also angry, and if he was provoked like this, he would definitely fight back, and said coldly: 720 “Okay, then as you wish, I have long wanted to fight you, Sakaski.” ”

Seeing that the situation still turned out like this, Sengoku also sighed, and had to agree: “Okay!” Even if you have all made a decision, then I will not say anything more, the place is Punk Hassad, where you will go to fight then! I hope you two end up at the end. ”

Chi Inu listened to the cold snort and said, “Don’t worry, as long as this guy Kuzan says to admit defeat, I won’t hurt him too badly.” ”

The green pheasant also had a cold face at this time, and said sarcastically: “This sentence should be for me, I don’t know if your previous injuries from Kaido and Whitebeard have recovered, if you don’t recover, or go to recuperate first, I can wait for your injuries to fully recover before dueling with you.” ”

“Hmph, it’s small.” Chi Inu snorted coldly.

Looking at a few words, the smell of gunpowder of the two reached its peak, and the rest of the navy did not dare to speak, and at the same time, they were all curious, the red dog general and the green pheasant general, the two of them are more powerful!

When they were in the top war, they had all faced Kaido and Whitebeard, but the red dog was obviously not lightly injured by the two, while the green pheasant was not much injured.

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My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

我叫漩涡鸣人 是个怪物猎人
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Story of: My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am a monster hunter

Naruto Uzumaki, who traveled through another world and slayed dragons for decades, thought he could live an ordinary life after returning. Dream life: Marry a beautiful wife with a good figure, a rich family that will save you twenty years of hard work, and do something you love every day Reality situation: The Third Hokage, Root Leader, Raikage Tsuchikage and Akatsuki Group jump out from time to time to cause trouble for themselves. In the end, when a certain Konoha Dance King danced in front of him, he finally understood that some people were born to be incompetent!


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